Um no. Actually at first I thought it was the kiss method. I only came to realize later it was from using the blumats after I cleared up my problems by switching back to hand-watering. Blumats always seemed to either give too little or too much and I was constantly tweaking them. When they gave too much I had a mess on the floor, too little and I'd get some deficiency. They're inconsistent because over a short time (~2 weeks) an air bubble builds up inside them, which changes the pressure on the valve. You can never just "dial it in" and then leave it alone and trust them to work - or at least I couldn't. All the time I spent tweaking the settings, rebuilding them due to air bubbles, rebuilding the resevoir due to mold, and cleaning up messes, I found it's just as easy to hand water. That way I can also measure exactly how much they're getting and how much runoff. If you have a better experience using them, I'd love to hear about it.