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The "In my day" thread...



Just to set the record straight, I'm not dead yet - it's still "in my day."

In my day,

In my day, you could get a job without having to piss in a cup.

In my day, you could sit on the front porch and smoke a doobie without concern.

In my day, if you went into a shop to buy a pipe, they'd give you a few free screens to go with it. They knew what you wanted the pipe for.

In my day, a dime bag still cost only a dime ($10).

In my day, it was considered impolite to not take a toke of a doobie pasted to you. (Nobody pissed in anybody's cup then).

In my day, Taliban was that asian store down the street that sold all the incense and hookahs, not the enemy.

In my day, cops didn't prowl the internet in weed forums, they didn't care about stoners. They were more interested in the actual real crime rate and safety on the streets.

In my day, I carried a roller skate key around my neck.

In my day, you weren't considered a terrorist threat if you had nail clippers on your carry on baggage.

In my day, you drank coke from a returnable glass bottle.

In my day, I didn't have to run out for milk, it was delivered by the milkman.

In my day, I didn't have to go to a special counter and show ID to purchase cigarettes, they were on the aisle or a display.

In my day, students didn't have to pass through metal detectors to go to school.

In my day, kids wore a belt to keep their pants up.

In my day, ...


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
I new I had one i n me, I remember when you can go to a dealers house,
and ask for a dime bag and he would just break a piece off a brick and just through it in your bag with out measuring it and you could smoke for a week.

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road.
Someone told us that the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough for us. ;) :)

I may not agree with what the chicken did, but I will defend to the death its right to do it. ~VOLTAIRE~ ;)
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In my day, parents were not afraid to spank their children for an appropriate reason.

In my day, nobody was worried about some kid going ballistic and killing everyone at school.

In my day, we wore our pants around our waist so we could run away from the cops.


Active member
I went to my daughter's school the other day and it was all I could do not to laugh at boys. Do they realize how stupid they look with the crotch of thier pants hanging to their knees? I mean just watching them try to walk is hilarious.

Guys.....even if you dont wear them that low, like just wear them hangin off your ass? Makes you look like you have no ass at all, not an attractive look by any stretch of the imagination.


In my day we didn't have rap music.

In my day we didn't have white kids trying to act like black kids.

In my day you could buy a joint for a buck, not ten bucks. :yoinks:

In my day we never heard of crack.

In my day it was best for gays to stay in the closet. :bat:

Lord Doobie

In my day, ice was frozen water

In my day, having a gay ol' time was smokin a joint

In my day, you didn't have to take off your shoes to board a plane

In my day, a lid was a bit less than an ounce

In my day, crack was found on sidewalks

In my day, they sold bongs with a money back guarantee

In my day, there were no goofs driving and wrecking because of cell phones

In my day, you didn't need to get your kids fingerprinted

In my day, I could buy 15 gallons of gas, burn it all off in my Chevelle SS 396, and come back for another $5


In my day, having a gay ol' time was watching and singing along with the Flintstones.

everyone knows that tune right?

In my day, a hand shake was as good as any written contract.



vonforne said:
In my day, having a gay ol' time was watching and singing along with the Flintstones.

everyone knows that tune right?

In my day, a hand shake was as good as any written contract.


Can I get an AMEN! on that last one?


lots of stereotyping/discrimination going on here, you would have thought you old people would have learned by now. differant strokes for differant folks. heres a new one for ya, DONT HATE
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Active member
Dunno if this is applicable to the US/ West, but anyways...

In my day...I could get a tolla of weed from almost any pan/cigarette store.

In my day...it was easier to find weed more than cigarettes.

In my day...we didn't have donkey piss (Pepsi cola) as the main beverage.

In my day...there wasn't any junk food.

In my day...the official stance was that smoking mmj is good for you & makes u live for 100 years.

In my day...companies didn't have the right to fire employees w/o permission from the labour union.

In my day...I could legally cultivate herbs. In my house, in my dorm room...

In my day...girls didn't think that wearing skimpy clothing and acting like hos is a sign of women's rights. (Today not all think this way but an alarming chunk especially in our citys do).

In my day...getting a Zorki 2000 camera (Anyone know of this brand???) was like getting a mansion in Beverly Hills.

In my day...the young said words such as "hasta la victoria, siempre" rather than "Money, MONEY, M O N E Y" and "mine...MINE...A L L M I N E"

In my day...when people watched the lead actress in a cinema, they said "I wish I could get a wife like that." When they do the same now, they say "I wish I could get a fuck buddy like that."

In my day...the scene was alot better :joint: What can I say??? ?? ?
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Non Conformist
hoyt said:
lots of stereotyping/discrimination going on here, you would have thought you old people would have learned by now. differant strokes for differant folks. heres a new one for ya, DONT HATE
In my day we respected our elders,there's a new one for you !lol...BC


The days not over;) keep the spirit alive....
in my day, some peanuts, a bottled coke, and a fat joint were heaven,,,,,still are=)


Well-known member
In my day there was no internet, you had to buy a high times and order books out of the classifieds to learn how to grow.


Active member
hoyt said:
lots of stereotyping/discrimination going on here, you would have thought you old people would have learned by now. differant strokes for differant folks. heres a new one for ya, DONT HATE

aw cmon now, Old Stoner's Crash Pad is happy, joking full of it kind of place. No one is hating here.

....now run along and play.....hahahaha j/k

Incoming!!!!!! hahahaha


In my day Chucks (Converse All Stars) cost 8 bucks. In my day you saved up for what you wanted and paid Cash. In my day we used our creativity for entertainment. In my day things were made to last.


Active member
Hello all,

WeedWrapperMan said:
In my day Chucks (Converse All Stars) cost 8 bucks. .....

And 8 buxs was alot for a pair of sneakers my dad would say. Instead we went to Payless Shoe Store and bought a pair of some no-name brand that lasted as long for $3.49, and I would get a pair of wranglers (not Levi's like everyone else).

And we liked it!



In my day... We made our own fun; and aslong as yer horse, was well fed, and clean.....they gave yer a driving licence.

gringle :chin:

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