Does anyone have a Haze specific soil mix they would recommend?
It's been suggested to me that my haze attempts have ran long because of too much nitrogen in the mix.
I guess I can just make my same mix but totally delete all or most N.
Are worm castings allowed? Or is that too much?
Also I believe madmac suggested a pH up around 7.
AND then is it only the nitrogen they don't like? Are they P and K sensitive as well?
here's where I'm leaning: 1 part compost, 1 part worm castings, 1part aeration, 2 parts peat. Then more than usual with gypsum, calcium inputs.
Any constructive input is appreciated. Thanks
It's been brought up. No one has a haze specific mix im aware of. If your mix is organic look into what you feed instead. That is where I see issues with to much N. I feed everything a PH of 6.5.