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The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
rumor on the street is ice-pick retired


Cheers to that bud, lol
There's issue here too with seasonal length in a lot of parts, but that's what other countries with more sun n cheap labour are for I guess.lol

Truth is we're only strting to see how out dated n obsolete lighting is now anyhow with more n more legal grows going up around the world.
Imo it'll be nice when we can cut our power bills back, n there's just so much weed being grown all over that it's not even worth stealing anymore, even for a lot lesser charges of trespassing, theft, n vandalism etc.



Active member
man, Im all with ya.
I do believe the green agenda is total bullshit invented by club of rome in 70's to bring in carbon taxes etc, but aside from that I really believe outdoor is the way to go. Done it in Portugal and the quality is virtually the same as indoor.
And, bizarrely enough, in a 17 year smoking and 12 year growing career, to this day the most potent thing I have ever smoked is some outdoor ESB x HAZE, an Old Timer strain, done in UK, harvested I thought prematurely by my friend in early October, and I think it was just a fluke due to the UV levels at that precise particular time etc that probably would be hard to repeat again, but that was like morphine. Was the only time I have experienced herb that was totally debilitating and possibly TOO strong for normal use. To this day I remember having 3 puffs on a joint and thinking 'fuck me, this is insane.' I then grew some cuts indoor and never got near that potency. That was in 09.

high life 45

Seen your Member?


Was waiting for J Roc to pop in


Hey med man big congrats on doing it big time. Hope u can achieve your goals of 1 to 5 dollar grams:) id buy at that price. Too bad im not medical. Where does that leave the recreational smoker? Oh well. If u have to b indoors why not use skylights with blackout blinds that r motorized. Computer controlled. I could set u up no prob. Thats what I do. Anyway, u could run so much more efficiently. If u want to do a test room no prob. Pm me if your interested. Im located in toronto.

Money saved on elec big time, could have more gardeners putting out better quality.?? Not saying u cant do it your way. Either way I am eager to sample your product when it comes around. Medical or not ill b smokin your prod soon as I can...

Good luck


id buy at that price. Too bad im not medical. Where does that leave the recreational smoker? Oh well.

Good luck

Don't worry SourPuss...There will be Doctors opening MMPR clinics in the near future all over Canada.

They will sign anyone with a noise bleed and a hundred bucks into the program. The MMPR is set up for recreational users to pose as a medical user. The government is estimating 450,000 clients in the next 10 years. They will be 80%-90% rec users with a Medical MJ card...Without a doubt!! It took 12 years to get just under 40,000 legitimate medical patients, so 450,000 medical users in the next ten years are almost certainly guaranteed to be recreational.

The only people that will not be able to use the new program, will be the Medical MJ user. Prices are way to high for any Medical patient to ever afford, since most are on pension or some other small fixed income. Medical users need to use there daily gram amount each and every day...It is medicine - not fun! If a patient only needed 2 grams a day(3-4 joints)...the cost would be $392.00[$7/gr] - $560.00[$10/gr] per month(plus tax & shipping). This dose not sound like much, but it takes a huge percentage away from living expenses(rent,food, etc.), for those on pensions.

Medical users can't go without there medicine for even one day...Regardless of cost.
Recreational users can wait until next week when they get paid...Varying there use/consumption around cost.

MMPR is in my opinion, set up to service the rec user or Health Canada would have invoked a price control system as they did when they sold Marijuana to patients. Marijuana sold by Health Canada before the MMPR was launched was $5.00/gr and it never raised once in all the years of the MMAR.

So I wouldn't worry, you'll be smoking medical grade legally in no time.



honey oil addict
Don't worry SourPuss...There will be Doctors opening MMPR clinics in the near future all over Canada.

They will sign anyone with a noise bleed and a hundred bucks into the program. The MMPR is set up for recreational users to pose as a medical user.

MMPR is in my opinion, set up to service the rec user or Health Canada would have invoked a price control system as they did when they sold Marijuana to patients. Marijuana sold by Health Canada before the MMPR was launched was $5.00/gr and it never raised once in all the years of the MMAR.

So I wouldn't worry, you'll be smoking medical grade legally in no time.


thats fucking stupid. why the heck should any regular joe have to pretend to be sick to partake of their favoured substance? never felt like lying in the past, and that sure isnt changing just so i can buy some commercially grown shit :D


ICMag Donor
With ammcan alone hopeing to shift two tonnes a month , they hope that plenty do just that.

Its a crock of shit from top to bottom , the med in the UK is underground and best kept that way looking at how Canada has gone.


As someone already stated, its gonna take close to a miracle to run a pest free, up to hc standard product, the sheer size of these may b their downfall, I also feel like it could b a setup for failure ad someone stated. Im not against buyinh my weed

Such a pathetic charade hc is making or this just to make a buck, fuck @#$/er. Piece of nerd ***T. legalize it not medical bs, such a sham see thru nerd tactic. Money grubbin mother &@^$ers.


thats fucking stupid. why the heck should any regular joe have to pretend to be sick to partake of their favoured substance? never felt like lying in the past, and that sure isnt changing just so i can buy some commercially grown shit :D

That's your choice...But there are plenty of people that enjoy an after dinner smoke, but can't afford to be in any kind of legal pinch. And if there's a way to avoid the legal pinch they will use it, especially if its cheap and available.

And nobody said anything about lying, there are many legitimate medical uses of Marijuana(head ache, insomnia, stress, etc., etc., the list is endless), all they will have to do is pick one. All that is needed is a doctor with dollar signs in his eyes to set up a clinic...You don't have to look very far for that.



So its been online commercial grows lic3nsed, to g4ow sell import export, so shouldnt everyone be getting cards for whatever fake illnesses they r pretending to have? What r most of u pretending to have? Im gonna go with my dicks too big. Weed keeps it smaller.

What kind of doctor spent 10 years in post secondary to hand out bogus prescriptions, sure he feels like a real champ.


honey oil addict

(head ache, insomnia, stress, etc., etc., the list is endless), all they will have to do is pick one. All that is needed is a doctor with dollar signs in his eyes to set up a clinic..


yes like i said, pretty much lying. everyone has those symptoms( of being alive) therefore everyone qualifies? lol. what i see happening is there are real valid medicinal uses, and that gets clouded by all the rec users trying to get med status so they can smoke on the street.


So wrong on so many levels, heres an idea, just make it legal. Go sell crack and heroine and coke if u want money. I just want to smoke in peace.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hey med man big congrats on doing it big time. Hope u can achieve your goals of 1 to 5 dollar grams:) id buy at that price. Too bad im not medical. Where does that leave the recreational smoker? Oh well. If u have to b indoors why not use skylights with blackout blinds that r motorized. Computer controlled. I could set u up no prob. Thats what I do. Anyway, u could run so much more efficiently. If u want to do a test room no prob. Pm me if your interested. Im located in toronto.

Money saved on elec big time, could have more gardeners putting out better quality.?? Not saying u cant do it your way. Either way I am eager to sample your product when it comes around. Medical or not ill b smokin your prod soon as I can...

Good luck

hey sour

thanks man

come to the expo, we can talk there

as for methods, wish i could but i cant share at this moment in time

awesome ideas though buddy



Expo? Treating yoursrlf or is there another? Would love to talk to you over some fine herbs :)
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