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*The K.I.S.S. Method*

when the coco starts to dry out the ppm's start to go up. if you hand water then you would wanna use plain water every 2-3 watering so you don't saturate the media with excess salts.

when you constant drip feed the coco doesn't have time to dry up much so there's less salt building up in the coco. plus when people drip feed they usually run lower ppms since it's gonna be constant feeding.

If you water every time without drain to waste maxibloom fullstrenght and the plant didn't eat up the previous salts they build up in the coco and it does become acidic.
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it bothers me when i read over and over again when people say "you only need this much of this" or "that much of that" or "you do or dont need cal mag" when its obvious they are looking at the needs of their own plants and assuming its the same for everyone elses strains. this is a GIANT mistake and you professionals who do this need to stop.

the real fact is that everyones needs for their given plants are very strain dependant. some strains need help with cal additives some dont, some need more or less P and more or less N, some drink a lot more water and need less nutes in general and the same goes for all other elements and also several other factors that plants need to grow.

each stains needs vary greatly and no one should be giving someone else advise for what works with their own strain when it may or may not work for the one seeking it. instead people should be advising people on how to properly use a fertilizer and tips on how to learn it and how to use it and other available suppliments according to what their specific strains need and thats it. what works for someone else could put another person way off the correct path for their own plants.


We are Farmers
Man I miss negative rep, I am just saying (BRING BACK NEGATIV REP!!!) and if you don't like it then there is fuck all you can do about it because there is no negative rep.


I say this because I hate when haters some in here whining, I am a lazy ass farmer, not kidding, not for play, I am a fucking lazy ass farmer and this shit works for me. If your strain can't handle the real world and needs to be coddled by a nanny it's entire life then fuck it, survival of the fittest. Grow the forum cut of GCS and enjoy the rest of your day. It is what the fuck I do, mic drop, I am out.
Call it whining if you want, bring back negative rep and ill give it to myself because im not here to try to earn shit. i could give a fuck what my rep status is. good rep bad rep whining or not, what i said earlier is true dont hate on me for trying to help people get good information on here because that has been the biggest problem i have ever faced since i got into this hobby. hate away if you must. i dont hate.

i get the feeling they banned negative rep because of people like you who are probably just itching to go on a neg rep spree.
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Active member
I think you missed the point darth...

You are not wrong. All plants needs are different. But for the VAST majority of plants.. this simple system will work.

I consider it a framework. Great for people to get their feet wet.. and people who want pure simplicity.

It can and should be tweaked to your own needs. In the end we have to learn to read out plants.. but this is a great method for people who appreciate simplicity.


Darth.. your attempt at disseminating knowledge came off pretty abrasive and unnecessary.

Not really sure why you are bugging out.
im sorry guys if i come off strong or abrasive sometimes, but there really is just too much of that going on, i wasnt pointing the finger at one single person, and it was not directed at the lucas formula. im more or less refering to the 240 pages of it that i just read. take out all the misleading information and this thread would be 10 pages long at best.


Registered Med User
See? This why we need to bring back negative rep, so when I get drunk and post dickish stuff people can smack me down.

This is the quote of the month! Haha! I too miss negative rep, back then someone who was always posting wrong stuff would be clearly labeled wrong because they would have a good negative 23 on their shit. Nowadays a newbie could come in here and only sees that 4 dumbasses positive repped somebody who was posting wrong information and doesnt see the 12 negatives they would have got.
This is the quote of the month! Haha! I too miss negative rep, back then someone who was always posting wrong stuff would be clearly labeled wrong because they would have a good negative 23 on their shit. Nowadays a newbie could come in here and only sees that 4 dumbasses positive repped somebody who was posting wrong information and doesnt see the 12 negatives they would have got.

Maybe "No" could be added for "Did you find this post helpful?". I'm sure it exists, vbulletin has lots of plugins and developers working on it.

Also rep is kinda not that useful since we can't figure out how they got the rep since your rep dashboard is private. For example you can post pictures in the funny picture thread and get dozens of reps.


We are Farmers
Maybe "No" could be added for "Did you find this post helpful?". I'm sure it exists, vbulletin has lots of plugins and developers working on it.

Also rep is kinda not that useful since we can't figure out how they got the rep since your rep dashboard is private. For example you can post pictures in the funny picture thread and get dozens of reps.

There once was a No next to the Yes and there is no way to tell where the rep came from so it could all be from non growing threads so grain of salt and all that.


Active member


Im running maxibloom on this run after using dyna products in the past. this is truly a one part formula with awesome results. i will be using the grow next run though for first 2 weeks of flower.


Well-known member
i had zero luck with maxibloom and soil.E W C saved the grow but i couldnt get p h to balance.i switched back to organics and set up some hempy buckets for the maxibloom.
kiss works great in the hempys


New member
Took a few weeks but I finally read the whole thread!!! A lot of great info here will be using the kiss method as soon as my seedlings are hungry. I will post a link here for the first grow when I start. Was using Dutch Master Gold full line with great results. Can't wait to see what maxi can do maybe do a side by side once I find a good mother. Or not because it's a pain to mix all those nutes!!! Thanx for the info!!! Joined because of this thread.
Love Maxibloom!!!
Kiss user for yrs:) definitely works fine on its own but I give her a splash of Micro during stretch. Then back to th MB. Depending on strain I bounce the MB around wk 5 or 6 and go straight Florabloom to knock out the N the last few wks! Maybe even give her a DRY Koolbloom blast before flush:) she seems to like

I know far from KISS but love them GH products. Can push out top tier product with basic Nute salts!!

All this with coco of course! The cheap cocotek shit!!! Wash it and charge it. Fuck 100 bucks on coco. Love you folks who refuse to get played out.
Happy Growing


I have a small tent and I'm on my 3rd 2.2 lb bag of MB.

I run perlite hempy type buckets for veg and a top feed dutch bucket system in perlite for flower.

Nothing could be easier, unless it was tap water to actually grow some weed.


Well-known member
Anyone trying Veg-Bloom 1 part powder? It supposedly has L-Amino's, Si, but it's pricey for powdered fert. I saw some newbie grows with it, and I'm really impressed with what I'm seeing in tents with poor enviros. I believe ferts count for about 10% of the grow, where environment is what stands to produce the biggest, trich'ed, terped best results. I'm starting to think that the reason so many need silicas, endo, ecto, Humics, sea weed, etc is to help combat or help prevent poor, or disease/infestation prone grows due to genetics or enviro.