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The Krusty Bucket - Attempted by SomeoneYouKnow

AGAIN - THESE PICTURES ARE NOT MINE - THEY ARE NOT FROM MY GROW - and have been edited in photoshop to look cool for yas. .. .

Here's Half the Garage. ..


Here's the other Half . . .


Nice Table


Check Out How Tall These Bitches Are. . .

Garage Electrical and Filters



All answers and any input on these picts are strictly guesses.

I have been studing those pictures carefully and there are MANY things that you can tell about the setup JUST by LOOKING at the photos.

I am sure I will be able to answer your questions and maybe more just by looking at the photos, and my general knowledge I have picked up on the internet.

BTW - There were text log files on the disk that were dated late 2000 - so these picts are WAY old now. - just in case anyone was wonderin.

Carbon Filters - THOSE look like Mountain Air Filters ('bout $900+ EACH ) but there are less expensive ones on the market now that work just as well.

CO2 - you can see the white lines comming down from the ceiling and running across the plants in the first picture.

Lighting . . . Well - in the first two picts - I count 9 in the garage - 1000W HPS
In the other room I count 3+1 on the smaller table - 4000W HPS

I would GUESS - that 4000KW would be needed in veg to keep moms and girls going for the flower rooms.

Some other things to look at in the picts. . .

Pict 1 has :

coper water lines with hoses comming from the ceiling
digital timers
square and round light hoods
vented and unvented lights
fans on back wall
co2 lines comming from ceiling

Pict 3

You can see the rockwool slabs being used - and the smaller cubes on top - you can also see the drip lines going to each plant and the "do-it-yourself" hydro tables

You didnt miss the HUGE A/C did you ?!!

Pict 4

Damn - these guys are SMART!

They didnt buy an expensive hydro reservoir - they just used a large cement mixing bucket - looks like it can hold bout 75 gallons - Home DePot!

Pict 8

You can tell that different strains are growing because of the size of the leaves. It is the 4x4 table in the back room.

Pict 9 - Another good shot of the home made table. and feed lines.

Pict 10 - shows the CO2 tubing real well.

Pict 11 - has the carbon filter - with a 895 CFM fan on it - I recognize it from the picture :)

Pict 12 - How hard do you think it was to get a 5 foot tall metal filter filled with rock over 10 feet in the air in that garage? Glad I wasn't there!

Anything else I spot in the picts - I'll let you guys know - :cool:
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Krusty. . .

1) What additional information can I give you about my room so that you can have a better idea of what I am working with over the next 12 weeks, and can give me better suggestions please.


~ SYK ~


well take pictures of wahtever you can....from all angles....including yer res room..er...oyu got res in the room...uhm...well everything...

and then list what yer temps/humdity/co2 levels are ...when lights are on/off....and more then jsut one reading of each...liek show the readings say 2 hours after lights are on...then 4 hours...then 8 hours...then an hour beofre lights go off...then say 3 hours after lights off...ect...

res temps too...

the whole 9.5 yards

and by the way.....return my fucking camera you bastard!!!!

and quit posting my pictures!!!!



krusty said:

and by the way.....return my fucking camera you bastard!!!!

and quit posting my pictures!!!!



You like.

I hope to be doing even better with your help.

. . . and after this grow is over - if (when) everything goes well. . .. pick the camera of your coice off Amazon and it'll come straight to ya Fed-Ex !!


~ SYK ~


New member
just a quick word of advice there someone. that foil backed bubble wrap lets ton's of light through it so i would stay away from it for light proofing especially when HID light is being used. i'd go for some panda film or something similar to really keep the light out.


SYK - thanx...lmao but as long as you do good i will be happy...if anything you ever come up to BC head over to my pad and buy me a straberry marg and we will call it even:)


Will get on it.

Got a long day of work tomorrow. . . .

A) Go Shopping for Larger Rez, Chk wire, etc. . .
B) Re-digging hole for larger rez.
C) Affix chicken wire to ceiling.
D) Run CO2 lines
E) Finish Mylar
F) Re-Drill 6 bottom buckets for lower water drainage - attach new drain lines and screen.
G) Run water hose from sink to room for Humidifier
H) Run 3/4" line from main room to grow room for passive rez float valve
I) Cleanup
Ran out of space to post picts. . .had to delete some old picts. . .

Finished these tasks today:

A) Go Shopping for Larger Rez, Chk wire, etc. . .
B) Re-digging hole for larger rez.
C) Affix chicken wire to ceiling.
D) Run CO2 lines
E) Finish Mylar
F) Cleanup

Here are some picts. .. .

Here is the MAIN breaker - right inside the front garage door.


Here is the froth I am getting now. . . .used Nitro's tip on glueing down the soaker hose. . .also used the 3 6" pipes on the sides for support since I had to re-build my bottom buckets anyways today.


Thanks Nitrous!

Gonna try and rip up the soaker hose in that pict and my 6 buckets and make it longer and in the circular pattern that Nitrous demonstrated.

Almost Finished -

More Picts when they increase my disk space :)

Here's the new rez I sunk - says it is 40 gallons - but I am guessing it is more like a little over 30.


I used sand to insulate it - and help draw the heat toward the earth - hehehe.

~ SYK ~
spoonta66 said:
just a quick word of advice there someone. that foil backed bubble wrap lets ton's of light through it . .. .

Thanks for the tip . . .but the stuffs I have seems to work fine. . .took my 1/2 million candlepower flashlight to it. .. and just barely did the light shone through.

Works for me - thanks for the suggestion though - would never have to thought to check otherwise!
Found more webspace. .. lets see if this works - NOPE - need more locally - can anyone help?!?!?!

The Humidifier and Chillers came today.

The Chillers are second-hand from a Marine Biology Research Lab - they were in storage for the past two years - gonna keep my fingers crossed.

The temp probe on this sucker goes to like -60 deg C or something CRAZY !!


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hey, what kinda fogger is that?

i see it is a fan, with a water hose hookup?

what is the name brand and model #?

that looks a lot quieter than those foggers that sound like a plane taking off.

you have me curious, i may just have to get one. if they work like a charm, that is.


PS, and of coarse the cost.


hhmmm...the froth/fizz or whatever yer getting now seems the same amount as i do with the 1 gallon bucket...

dont undestand what would make a difference from having it glued down or placed down aslong as it was same amount of soaker hose:/

ya ...never seen a humdifier/fogger like that...what the hell is it??? and how many litres will it throw in the air an hour??


Problems Problems - more problems at la grow house de SYK.

Cant seem to get the humidity to stay constant.

The fogger works GREAT- the store said they didnt have the 300 series that sits on the floor anymore and they only sold this 400 hanging unit.

Check it out. . .


Puts out so much fog. . .had to turn it down because I was worried about it bursting a bulb.

WORKS GREAT - the humidity went from lights on at 20% to up near 55-60% now.

The humidity really rises in the 10 minute breaks or so when the A/C is not chillin and just circulating air. . .but then it drops right down - like almost 10% in 10 minutes when the cooling cycle begins - humm.

This A/C is kinda weird too - It doesnt keep pushing out cold air until the temps are reached - it works for a while and then stops - and not like my old A/C that went hours at a time - this one only works in 10 minute bursts or something - fucken wierd - at least it gets the job done.

Temps are steady - I can keep them anywhere from the low 80s on up - just dial it in on the A/C - humidity seems to be easier to control at 85 deg and above vs strictly 80.

More Bad News - BOTH chillers are DOA. BUMMER - would have been great had they worked - and are really NEEDED.

Res temps have creaped up to 76.5 deg. . . . AHHHHHH - HELP ME - gonna have to figure this one out QUICK!

Other than that - the room is crankin! With the humidifier in there it is a whole new room! The humi cools as well as adds humidity - but seems to only work well for half the room - need to add more fans or something.

That fogger really cranks - has a big fan in it so it really spins out the foggy mist - just worried about cracking any bulbs from the mist spinning around the air - reminds me of the porch misters and those misters used at amusement parks to cool you off.

Also running out of space in the room - it is small to start off with 9x15x8 and it seems like the humidifier is on top of the lights which are on top of the buckets which is on top of the res which has pipes connected to it. . . . .

Still not really satisfied with the fizz - looks SO MUCH MORE in the photos then in person - I think since I am only workin with 6 buckets and a larger pump than average - I am gonna try the double loopin like Nitrous was tryin - Nadda to loose.

Temps and Figures for Krusty. . ..

Hmm - Lets see - The A/C is set to 75 - raised it to 80 today - keeps the room about 5 degrees hotter than the setting and SUCKS the HUMIDITY out of the room BIGTIME! - The air it pushes out reads in at 50.2 degrees.

The Fogger - set to 60% humidity - but will keep it 5% higher - output up to 2 gallons per hour - mine is turned WAY down. Air output is MOIST and 63.5 degrees.

The Rez - S-C-A-A-A-R-R-R-Y - Just as Krusty predicted - PROBLEMS
TOO WARM - 76.5 deg today after 12 hrs lights on. SHIT - gonna have to address this ASAP.

Air Temp - Pretty Steady - Lights off 75 deg (or 80 now) the setting on the A/C - Lights on raises at most 10 degrees over the entire course of the day - the temps stay pretty even around 80-85 although today I increased the temps by 5 degrees to see how it does.

Air Humidity - VERY Fluctuating! - Lights off - Upwards of 80% BEFORE Humidifier - this was just off the water running in the room and splashing around. Lights on - BEFORE Humi was 20% - anytime anywhere - 20% - NOW - today - with a little tinkering - I was able to keep the humidity above 40% ALWAYS with mostly between 50&60%.

Co2 - Bottled - Will be injected in large quantities - the gas is cheap and the pot is not!

Airflow in room - Semi Turbulent - There is the A/C fan - another Fan on top of the A/C to help boost it. The Fan in the Humidifier - this one really moves the air - and another fan mounted on the back wall at plant level to help stir the humid air - all added after pictures taken so dont look for them.

As of this minute - the room is COMPLETELY SEALED. Meaning NO fresh air intake. I plan to have a 465 cfm intake and a 650something exhaust with the carbon filter in the ceiling to exhaust air at the END of Lights ON several times during lights off and the END of Lights OFF. If the Kush smell becomes a problem I will also figure out cycles for the daytime for smell leakage.

What Cha Guys Think?!?
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1.set your ac unit at 85 F...you want it to work least amount as possible so that it aint taking out humdity
2.yeppers on res....but no worries...76 is doable ....plants can handle this for a week or 2....just dont put it off.
3.keep humdity at 60 % min....try for 70% but dont kill yerself or risk shit over it....myself the little bit of moisture in air doenst bother me at al with bulbs....i have had foggers point directly at lights (by accident) and the bulbs didnt blow...in fact i think the bulbs create such a hot spot near then they seem to evaporate the fog/mist before it can touch them....so i would have to see how much water/moisture is in air to truely give you advice on this...
4.dont worry about fans.....the only reason you might want to use one is only if you had a very large room and you had hot spots/cold spots....but if yer injecting the co2 into each plant and you dont have hot spots i would let the air be as passive as possible
5.no need for a intake fan....and if yer ussing a carbon filter/exhaust fan make sure you have negitive presusre in room....so that any smell goes thru the carbon filter...in other words if you must have a intake port into the room because the room is too sealed then make it 1/4 th the size of the exhaust pipe....also the biggest problem i see peopel doing is ussing too large a fan with there carbon filters.....carbon or even ozone needs time to mix it up with the air.....by pushing large amounts of air thru the carbon filters you will not give the filter the chance to clean air

hope this helps dewd


Here is the layout of the piping on the floor. . .


Here is a finished bucket. . ..


The edges are frothy but I want the center to froth too. . ..

Here are the most complete ROOM SHOTS I could get. . . let me know what to zoom in on and I will post the pict -

I ran out of disk space a while ago. .. so keep having to go back and delete old picts just to post the new ones. . .






the pvc pipe in the pictures....

i would think this would conduct heat purty good....and i wouldnt think it would drain too well.....it is more rigid then the hose so it might work well....but i would go with larger drain...kinda like what nitrous did i would think if you are gong to hard drain it (ussing stiff/rigid material instead of soft flexi shit would be hard draining)

also yer feed lines are black...not sure if that would bring in heat too....

this is why i like the yellow/greenline hose....it seems to insulate well...in other words it doesnt seem to take in the heat from the room....and it does keep light out of the nutrients flowwing thru it

if you want it hard drained i would seriosuly think about ussing 3" ABS and simply painting the outside of it with a semi gloss white paint...(you want the light/heat to reflect off it so you use a gloss.....we use flat white paint on walls so that there is no hot spots and it evens out the light...makes room glow)

ya i dont think the pvc woud drain well at that size.....but yet in yer bucket picture the levels seem to be below 2 inches...hard to tell...

what are the nute levels??

also you mentioned i think yer res wasnt concreted into the floor....i would make res alot larger....maybe double in size...and then concrete it in so that it conducts the coldness from the gorund better....or disapates the heat to the ground better...whichever way you look at it:)



fuck me...sorry had to edit this post...i had about 40 typos...me getting tired ...need sleep..mao
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