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The "In my day" thread...

The Uncola

In my day- sure we had E. coli but it was not the H157 kind that will kill any child under 6 years.

The school lunches were actually made with the consultation of a nutritionist.

Clothing was actually made in the USA.

Major bowl games were actually named after the city or area they were played in- not giant corporations like Block Buster.

Women had the option of staying home and raising the children.
In my day you could go to a rock concert for $7.00
In my day a "lid" was $20
In my day you could buy a car for $50 and drive it for a year
In my day if that same car broke down the cops would help you fix it

me thinks those days are gone...


Girls wore mini skirts and no bras...
Drive in movie theatres with playgrounds in the front.
cutting school and skinny dipping in the resevoir
Peasant blouses on girls
straight, long ironed hair
The scarecrow on Walt Disney
seemed like every one of my friends played guitar..


In my day elderly people where to be used as role models. Not punching bags.


In my day - kids moved outta the way of adults on the sidewalk.

I could take off on my bike, exploring ponds and caves on the outskirts of town. My parents never worried about someone taking me or diddling me. Now those caves and ponds are gone - replaced by malls and housing surveys.

The fields were full of grasshoppers and snakes - my school had a huuuuge field we could play in. Now that field is another school and a parking lot.

All the streets had trees - now most of the neighbourhoods have no trees lining the streets, just one or two in backyards.

Most people had low wooden fences or none at all - now it's chainlink, barbed iron 6 feet plus.

Nobody was stupid enuff to blow their fingers off with firecrackers - not more than once, anyway, and not in my neighbourhood.

I could buy a pack of smokes, a pack of Colt cigars and a choc bar for a buck.

McDonalds had a burger, fries and drink for less than a dollar.

You could go to boy scouts without someone being molested - and walk around with your scout knife on your belt without someone calling the cops.

You could take a pellet gun into the woods - without someone calling the cops.



New member
In my day...

... me and all the kids in the street would disappear on our bikes and only come home for lunch and dinner, without the parents calling a swat team.

... crime rates were higher, you had more chance of being lead astray by a fist full of sweets, our parents just schooled us in the art of being careful and we went out anyway.

... there was no prozac or ADHD

... people spoke their minds without the cry baby thought police telling me to shut up because they are no good at exercising emotional maturity

... talk was cheap and no one really listened to it.

... actions spoke their own language.

... we kept score in sports and everyone wasnt given a blue 'winners' ribbon to pwotect them fwom their feewings.

... we couldnt wait to fly the nest, didnt live with mummy and sponge off daddy into our thirties

... we didnt go thru life bubble wrapped

... we didnt sue whoever made the road we fell onto and the bike we fell off when we grazed a knee

... we got back on the horse when we fell off instead of retreating to a game console.

... when we did something wrong and got in trouble our parents wouldnt yell at the police or principal and threaten legal action, they gave us a thrashing.

... adults were adults and children were children and parents werent scarred of their offspring

... we didnt have the internet to whinge about what it was like in the good old daze.

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Motley said:
In my day...

... me and all the kids in the street would disappear on our bikes and only come home for lunch and dinner, without the parents calling a swat team.

... crime rates were higher, you had more chance of being lead astray by a fist full of sweets, our parents just schooled us in the art of being careful and we went out anyway.

... there was no prozac or ADHD

... people spoke their minds without the cry baby thought police telling me to shut up because they are no good at exercising emotional maturity

... talk was cheap and no one really listened to it.

... actions spoke their own language.

... we kept score in sports and everyone wasnt given a blue 'winners' ribbon to pwotect them fwom their feewings.

... we couldnt wait to fly the nest, didnt live with mummy and sponge off daddy into our thirties

... we didnt go thru life bubble wrapped

... we didnt sue whoever made the road we fell onto and the bike we fell off when we grazed a knee

... we got back on the horse when we fell off instead of retreating to a game console.

... when we did something wrong and got in trouble our parents wouldnt yell at the police or principal and threaten legal action, they gave us a thrashing.

... adults were adults and children were children and parents werent scarred of their offspring

... we didnt have the internet to whinge about what it was like in the good old daze.

I agree and add that when we went to school, we never thought there would come a day when we have police officers in the school all day or that there would be shootings at school..


In my day , we would gather at the local pool hall/foosball/game room, decide to have a field party...literally pass around the hat to collect money for a keg...

In my day...the cops would show up at the gate to the field we were partying ..and shout on the megaphone to put the fire out....

I get very nostalgic about the seventies.....I miss them so...tube tops and bib overalls and clark wallabees were my uniform....


New member
in my day...

we lived and let live.

we fought w/our fist

stood in the front seat as dad drove th GTO

we learned by doing

mushrooms grew plentiful


in my day,,,,,skinny little punks h

in my day,,,,man had more respect for one another ,,,because if you said or did something to really offend someone ,,there was a good chance you could get punched in the mouth,(and people realized this)and not everyone sued ! pussys say whatever they want these days,,,,,cause they will SUE you if you smack them !!!!! if this is you,,,,,,,,,,,expect to be in a fight,,,,,,OR SHUT-UP !


lotatokin said:
in my day,,,,man had more respect for one another ,,,because if you said or did something to really offend someone ,,there was a good chance you could get punched in the mouth,(and people realized this)and not everyone sued ! pussys say whatever they want these days,,,,,cause they will SUE you if you smack them !!!!! if this is you,,,,,,,,,,,expect to be in a fight,,,,,,OR SHUT-UP !

Not only that, but think back 30 yrs ago....

How many of us strapped gats? I didn't know 1 single hipster who carried a handgun. Nowadays, it's, "OK, I got my wallet, keys, cellphone [another thing only Dick Tracy owned] & my Tech-9. Let's go party!!"

I still think the best correlation I've heard was from a retired pilot who only transported weed. He said he could've made 50 times the $$$ transporting cocaine, but hated the people involved with that shit.
He once told me he never needed to carry a gun because, "Weed deals are done with a handshake...coke deals are done with a handgun!!"
I thought that was an excellent way to distinguish the 2. :joint:


gats !!!! that is a good one ! i know,,,,isnt that f,,,,ed up ? really,,,,alot of kids,,,if you punched them,,,would just pull out their ,,,"GAT" and BLAM ! pop you with no remorse. not even thinking they may have just taken some little one daddy,,,who is very much loved and needed .thats a bunch of shit ! thats a coward if you ask me. if you run your mouth,,,,you should expect to be confronted,,,,,,,and it doesnt need to involve a GAT !BE A MAN !


In my day I wake up every morning and wish I was born in the 60's...

Life sounds so much easier and fun, when people actually respected others..


Active member
In my day everyone shared buds.
In my day everyone shared cuts.
In my day everyone bred their own lines.
In my day we had harvest festivals.
In my day we shared seeds for the next crop.
In my day we gave thanks for a great harvest.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Reality said:
In my day I wake up every morning and wish I was born in the 60's...

Life sounds so much easier and fun, when people actually respected others..

...it's more useful to have been born in the 40's...in order to really enjoy the 60's...IMO...it worked well for me... :smoker: :respect:


I remember my parents telling me "Woodstock is for hippies". Although I was 5 I knew I was missing out on something BIG. After that, all I wanted to do was be "a hippie"!
When I saw Linda Ronstadt come onstage barefoot and wearing that little 'babydoll' dress, with the peasant sleeves, I wanted to be her to.

Sunday at 5:00 was a BIG deal growing up. Disney & Walter Chronkite.

Just "a look" from mom told me I had better behave. And I did. Imagine!

I remember walking to Taco Bell & paying .35 for a taco---and walking was much more fun than being in the car.

Remember when you could see a movie, have candy & soda for less than 2.00?

And remember at all the rock concerts EVERYONE was passing doobies?? It was expected, and yes, considered rude if you didn't take at least one toke!

Progress is good in some ways. But so much of the time I think that simple life is better. :joint: