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The IC Organic Growers Community Thread.


East Coast, All Day!
Jesus, Bubba hates branching haha. I cut a bud off my Cheri F2 from VG and dug a mature seed out (woot!). I put it in the ground, should be a polyhybrid nightmare: Cherijuana F2 (Herijuana x Cherry Bomb) x LouDog's CJxSB IXI (which is either ((CJxSB) x CJ) or ((CJxSB) x SB)).

I believe it is the first one you mentioned... and I also pollinated quite a few hybrids with a male from the same line you speak of...

did yours have a nice "sour" smell?

was it accidental or intentional?

Carlos Danger

At least it'll prove to be a ridiculously diverse F1. Lots of directions to take F2s in if there's gold in there.


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
I heard someone say pictures.

Casey Jones day 71 -





Carlos Danger

Yo Lapides, are those H3ad originals, LouDog's line, or House of Love?


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
I'm pretty sure they were from H3ad. Joe Schmoe found that female.

Carlos Danger

Lapides, you should s1 the girl and send some seeds in to the server fund! The more diverse pool of CJ with have to work with the better.

Sour - intentional. I gave a pack to my neighbor, all the girls died from cropdusting pesticides and the one he had in his yard was male so I saved the pollen. Big healthy male, quick flowering, thin leaf structure, and honestly the dried male flowers were potent if not short lasting.

The problem is Lou did an outdoor run of CJxSB, SBxCJ, SB F2s and CJ F2s. So there's no way to tell. From the speed and structure I saw I felt confident that the male was not a SB F3 (too much vigor for a bog line inbred twice more), or a CJ F3. Which leaves it as a cross of the two to some extent. For all intents and purposes it's a god damn mystery.
Does anyone have any tips on keeping a population of predatory breeding so I could just keep releasing them. Used some picked flowers from outside they looked to be eating the pollen off to survive, then I tightened the big pickle jar lid and they couldn't' handle it.

Carlos Danger

I have wondered the same. You can raise praying mantises in captivity I believe, and I've been meaning to learn how. Did you puncture some airholes in the lid? Maybe use a mason jar but replace the metal lid with cheesecloth and then put the ring on.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
great pics guys!

Von, the fat bubbas look amazing (better than mine which were all squashed together)
you're doing me proud!
been having a few early smokes of my FB harvest and its some tasty bubba-ish weed. the high is really promising, quite uplifting.



I am gong to get them transplanted and start training them. Only one of the ´odd balls´ has what I would call branching. lol other than that they are all tight. I will see how they do. I did not do much to them other than folair feeding once a week with Aloe, Ful-power and protekt.

They do have a nice color though. huh? and it will be sometime before I get to smoke any. Maybe around Christmas.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yeah these 'hashplant' type indicas are usually very reluctant to branch out from seed but with big pots, training and time they should respond. cuttings of the same plants are always better behaved and plants from them don't seem to have the same apical dominance. strange that.
but yeah they are handsome plants for sure!



I will get some of those pictures over to the Fat Bubba thread later when I come home. I am not much of a photographer. lol so there is not an over abundance of pictures from me.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
those ones will do just fine von, nice to see some that have been given a bit of space and light to veg up.



They have had plenty of light in veg. The closet they were in......alone is 240 watts of t5s. The lights are attached to the top of the shelf 2 feet off the floor and even as seedlings they never stretched out at all. I have those 4 bulb sets and there are 2 of them side by side in the closet. Now that they are bigger they are in the main room where they have more room to spread out a bit. I cleaned out my veg room by putting all my ´over stocked´ clone outside to flower out at the end of the year. Should have a great harvest this year if the weather holds out for another month or so.

I'm ordering 4000 Neoseiulus Califoricus today for my indoor grow. Last time I tried breeding predatory mites by feeding them pollen worked well until the cover got screwed on because I though they would all crawl out. I forgot about them everything was working well up to that point. They are pretty small and active so cheese cloth might work on a big jar or the old lady's underwear stretched over the top?
Predatory mites came in two days from ordering over the phone cross country! Almost caught me off guard UPS showed up a day early I had the door wide open cranking some tunes not expecting company. I released them in the rooms with some new plants we got going on along with a bunch of Chrissy's hopefully the predatory mites with eat some pollen off them if they need it.

you can see the predatory mites on the black cap.

This is my most reliable sprayed ever it has lasted almost a year! Hudson TEK gets me wet.


Damn those are tiny. I have never used them. How long do they live? I need to read up on those.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Right im going to try and go through the thead to pick some nominations for the best pic prize

Sharksbreath x Bubba kush
Predatory mites are surpose to reproduce twice as fast as two spotted mites, not sure what their life span is off the top of my head. I have another jar going with vermiculite sawdust and flowers with all kinds of pollen hoping to establish a good vibe for them to make babies.

Found an Aphid Lion today it fell from a plant and landed on the kid I grabbed it for the room pumped! I love watching those guys run around and they look pre histroic.

What is a good way to eliminate mold I'm trying to find a UV G light to give that a whirl.

some more Blueberry Afghan pics