Don't forget that glass houses are very poor insulators, in Ontario there are on average 100+ days of below 0 temps. I'm no expert but it going to cost a butt load to keep those greenhouses heated. Just look at how much we pay for organic hot house peppers, there not cheap. But then again 26,000 lights put out a lot of heat.
Cheers GG.
Hey Photosynthesis,
Any idea if those greenhouses are plastic film covered, ridged poly or glass?
It took a great deal of back and forth to get HC to state to me they would not accept film covered greenhouses as "securable" under the MMPR, though they would always welcome my proposal to do so.
I suspect this will change and hope it does, its not just not financially sound, its not sound in any matter, quality, yield, efficacy, etc....
10,000 hits 7 days no pics lol
6th place of 6 total in ic sativa cup
7th place of 7 total in ic indica cup
12th place of 13 total in ic hash cup
participation badge = med-man method?
"largest indoor production site in the world"
on paper? or are there pics?
I'm probably going to have to get some security experts involved. We'll probably have to use air pressure sensors to detect any intrusion through the poly, and fences, video surveillance, motion sensors, etc. If I have to I would build a solid structure around the perimeter(need header space anyway) and if that wouldnt do Id build a moat with attack beavers.
Most greenhouses benefit from a curtain system not just for photo manipulation but for thermal insulation, there are great curtains out there now that offset some of the down sides to glass in the cold.
Cant beat the film, so jealous!
So much douche in this thread.. ^^
Even Stephen Harper could appreciate how Canadian that idea is.... and if that wouldnt do Id build a moat with attack beavers.
Don't forget that glass houses are very poor insulators, in Ontario there are on average 100+ days of below 0 temps. I'm no expert but it going to cost a butt load to keep those greenhouses heated. Just look at how much we pay for organic hot house peppers, there not cheap. But then again 26,000 lights put out a lot of heat.
Cheers GG.
Glad to see some good result from medman at this event.The test results for the IC cup have been posted..
Med Man had the second Highest Sativa thc Content on his Silver Skunk @ 20.2%