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*The K.I.S.S. Method*

You guys can also use Shaker Bottles from GNC. Those of us familiar with drinking protein shakes get used to trying to mix pesky powder. Most shakers run 5-10$.

I Use my magic bullet! My plants have there own glass!

Works really well. The bullet was gifted tho, i cant say i would spend money to simply mix something, Laziness..... But who am i to talk haha.
Well Im bout to change out my res's tonight. 3 x 5 gallon bukkits. They been 3 weeks without a changeout. Just top off's. They look fine but I figure I'l change their res's anyhow.
Hello K.I.S.S. thread!
What a great read here, and yes I have been lurking for a long time.

Anyways, I am about to try my first KISS method. Just two Home Depot CoCo blocks that I will presoak with some cal-mag, and then amend with 50% Foxfarm chunky perlite.
From there it will be just tapwater, MaxiBloom and Pro Silicate.
Should I add hygozome to keep dead root mass down?
Any other "teas" needed?

Also, I have used Earth Juice Catalyst in FF Happy Frog before. Will it be needed here?



PS all legal and compliant in my State

Ioni Botani

Keep It Simple, Stoner!

Keep It Simple, Stoner!

I would use "Zym's". I use the KISS method but use CannaZym.

Just my .02 cents.

For some this is necessary; however if the plants are in optimum health this will not be an issue.

It's learning how to get them to that point that I would consider truly 'learning how to grow'.....which will have to be learned eventually to sustain growing for long periods of time without being too costly.

I (once upon a time) had issues with dead root mass, that is until my plants had no more dead roots ;)


Just me two cents..everyone is different...whatever works best for your lifestyle.




I switched from floranova with RO to maxi with tap (350ppm) the last few weeks of the flower cycle and am now switching everything to maxibloom. I'm also using silica blast for ph-up and sm-90 to keep things clean... and the rest of a bottle of roots accelerator just because I have it. I was having some problems with the floranova and have yet to see them occur with maxi.

Everything is looking BEAUTIFUL in veg so far... I will post up some pics as things progress, I am just flipping them into flower now.

Thanks guys!

*EDIT* Btw I'm running a 3x3 ebb&flow and 6 dwc buckets, planning on adding fresh water and changing both reservoirs every 10 days...


Active member
Sorry guys, but I'm feel me stupid.
I try using KISS method, but. always something wrong in my grow.
I wanna ask about concentration of sollution after dissolving nutes.
If I dissolve 1.85g to 1 litter (equal 1teaspoon per gallon) I have 1.8EC (900ppm @0.5 or 1260ppm for @0,7)at the end. Is this normal?
Because I calculate nute profile total salts must be about 660ppm(1.4EC) +ppm of tap water.

I use RO water and mix with tap water for 100ppm (0.2EC) at at the end I have 1.8EC.

My plants usually start have some troubles from first week of flowering. Usually it Mg. def.
but In this time I have this one trouble:

I grow on the pure perilte, any ideas where I make mistake?


Sorry guys, but I'm feel me stupid.
I try using KISS method, but. always something wrong in my grow.
I wanna ask about concentration of sollution after dissolving nutes.
If I dissolve 1.85g to 1 litter (equal 1teaspoon per gallon) I have 1.8EC (900ppm @0.5 or 1260ppm for @0,7)at the end. Is this normal?
Because I calculate nute profile total salts must be about 660ppm(1.4EC) +ppm of tap water.

I use RO water and mix with tap water for 100ppm (0.2EC) at at the end I have 1.8EC.

My plants usually start have some troubles from first week of flowering. Usually it Mg. def.
but In this time I have this one trouble:

I grow on the pure perilte, any ideas where I make mistake?

how are your roots looking? any bugs down there?

Ioni Botani

how are your roots looking? any bugs down there?

Id have to agree with mg75...check out your roots. If they aren't pearly white, you know somethin' is up. For me it was salt buildup due to under watering, thus changing pH and ppm's in the root zone. I started Ebb n Flow, haven't looked back since...perfect amount of water, nutes and pH.
Like someone said, 'No more human watering can!'

Coco and the like have amazing results, if you know how to water.

I'm a hydro man, for me its all about numbers. I like fine tuning everything...which I couldn't achieve with hand watering. Too many variables..

Good luck!



Active member
I check my sick plants. and no insects, roots are pretty white

So I decide tomorrow make a some big flush and reload all system with KISS method. with sollution 1.8EC.

I use recirulated dripp irrigation on pure perlite. watering 4 times a day pH is 5.6-5.8. and now concentration is 1.6EC

I hope soon fix this problem and have fun with KISS method.


sulfur burner in room?
air pump into the rez picking anything up (co2, sulfur...) to change the PH?
try applying a little h202 just for the hell of it...
I have my chiller set to 68 but it usually runs at about 70

Thanks Maj! I was runnin hpaero with a 10th hp chiller but now I gotta cool 80 gallons at least. Im not even tryin it. Im just hopin the cooler temps we got here will last long enoughf to get me a big 1/4 horse or a 1/2 horse. Till then we just gotta rely on ambiant temps to keep our root zones in check. I was thinkin bout addin some rz protection if I gotta but I guess we'l just have to wait and see.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
i don't want to act like shit doesn't happen, because....it does...but all the same, i've ran thru 2 warm periods with no chiller - water temps reached the low 80s for weeks long stretches.

RO water, gh grow/bloom/koolbloom, calmag and silica

i always keep a fairly close eye on the roots too, tho - and on a few occasions i've dead-res'd things up with a dosing of bleach (about .5ml/gal) if things don't look exactly perfect in the root health department.

it negates the idea of any kind of benny, but any kind of benny always seemed like more risk than it was worth with no chiller, too tho

for me it was the hassle of having to vent another heat source just to keep water cool - it just made a chiller a headache i didn't want. i may have a different opinion if things go all pear shaped on me eventually, but so far...i've got no complaints.


Read every post in this thread over the weekend... very informative! I'm happy with my H&G right now but I've always contemplated giving gh a go. Yield seems to be a possible concern imo as evl mentioned getting less than 1# per 1000 watts... that's far from ideal. I'm far more concerned with quality than yield but less than one per light is rough... wondering what some other's numbers are looking like yield-wise that are using the maxibloom only??

The final product looks great though in everyone's pics... super frosty and tight bud formation. The only other concern I'm coming away with after reading 65+ pages is that most of the plants pictured in this thread are at least mildly over-fertilized. That could be the cause of the low yield? Either way, great thread!


some KISS afgoo

and KISS sour diesel

got .65g/watt from a room that was not properly space utilized
no co2; no extra fancy expensive crap

loving the KISS

i might have to try the jacks/peters though
cause i am a cheeeeaaaaap assssss:moon:

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