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The Krusty Bucket - Attempted by SomeoneYouKnow

Nute levels are now between 1 and 1 1/2 inches MAX.

The soaker is glued to the bottom - but will be ripped up so that I can double it up and re-do it.


I JUST put in a larger rez - this one is suppose to be 40 gallons.
I only gots me 6 buckets.

I will be out of town tomorrow - traveling 3 hours one way for a funeral/wake then comming home.

Friday I am going to the great Humbolt County to set up some friends with some kids. .gonna be gone all weekend - bout a 10 hour drive from here one way!!

Laters Yals!

~ SYK ~



the res in the picture looks like 1/2 the size of this one res i think of..and the one i am thinking of is only 30 gallons....

i think there is a picture of this res at OG....

but anyhoo....

i still think yer best bet is to get the res out of the room....

if you put a res chiller in this room you will create alot more ehat.....which will make yer ac unit work harder...which will draw out more humidity....which will in turn work yer humdifier more...

can you see why i want folks to put there res in a seperate cooler location???

but i have given this some thought..and came up with an idea to solve ALL our probs i think...teehee

okies....my buddy who i am helping out is starting a new cycle...and he had 20 clones....he planted 8 in the buckets and was left with a dozen...so he kept them in the countainer and put the clonning tray in the grow room...the humidty was way low...as in 15% humdity...the newly plants clones were dying form low humdity....very stressed....ye tthese clones in the dome/clonning tray were awsum....so as a joke i told my buddy ..

"we need a fucking dome for these damn buckets and then all is solved"


so i am going to try and find a place that sells some sorta flexi type see thru material....and make domes for these buckets...

see the plants truely are only hurting for first 5-10 days til they get large enough to produce there own humidity.....

so make these little things...say 30 inches tall....maybe 20 inches wide ....and rig them up so they have supports under them that rest on top of the bucket....

even have holes in the tops so we can take our co2 that is hanging from each plant ...this will give them some huge ass co2 concentrations....

anyhoo....i will try and make one up and see if it works...but as i said...its only the first part when plant is soo small that the low humdity truely stunts them so badly...once they get larger they help add humdity to room:)





that is a great idea krusty!

something like a big 3 litre bottle of soda pop. but it would have to be bigger, way bigger. almost as wide as the bucket.

i am sure you will come up with something brilliant!



Active member


..... this, ....., i gotta see. lol, sounds like mo trouble than it's worth. but it'll keep yas outta mischief huh. hope it works.
..... peace
..... HGC


Hey HGC how ya doin mate..

The thought of using humidity domes for the first coupla weeks crossed my mind as well. I was thinking more along the lines of a small wooden or bamboo frame with cling wrap attached to it.

Kinda like those little plastic mini greenhouses you see at DIY/garden stores.


Cool little hangout for the tree folks here, I see Krustys still his usual polite self.



Active member


..... hey bram, what's shaking????? :p yea, would be interesting to see this idea work out. dunno...:confused:
..... peace
..... HGC
..... p.s. yea baby, kan't ya feel the luv?????;)
..... p.p.s. i thought about using those tomato planter cones for duel purpose: 1st, use it wrapped w/plastic film, then, after they not need additional help w/humidity, you remove film/saran wrap, and ya still got the cage/cone for branch support for when those big phat colas form...
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well there is a few ideas...

first one off would be to take a 5 gallon bucket upside down and cut it out so that only hade say 3 parts holding out the bottom....like say 1 inch thick...then screw some extremely thin plexiglass to all the open areas....

it would work but a wee bit labor intensive.....there is a shit load of ways i could make this...

but obviously i want something simple and easy to make tht isnt like really heavy or anything that iwll be a pain in ass to maintain...

another way to do it simple is to take some bambo sticks and tape them to side of the buckets and have them stick up say 3 feet...then saran wrap that and the top and there you go...but to me that is kinda weak,....

i would like to find a really thin plexigalss and make something that is re-usabel and something that is durable:/

but ya it donest have to be perfectly see thru or whatever....you would be surpized how much energy still passes thru with some pleiglass..

anyhoo...if i amke one i will post a pix so you gus get an idea:)




New member
Bucket pods

Bucket pods

In the UK they do a system called the 'hydropod' the thieving feckers that sell it also sell a propagation pod add on type thing
I think they are what you are working toward with the idea K, so I thought I'd throw up the pic for visuals :)

Heres a pic of their system



heyas gat...

sweet looking little system....obviously sorta sucks cause you cant fit a light between them plants...but i like the bucket domes tho...even tho they are too small for what i want:/

heres my welfare dome...teehee





Sweet grow there!

I wish I had the space to set-up a large grow indoors. I would be pushin out pounds. Glad to see you working hard & Planning ahead.

If you whip something together quick and inexpensive your get mediocre buds. You'll have a great yeild with that set-up....Good Luck

Your Neighbor

Alright Guys,

Back in town. . . and I need to clean the white powder that is ALL OVER my room - lights bulbs, mylar EVERYTHING - from the damn fogger.

Any Thoughts - other than just windex.

Gonna Have to get a Rez Chiller.

Temps creaped up to 80 deg - OUCH!



syk-if yer growwing in an area with concrete...i wouldnt have the fogger pointing up at the lights...i would keep it pointed at its own level...allow the access water to simply drip onto floor ...as long as its concrete it wont damage the floor any:/




Active member
what are you doing about the white residue, i got that at the beginning in veg but my humidity is high now the fogger doesn't kick on so much. Nice setup good luck


bluehaze - when i clean the bulbs i use CLR crap you buy at any hardware type store...seems to work good for build ups n stuff:/

i still cant imagine how your fogger is doing this much damage.....i have never seen this.....you got any pictures of the fogger running and stuff??




Active member
my water is horrible here that why i get the salt build up. In my other place is running smooth with no problem so far. The water softner hads ton of salt to the well water
Yep Krusty - I tried the CLR day b4 yesterday - worked like a charm - CLR and a roll of Shop Towels - cleaned the whole room - tee hee.

I have one of those foggers that is meant to be Hung -


See it hanging in the upper left hand corner.

I took it down and set it on the floor - not really made for this since there is no real directionally thingy. . . .

Now I got me a BIG puddle all over - heheehee.

Ummm - yeah - got a R/O system on order - will clear this right up. . need to quick too - the A/C is starting to develop a nice white film - can only imagine what the insides look like.

The fogger is holding the humi up at 50% with lights and A/C on - temps hover around 87-91 -

Looks good to me.

My scraggly clones will go in tonight.

Will have picts - wish me luck!

~ SYK ~