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results cannot be brought.



I'm probably going to have to get some security experts involved. We'll probably have to use air pressure sensors to detect any intrusion through the poly, and fences, video surveillance, motion sensors, etc. If I have to I would build a solid structure around the perimeter(need header space anyway) and if that wouldnt do Id build a moat with attack beavers.

Most greenhouses benefit from a curtain system not just for photo manipulation but for thermal insulation, there are great curtains out there now that offset some of the down sides to glass in the cold.

Cant beat the film, so jealous! :)

If the Canadian government pushed for the use of greenhouses by LP's, all would be at least planning there use in the future. They are a much better and cost effective way to grow anything. Security is a bigger problem with GH's, sure, but if everyone used them, the prices of the Medical MJ would go down considerably, more people could purchase some and would buy bigger amounts, which is all taxed. All that would be needed is a few tax breaks and grants for security improvements from our government.

What the government fails to understand is, breaking into a greenhouse with immature plants would never happen...Why would anyone steal worthless plants. And if it was a thought, only the last 1-2 week would be worth while and would take way to long to chop and remove to be worth anybody's while. To confuse things even more, LP's could keep a rotating crop, no one would know which GH was ready and which was full of vegetative plants or immature budding plants. It would be the dried, cured bud ready for sale that would be of any interest to criminals and that is already under huge security.

So why dosen't the government push all LP's to use greenhouses...Lack of vision!

Marijuana has been grown indoors for as long as anyone can remember, why change. Lack of vision and high costs are how all governments seem to operate. Sensibility has no place in government. If its costing to much to operate...charge more tax. Don't look at what could be wrong or what might be able to fixed...Just throw more good money after bad!!!

The government shouldn't even be involved other than inspections for health issues and licensing. How and where a private company operates should be that companies business.



Active member
medman I've been a fan of you since the DMT days when you and VagPuncher were killin the indoor game. I'm someone who is glad to see fellow IC people get their shine it gives inspiration to the rest of us. As to your attitude and ego, i just dont understand why it is necessary at this point, you have already proved you can do big things, why the need to insult your potential buyers and fellow growers. i really dont see how this is good for the business model, or that your bosses and investors would be OK with the online ego flexing and constant public disputes with fellow operators.

In any case, i would like to thank you for your documentation over the years and for providing a glimpse into the life of someone who is on a higher rung of the cannabis ladder. However i strongly advise you to change the attitude it would go a long way, most of us cannasuers and growers have a strong brotherhood, we like to support our fellow industry peers, respect given almost always ends with respect received, but once ego and a bad attitude get involved its very easy for us to switch and root for your failure.

I also echo sam, ganja and a few others who have mentioned that a 26,000kw indoor facility sounds good on paper, but its not something i would put my money into. Open sun and GH is truly the wave of the future for bulk cannabis production, especially for extracts and tinctures. that sample #32 is a very bad representation and would not compete at all against the local open sun market here.

you have people that want to root for you! i find it hard to back your endeavors after reading this thread, i wish you luck NOT in your corporate weed takeover, but luck in finding someway to control your attitude and ego!


Active member
...got pretty quiet in here after the IC results...

"critics to crickets" ? lol

Head on the nail. Results speak for themselves. Timing of this thread was perfect.

Those might as well be brick beasters from the meeeesters.

*and yes skip, Canadian weed is just that .....Canadian weed.....


Active member
26000 lights, no way they will be permitted to draw that much power from the grid. I've worked as a linesman and that's never going to happen IMO. Maybe if they moved to Pincher Creek and got their power from IKEA, they own several windfarms.

IMO this is a drop in the bucket. Like I said before, unless this is a residential installation there will be zero problems obtaining the power to run this. I'm guessing it will be run just like any other plant and there are plants out there pulling in the Gigawatts (lol can't help but think of the robot chicken "jigga watts" scene with Jay-z). Just to put this in perspective, let's say the power requirements will be triple what the lights requirements are (which I doubt it will be). That's 78 Megawatts. A gigawatt is 1,000 Megawatts.


ICMag Donor
26000 kw is 26 mw

With most of the draw on a 12/12 cycle thats 13 mw plus everything else , 20 mw or less , 24/7 and every day of the year.

A constant draw at this level is exactly the kind of customer a nuclear power station like Bruce likes to have.


Well-known member
IMO this is a drop in the bucket. Like I said before, unless this is a residential installation there will be zero problems obtaining the power to run this. I'm guessing it will be run just like any other plant and there are plants out there pulling in the Gigawatts (lol can't help but think of the robot chicken "jigga watts" scene with Jay-z). Just to put this in perspective, let's say the power requirements will be triple what the lights requirements are (which I doubt it will be). That's 78 Megawatts. A gigawatt is 1,000 Megawatts.

our utility providers probably wish that they had the delivery infrastructure to do this never mind just generating that amount of surplus power

in my area several greenhouse operators planned on adding supplemental lighting to their operations and the utility told them no way unless they generate their own power FWIW


Active member
I think what we see with Medman's entries is typical of what we can expect from any large-scale commercial grow. So his entries had to face very experienced small time growers who pay attention to every plant from start to finish and make sure their entries are the best they have.

Anytime I've ever had commercial weed it varies from outright crap to fairly good, but rarely better than that. This includes everything from Mexican brick weed (from the 60s to today) and most of the weed sold in Amsterdam (which I had 10 years to sample).

And those Dutch outfits have had many, many years to perfect their commercial operations, and still you don't find top grade stuff all the time from them (and God knows what toxic chemicals).

Ramping up to such a scale as medman is trying to do is going to sacrifice quality for quantity. Seems you just can't get both. And the reason is always the same: PROFITS.

No huge commercial grow is going to pay top dollar for every component going into the final result. There's always a business calculus at play that will analyze the costs vs the profits and maximize for profit, even if it means an inferior product in many ways. So long as profits go up, managers get their bonuses!

That's how capitalism and greed work hand in hand to deprive us of the best medicine.

Not saying that someone like medman doesn't have the best of intentions, but it doesn't usually work that way in the real world.


ICMag Donor
If I had spent months telling everyone how good I was , I would send in the very best I had , and make sure it got there undamaged , to avoid the risk of an ego crushing own goal.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
If you know how to grow.. you can grow large amounts on any scale of Quality all day/night

When you have no idea what your doing... well that's another story

Those MM samples.. I don't even see shit like that on the bottom shelf of any dumpster collective...

Marijuana that is real deal dank.. at least shines a like a diamond.. his weed looks like Petrified Wood Chunks

When you talk about yourself in 3rd person and create your on Laws... Do you really have time to learn how to grow cannabis?

This dude selling nutes lol He's not ever discussed anything in the Realm of people like Spurr and he thinks he understands NPK... Joke again...if you understood how to feed/grow.. your entries into the cup wouldn't like Str8 TumbleWeed


Active member
If I had spent months telling everyone how good I was , I would send in the very best I had , and make sure it got there undamaged , to avoid the risk of an ego crushing own goal.

haha so true, or at least go buy some good dank off your friends and enter that like quite a few "seed companies" i know i have done in past lol…Vag didn't want to sell you an OZ of his girlfriends OG kush?

I would not have entered a sample half as bad as that. guys up in norcal are pulling 500-1000lb harvests that are machine trimmed and still look way better. every single one of my neighbors open sun herb looks better than the silver skunk, even after machine trimming, vac sealing and shipping halfway across the states our open sun herb can still run circles around that mediocre sample, i just dont see any trichomes at all it almost looks like mexican brick pack.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
I wonder if Royal Mail scanned your package and destroyed all the cosmic chi you'd put on the weed?

Okay. No more jokes.
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