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The Lounge : Growers Round Table Discussion Thread


Active member
Very pure form of cal carb in RO water IME delivers Ca better than any other method I've ever seen

this would be an example. I buy my minerals from Chem suppliers though for best quality and cost

I'd like to give this a swirl, got chem grade CaCO3 99%+, 0.24µm partical size.

Do you add anything else instead of RO water? An acid to get around 6 pH?
At what rate do you find it easy on the plants and the sprayer?


Chasing the Present
I'd like to give this a swirl, got chem grade CaCO3 99%+, 0.24µm partical size.

Do you add anything else instead of RO water? An acid to get around 6 pH?
At what rate do you find it easy on the plants and the sprayer?

if I'm just trying to get Ca into the plant, then RO and just the Ca, nothing more - I've found you can do up to 2TBS / G and still not clog up, at least with the spray methods I've used - Generally though I use around 1tbs / Gallon - it's plenty - the finer the spray the better, it doesn't take much at all to do a lot of foliage...

I bet your plants with thank you :)


Well-known member
You would need 2.4 grams to hit 200ppm in a gallon.

B and Si would be helpful in getting the Ca into the plant.

On sending samples to Logan that have been dried and labeled comfrey... I drove samples to labs in Michigan, dropped them off. The next day I was told to pick them all up. The samples made the lab stink, plain and simple. I would be more leery of mailing such samples to Ohio. Or is this just something that has become the norm now for tissue sampling?


Chasing the Present
You would need 2.4 grams to hit 200ppm in a gallon.

B and Si would be helpful in getting the Ca into the plant.

On sending samples to Logan that have been dried and labeled comfrey... I drove samples to labs in Michigan, dropped them off. The next day I was told to pick them all up. The samples made the lab stink, plain and simple. I would be more leery of mailing such samples to Ohio. Or is this just something that has become the norm now for tissue sampling?

If you need the B..., I get the whole Ca & B relationship but you should try it both ways and see what you think, especially if you're comfortable with your B levels. Something about just a near pure Ca spray onto the underside of leaves of near every plant I've tried it on seem to do something different, maybe it's a issue unique to me, who knows.

I hear ya on the lab, seemed iffy to me. Another lab in OH, is OH the new state, I thought laws there were still draconian....


Active member

Fist size cookie nugs on the right. I don’t get that whole they don’t like light thing


Chasing the Present
You would need 2.4 grams to hit 200ppm in a gallon.

B and Si would be helpful in getting the Ca into the plant.

On sending samples to Logan that have been dried and labeled comfrey... I drove samples to labs in Michigan, dropped them off. The next day I was told to pick them all up. The samples made the lab stink, plain and simple. I would be more leery of mailing such samples to Ohio. Or is this just something that has become the norm now for tissue sampling?

what do you think 1TBS or 2 TBS weighs? or care to calculate? are you saying this is all waste, it has to be more than 2.4g? it won't precipitate out above those rates IME, are u using pure?

waste, it has to go somewhere... what if the excess amount allows for much better, realistic full coverage in a fair amount or short amount of time, or is that just hogwash? hmmmmmm



Well-known member
what do you think 1TBS or 2 TBS weighs? or care to calculate? are you saying this is all waste, it has to be more than 2.4g? it won't precipitate out above those rates IME, are u using pure?

waste, it has to go somewhere... what if the excess amount allows for much better, realistic full coverage in a fair amount or short amount of time, or is that just hogwash? hmmmmmm


11.25 grams per tablespoon. Via my tablespoon and scale. That is roughly 950 ppm. This is a typical 99% precipitated CaCO3 on the market as pharmaceutical grade.

200 PPM has provided tomatoes without any BER, so I haven't ever needed to go above those rates. Even at 200ppm, I still use citric acid to chelate the Ca. I would 100% chelate at higher rates.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I drove samples to labs in Michigan, dropped them off. The next day I was told to pick them all up. The samples made the lab stink, plain and simple. I would be more leery of mailing such samples to Ohio. Or is this just something that has become the norm now for tissue sampling?

Which leaves did you take? We are only sending in leaves in veg or early flower. We wash the leaf samples, dry them in a low temp oven til crunchy. Then we pull the petiole and some of the fibers that are attached to the petiole from the samples and then crunch the sample by hand into a powder.

No heavy smell that way and the rumor is that they know what they are testing and don't care. Key to NOT use the post office and use a service like fedex or DHL.


Chasing the Present
Which leaves did you take? We are only sending in leaves in veg or early flower. We wash the leaf samples, dry them in a low temp oven til crunchy. Then we pull the petiole and some of the fibers that are attached to the petiole from the samples and then crunch the sample by hand into a powder.

No heavy smell that way and the rumor is that they know what they are testing and don't care. Key to NOT use the post office and use a service like fedex or DHL.

Why use a lab in a state that requires all this fuss and not just one elsewhere? I'm still confused


Well-known member
Which leaves did you take? We are only sending in leaves in veg or early flower. We wash the leaf samples, dry them in a low temp oven til crunchy. Then we pull the petiole and some of the fibers that are attached to the petiole from the samples and then crunch the sample by hand into a powder.

No heavy smell that way and the rumor is that they know what they are testing and don't care. Key to NOT use the post office and use a service like fedex or DHL.

#3 fan from the top on 6-8 week old seed plants. Chem91 bases strain...stinks at all stages.

Why use a lab in a state that requires all this fuss and not just one elsewhere? I'm still confused

How does that song go...Money money...


Active member
You know...2 of us shared actual tissue data. Me thinks you don’t see that in any other thread

But the talk is not what does it mean. It is why you make that choice

Ain’t worth it anymore. I am out


Chasing the Present
You know...2 of us shared actual tissue data. Me thinks you don’t see that in any other thread

But the talk is not what does it mean. It is why you make that choice

Ain’t worth it anymore. I am out

It's generous to share, I'm sure many appreciate a lot of what you share, probably even a lot of things you never realize - BUT your tissue data, specific to your situation(s), variables etc really offer up little true value to others without a LOT more pertinent information and even then, points in time unique in time, singular ones - now hundreds or thousands of them points, there's some more value - who been doing that :) and as I've always said, if you giveth you can taketh some... what's my point, you're not sharing anything that is so unique / grail-like that's so above what many, many others have shared in here. This site is large, picture driven, there are other types of forums out there to seek more

Why do you make that choice, to share any data, tissue data etc? If you're not sharing a LOT more, is there really much to talk about? I wouldn't expect you nor many to share a "lot" to the masses in here, perhaps just enough to meet your goal(s)?

Why was it worth it before, but not anymore?

I need that decoder ring :)

.... My nature is to figure out the why, always has been, why things work, why people do things and so on, not just to be told.... If my questions offend they truly aren't intended too, simply to fulfill my selfish seek of WHY :)

My guess you'll be back, this record has gone around a few times before IME - unless you've finally got what you were looking for....




Well-known member
You know...2 of us shared actual tissue data. Me thinks you don’t see that in any other thread

But the talk is not what does it mean. It is why you make that choice

Ain’t worth it anymore. I am out

Why don't you explain to us all why the yield was half as much between the 2 sets of data you posted? Very few people have tissue data to share on cannabis. I'm a nut about data and I have zero on tissue on cannabis. That is why I asked about it in the first place.

Information was already passed along on your samples also... Do you think your Mg and S are in proper ranges, allowing proper Ca and P uptake? We all know your in coco and the inherent issues, we don't know anything else except a high EC. Thanks for the number set either way.

I can post a couple hundred dyno graphs of various engines...without any background information on the engine/setup, they are just graphs...

If Mike wants anyone to send illegal substances across state lines to a lab in OH...an explanation is required. I'm sorry if you feel that it isn't. What makes Logan the cream of the crop, the same goes for Spectrum?

I also asked Mike how many samples he took within the washing process of the soil he posted plants in. It was ignored...Why? He might actually have to post a sample and share some of that data. My opinion anyways...

We all believe we are leaving something on the table as far as plant nutrition and subsequent plant potential. Would you like to go through each single element individually and fully discuss them in-depth as far as in nutrient solution, in coco and in soil and disclose your ideals rates and ratios?

I'll quit now.


Well-known member
Are there other labs doing tissue analysis?

All the numbers do have relevance, less without background data. If you had a value of a specific element you could use the ratios of the others to get a general direction.
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Well-known member
Are there other labs doing tissue analysis?

All the numbers do have relevance, less with background data. If you had a value of a specific element you could use the ratios of the others to get a general direction.

What is your method for tissue samples? Where do you send cannabis samples?

Does tissue show a 1:1 change when nutrient profile is altered?

I just find it rather funny when monetary gain creates paranoia around intellectual property that is able to be acquired by anyone.


Well-known member
I just asked a question. But to answer your questions.

1)I do sap in the field.
2)I don't send samples yet, that's why I asked
3)1:1 probably not but its working in the right direction

So once again but more specifically is there a lab in CO, CA, OR, WA that will take samples from average joe?

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