Guest 18340
Yup. Soil for me is usually water/water/feed, give or take. I read the leaves kinda...
Scrolled through alot of pages didn't see how often people are using it when watering with soil. Just curious how people are doing it.
Usually use MB/MB/Water for feeding... the girls absolutely love the maxi. Instead of PH up, using silica blast, 5ml/ga that gets the PH to 6.0.
No bloom boosters as of now
Does MB give better buds then the FNB? or are people just using the maxi first becuse it is cleaner? or a powder? or what....
I have a shit load of FNB but all the info is about MB are there many people that have tryed the lucas with fnb???????
with the GH drops and pink MB, pee yellow ph is what I shoot for. HTH.
I've been waiting to hear that too. Moleasses or no?What bloom boosters are people using with MB?
What bloom boosters are people using with MB?
It doesn't need any bloom boosters.
It's been said over and over again in this thread that maxibloom alone works great, and it does.
The whole point of this method is to KEEP IT SIMPLE STONER.
Not adding more bottles of crap.
If you have full strength maxibloom(complete in primary, secondary, and micro nutes) coming out at 1100-1200ppms, do you really think adding MORE nutrients is going to be beneficial?
I dont.
Are you using soil? 6 ph seems low for soil
Anybody else experience the residue at the bottom of their tanks?Without knowing that this tread existed, I switched swiched over to Maxi-Bloom about six months ago. I did it out of desperation. After receiving a 10% pay cut at my job, I was forced to either quit my hobby or economize.
The fellow at the growshop told me that MB would not do the job because it did not contain all the necessary micronutrients. The label said otherwise. I left the store having spent $15,00 instead of the $200.00+ that I once thought necessary.
Results have been equal, if not better. I could have made several mortgage payments with the money I had wasted over the years. Oh bitter regret!
I have but one issue. MB will not fully dissolve, and so there is a residue that settles to the bottom of my tank. Yet everything seems to be okay.
The MB brings my PH way to low, I do nothing about it, and everything is working out fine.