Logan Labs from Ohio? Are they in Colorado? If in Ohio, are they accepting Cannabis for analysis?
Yes, Logan in Ohio. We dry it well and label it comfrey.
Logan Labs from Ohio? Are they in Colorado? If in Ohio, are they accepting Cannabis for analysis?
Yes, Logan in Ohio. We dry it well and label it comfrey.
Very pure form of cal carb in RO water IME delivers Ca better than any other method I've ever seen
this would be an example. I buy my minerals from Chem suppliers though for best quality and cost
I'd like to give this a swirl, got chem grade CaCO3 99%+, 0.24µm partical size.
Do you add anything else instead of RO water? An acid to get around 6 pH?
At what rate do you find it easy on the plants and the sprayer?
You would need 2.4 grams to hit 200ppm in a gallon.
B and Si would be helpful in getting the Ca into the plant.
On sending samples to Logan that have been dried and labeled comfrey... I drove samples to labs in Michigan, dropped them off. The next day I was told to pick them all up. The samples made the lab stink, plain and simple. I would be more leery of mailing such samples to Ohio. Or is this just something that has become the norm now for tissue sampling?
You would need 2.4 grams to hit 200ppm in a gallon.
B and Si would be helpful in getting the Ca into the plant.
On sending samples to Logan that have been dried and labeled comfrey... I drove samples to labs in Michigan, dropped them off. The next day I was told to pick them all up. The samples made the lab stink, plain and simple. I would be more leery of mailing such samples to Ohio. Or is this just something that has become the norm now for tissue sampling?
what do you think 1TBS or 2 TBS weighs? or care to calculate? are you saying this is all waste, it has to be more than 2.4g? it won't precipitate out above those rates IME, are u using pure?
waste, it has to go somewhere... what if the excess amount allows for much better, realistic full coverage in a fair amount or short amount of time, or is that just hogwash? hmmmmmm
I drove samples to labs in Michigan, dropped them off. The next day I was told to pick them all up. The samples made the lab stink, plain and simple. I would be more leery of mailing such samples to Ohio. Or is this just something that has become the norm now for tissue sampling?
Which leaves did you take? We are only sending in leaves in veg or early flower. We wash the leaf samples, dry them in a low temp oven til crunchy. Then we pull the petiole and some of the fibers that are attached to the petiole from the samples and then crunch the sample by hand into a powder.
No heavy smell that way and the rumor is that they know what they are testing and don't care. Key to NOT use the post office and use a service like fedex or DHL.
Which leaves did you take? We are only sending in leaves in veg or early flower. We wash the leaf samples, dry them in a low temp oven til crunchy. Then we pull the petiole and some of the fibers that are attached to the petiole from the samples and then crunch the sample by hand into a powder.
No heavy smell that way and the rumor is that they know what they are testing and don't care. Key to NOT use the post office and use a service like fedex or DHL.
Why use a lab in a state that requires all this fuss and not just one elsewhere? I'm still confused
You know...2 of us shared actual tissue data. Me thinks you don’t see that in any other thread
But the talk is not what does it mean. It is why you make that choice
Ain’t worth it anymore. I am out
You know...2 of us shared actual tissue data. Me thinks you don’t see that in any other thread
But the talk is not what does it mean. It is why you make that choice
Ain’t worth it anymore. I am out
Are there other labs doing tissue analysis?
All the numbers do have relevance, less with background data. If you had a value of a specific element you could use the ratios of the others to get a general direction.