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The "In my day" thread...



back in when i was kid courage cat and minute mouse was next onyly to underdog


I remember when the words "politacally correct" were never used together because our leaders were doin the peoples bidding, not what will profit them the most..

I remember when the people were behind their governments, fully supported their military actions (< more politacally correct stuff!) and liberal ment that you would put more fertilizer on the plants than they need.

I remember when it snowed where I used to live, 20 miles north of NYC, and we could sleigh ride down the drive into the "Main Street" of town ... no traffic!

I remember getting 2 pennies back in the cig pack from the vending machine when they were .28 cents/pack (you had to put in .30 cents.. no change despenced).

Funny, I can remember most of the 'do you remember' things from a hundred years ago but I can't remember what happened yesterday!:joint:

I remember when there were no survalance cameras!

I remember starting to work for IBM (1969) and there were no computers.. unit record machines.

I rember my father kicking my ass (more than once) because the local police called and told him I was fukin up! (and he was the local bookie!)

Funny, I can remember most of the 'do you remember' things from a hundred years ago but I can't remember what happened yesterday!:joint:

If I keep using this vaporizor I'll remember the druids!

I remember better times.


Don Cotyle

In my day a gallon of gas was 22 cents
In my day a pack of smokes was 24 cents
In my day you could get a shot and a beer for a quarter
In my day you could walk down the street and smoke a joint and the only other folks that knew the smell were other smokers
In my day you could buy a used car with 45K miles for around $200-$250
In my day P.F.Flyers were the coolest sneakers you could have
In my day if you got caught drinking and driveing the cops would confiscate your beer and tell you to drive home safetly
In my day you went outside to play and most of the games were made up on the spot and you had to be home very soon after the street lights came on
In my day a ducks ass was a hair style...LOL!!!


livin my way the high way
in my day o wait shit im to young but im real jealous of all you old stoners thats the truth.

Don Cotyle

In my day you could ride the bus for 10 cents and ask for a transfer ticket, then use it for the trip home!

In my day they had a penny arcade and some of the games were actually a penny but most were a nickle!

In my day you could get a 10oz coca-cola for a nickle and when you were done you could get a penny for the empty!

In my day a police officer would never ever even think asking to search your vehicle!

In my day dogs were pets not tools for the police to smell for drugs to give police probable cause to search your vehicle!!!

In my day...they actually the good old days!!!


Drip King
I could have grown a WAREHOUSE of herb, and no one would have know!

we only had like 6 tv stations


Back in my day people used to be arrested for marijuana and the govt did whatever it wanted and raided everyones house without probable cause.Now I can walk around with a half oz in my pocket and have no concerns.I can also order online without fear of prosecution, of course it has to be the right place.....I can smoke in public and tell the cops my name is Mickey Mouse when they give me my ticket.That is a change for the better.I also had to walk to school through 2ft of snow.....Here's to a more relaxed world, Chaco.


We had to buy issues of high times from the 70's and 80's at the used record store for a dollar, then pay 5cents per page to copy articles and make a grow manual.

Every day is my day! :D

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
In my day my mom would send me to the corner store with a note to get her smokes at 35 cents a pack. And gas was 32 cents a gallon.

In my day you addressed adults as Mr & Mrs, not by their first names.

In my day you got smacked for misbehaving by whatever adult was around and then again when you got home and that adult had told your parents what you'd done.

In my day you didn't lock your car, or your house.

Man, I miss the 1800's.


in my day you could hitch hike....the cops didn't give you a hassle and lots of different people would give us a lift....(in Australia) in the early 70's, from ages 12, 13 and 14, a school mate and I must of thumbed hundreds of rides and never once came across a creep. We used to hitch across the state on school holidays, camping in tents.