A hemp variety registered in one of the countries of the former republic of yugoslavia or a Yugoslavian land race?
Yugo Landrace would be nice.
Just wondering why you want such a variety...
i'm part croatian and want to grow hemp, not really complicated or thought out.
Because in Yugoslavia, mainly all the Hungarian varieties and the Italian Fibranova have been cultivated. Nowadays it's mainly Serbia which cultivates hemp and it seems as if they were gradually switching to 'Novosadska konoplja' which is a Fleischmann hemp selection and therefore of Italian origin.
Also, the Fleischmann hemp had a strong influence on Hungarian varieties and therefore most of the agricultural hemp in Serbia is closely related to Italian hemp.
On the other hand, I suppose that in this region you have a fair chance of still finding feral hemp (either endemic or more likely fibre hemp gone wild). Best chance here would be to find someone living there .
Eventually I would like to make a bio-diesel, but that is far down the road. Looks like I have a lot to learn. Thanks for pointing me down some pathways
Great thread btw