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The Krusty Bucket - Attempted by SomeoneYouKnow

Nice1's SYK,

do you have any more pictures of that SoG crop... I'm curious to see the results and how those plants were grown...

Good luck
Sure I do. .. .

They were grown in rockwool with overhead parabolic hoods.. . . OLD SCHOOL - several years ago.

Very VERY Oldschool - but there is a lot going on in these pictures if you can really focus and look around.

BTW - These are NOT my photos - OR MY grow - simply some picts I found and tweeked a bit in photoshop to look cool for all yas!






I have decided that I am going to put my grow on hold for a couple of weeks.

The clones that I have now - while alright - are not what I want to give the KFBs for their first run.

I will wait another 10 days or so until I can get these genetics back from the clone source.

Re-visiting these picts - this is too fine of a strain to pass up!

~ SYK ~
Updates - Huh?

Updates - Huh?

Tee Hee -

Here's why I havent been to work for the past two days. . . .

It has been a busy 2 nights at "La Casa De SYK" for me and a couple of friends. Having a full sized 9 foot pool table in the garage and a 6 person hot tub in the back - along with hot and cold running women - makes it hard for a guy to get to sleep early!

Screw waiting the 10 days for the cuttings. . .made some calls. .. and I am on my way to pick them up.

10 days in the aero-cloner.
10-14 days of pre-growth

Then into the K buckets they go - I hate to put my grow back another month - but it will be worth it in the long run!!

~ SYK ~


New member


Nice start you got there SYK.

You are going to LOVE the KFB style. It is hella-productive and idiot proof.

I am in the same boat as you in terms of the res in grow room. I am lucky that the temps stay at 72 eventhough it is in the room....so i guess all is okies!?

Good luck to ya.





. .. I forgot the picture of the MAIN breaker right inside the front door - nothing special - just a 60 amp dual pole single throw square D with 4 4 gauge wires running out the top.

~ Goodnight SYK ~


Active member
thanks for the invite...

thanks for the invite...

..... you gonna have fun bro. i found grey buckets, they block all light and dont heat up as much as the blk ones do. sorry, i don't have a link for them. but any large scale plastics company should have them. in LA LA LAND you should find everything you need.
..... krusty is right on w/rez size, it much easier to manage if it bigga. HEY, krusty ALWAYS RIGHT. lol!!!!!;)
..... you landlord, hmmmmm...
..... peace
..... HGC
..... p.s. thanx for the invite, i be watching you progress and hoping for the best for ya.


drgrow- if you get 72 F temps then that is all that matters....same with you too syk....BUT i guess what i am trying to get accross is to try and keep the res room seperate.....so that when folks look to buy/rent/build houses/workshops they look for one that has an area in which you can do this...a place away from the heat n crap of the grow room....bugs tend to enjoy living in the grow room and when i had res' in grow rooms i had root knat probs.....of course i aint sure if they can live in 72 F water so i dont know if this is a prob or not...i just give out advice form experiences i have...and i have had positive shit happen with res out...and shitty experience with res in:/

actually....i think my one buddy has root knats...or thinks he has root knats in that rubber maid pictures i posted before....hhmmm....he has a res chiller that keeps it at 72 F.....hell the winter got so cold in BC that he needed a fish tank heater...but ya he has knats ...hsi res is even out of the grow room...but those damn rubbermaid containers i think might be to largean area and allows shit to get in....who knows...

oh and dewds...check out the nitrious dewds thread here...he is ussing 3 inch abs as his main drains in his return circut....at first i was like "fuck me that wont seal...he will have probs....unless he has propper slope...uhm...then he will have better drainage then anything i have ever tried...hmm...uhm...fuck me i need to try this"

well HGC when i aint right at least i am only wrong:)




Active member


..... i hear ya there w/that krusty. experience is best teacher for sure.
..... syk, be sure you have GOOD pre-vegged clonesa for this system, w/as lil stress as possible. lol, LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES...:p
..... peace
..... HGC
Question of the Day - De-Humidifiers

Question of the Day - De-Humidifiers

Mornin Everyone,

Krusty - The Question for Today . . .. is about De-humidifiers.

I have always kept humidity high during veg and lower during flower ( duh ) and am planning on needing a De-Humidifier rpob 3-4 weeks into flower.

What are your thoughts on this - YES - the A/C will be doing its job too. . .. but I figure additional help will be needed.

Any sizing suggestions, or suggestions in general re: de-humidifing?

Also I dont know if I have discussed my room volume.

This room is much smaller than I would have liked - 9'x15'x8'.

~ SYK ~
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Here's the 2004 Acura TL with the Factory Body Kit - just like I want it - just a darker lower-profile color.


~ SomeoneYouKnow ~
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Re: yea...

Re: yea...

HyGradeChronic said:

..... syk, be sure you have GOOD pre-vegged clonesa for this system, w/as lil stress as possible.

Ok. .. sounds good.

What suggestions would HGC and Krusty have for me as far as pre-growth.

As you can see . .. I am starting with un-rooted clones while my room is ready to go.

I was just thinking of growing them out in aquacloner - spreading them out to the six best clones and then just placing that thing in the grow room and waiting till they are taller and the roots have grown to like a foot in length.

What cha think of dat Krusty - or just good ol perlite?

~ SYK ~


Active member


..... LOL, went out and had few cocktails today. hey is kool, i over 21, ....., and then sume!!!!!;)
..... syk, krusty da man, w/this system/method. they not called hgc buckets ya know, lol!!!!!
..... but, ....., i have found via trial n error, mostly error, that 12-18" fluffy pre veggers werk WAAAY mo betta than just rooted clones going into system from git go. my biggest issue is w/proper nute linee placement and follow-up. ie: ya gotta move those driplines, or, you get problemas...
..... paz
..... HGC
..... p.s. feck that ride ese, BUY AMERICAN!!!!! LOL...
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humidity should be kept high throughout the whle proccess...maybe last few weeks if you want to tighten up buds then dehumidify.....but 70% humdiy is fine....use an exhaust fan or wahtever you wish to take humidty out....of course if you leave say near the ocean this wont do oyu much good:/

but i would need to know yer system in great detail to truely say if you need to do anything more then let the ac unit do its job

HGC is correct....with most strains it is nice to start them in the KBS/stress free enviroment say 12-18 inches tlal......if you start them in this enviroment as a clone they tend to get too healthy...lmao...as in they bush out soo badly and so condensed that they end up beeing shrubs....which you dont want.....soem strains like BCBB it doesnt seem to matter...they have structure in there..wel i guess in there DNA to allow them to no matter what branch out...

i mentioned earlier this week..and years ago that i pre grow under florotubes to allow the plants to stretch a bit so they start off a wee bit lanky....this helps to get the right structure:)


krusty said:
but i would need to know yer system in great detail to truely say if you need to do anything more then let the ac unit do its job

Heya Krusty,

Would LOVE for you to know my system in greater detail.

What can I detail in writing/specs/ and photos to give you a better idea of what I am working with.

After all - I do have problems like the fact that the room is too small 9*15*8

Anyways - would love to type all night tellin yas what you want to know - but need to know first what to tell ya - or what to take pictures of/what to measure/climate info etc. . .


~ SYK ~


New member
just a quick word of advice there someone. that foil backed bubble wrap lets ton's of light through it so i would stay away from it for light proofing especially when HID light is being used. i'd go for some panda film or something similar to really keep the light out.
peace, love and mung beans baby


New member
Just crusin

Just crusin

SomeoneYouKnow said:
Here's the 2004 Acura TL with the Factory Body Kit - just like I want it - just a darker lower-profile color.

~ SomeoneYouKnow ~


Tee hee :D:p

whats the 0-60 (mph) on that thing??