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The Haze discussion thread

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The Haze Whisperer
We all share info. When you post its the only info that correct. Everyone else can just fuk off. The info you just posted was garbage. If people want to believe your special process of adding moisture back into a dried up seed some how makes the seeds viable again can. IMO its just total BS to prop up your ego. You cant for the life of you except what other posts. You just proved it with some made up fantasy.

Dude smoke some weed get your self into a nicer frame of mind and become one with the universe and then get back to me when you can interact with me as an equal till then dont waste my time.

No one said a thing about adding moisture back into the dry embryo case you just making this up as you go bit like Trump hope your not into the orange spray tan.


Well-known member
aww thank u

First off, I sent thadocta (an online presence I actually respect, unlike yourself) samples of my old skunk(he confirmed what I already knew) 2nd I’m giving samples of my NL to Seattle Greg (edit: not in an attempt to give my cut validity but the fact I simply want to know what it is, I know how old it is and where it came from(my family)) 3rd edit: what am I even doing defending myself to some clown like yourself
I truly don’t care who u are or what you’ve done
I simply care about your actions and how you’ve treated me
which is poor so I could care less about you or yours..
have solace knowing you won’t ever get within 100 yards of something I’ve

so while you can go and bitch,
some of us are actually doing real work to preserve shit and respect those that came before us

I’m done with this thread for now
this isn’t fun to participate in

Preserve what you can.....if its good an you like it thats wat maters.....wat skunk do you have...do you mind giving a breif description of it please.....I ask cus thers one held tightly near wer I am.....it seems to be sams sk#1 minus the extra indica that seems to have been added in Holland....very tall very very sativa...an has some serious stink while alive an in finished bud....a serious liability...can easily match wat is know as the bright side cheese in smell, only it seems to be a bit more spicyer....looks more like some of the sativa versions of the island sweet skunk....but wen you smoke it its so easy to tell that its a sister of the true cheese clone which is skunk#1..no one seems to have it no more tho....ive seen some coming out of the usa....but evryone keeps coming up with some afghan skunk type thing....so I was wondering wat yours was like ?

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I was chatting online to one guy from Cali who was involved in the scene in the late 70's/early 80's said he never heard of Original Haze. He said he was familiar with Santa Cruz Haze and even held a cut of it up until recently. Not sure though if he only heard of SC Haze in recent times or if it was going around back in the day ...

I guess it was a boutique product that didn't travel far from where it was grown compared to the Lumbo, Mex, Panama and Thai that were grown and distributed on a commercial scale.

Kangativa had a Californian Haze .
He spent time living in the USA .


Well-known member
Kangativa had a Californian Haze .
He spent time living in the USA .

Yep...he put pictures up of it....and the skunk he got from ther....nevil even seen it.....it dont look like pure haze tho....sams looks beter....I remember pictures...it was grown out an looked at wen nevil an kanga done some of ther stuff together...I belive it comes from the same time too...late 80's early 90's.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
:laughing: OK dude if you say so it must be true. There's plenty of us in here that have been growing as long or longer than you. Stop acting like your the ganja king and your info is the only info thats correct. Just makes you look like an ass.

G `day Hammer

I have seen him do it .
So don`t write him off yet ...

You know how old seeds often pop and sprout a tail then stall ?

I saw Hempy get the seed to progress and grow into a plant . He had a nifty little process he used and it seemed to work !

The Hempy Bucket and the getting those tails to grow out are big gifts to the cannabis world ,and I give him his due.

Kinda makes up for all the other rubbish he goes on with . lol .


Active member
Preserve what you can.....if its good an you like it thats wat maters.....wat skunk do you have...do you mind giving a breif description of it please.....I ask cus thers one held tightly near wer I am.....it seems to be sams sk#1 minus the extra indica that seems to have been added in Holland....very tall very very sativa...an has some serious stink while alive an in finished bud....a serious liability...can easily match wat is know as the bright side cheese in smell, only it seems to be a bit more spicyer....looks more like some of the sativa versions of the island sweet skunk....but wen you smoke it its so easy to tell that its a sister of the true cheese clone which is skunk#1..no one seems to have it no more tho....ive seen some coming out of the usa....but evryone keeps coming up with some afghan skunk type thing....so I was wondering wat yours was like ?

it’s an old skunk 1 from sacred seeds work most likely..
It wasn’t very potent, it wouldn’t be a keeper imo today but I gave it out locally to quite a few people but ended up losing her myself
86’ skunk 1



Early flower


now this is some old school herb. She smells like our Pure Thai and Old school hawaiian mixed together with a old school skunk1 odor. But it's definitely of the oold school sativa haze/thai/hawaiian types...
that’s what docta had to say


The Haze Whisperer
Ha Dark that old Sk line you posted on dose it grow like a sativa tree out doors and indoors only yield say 3 to 4 oz max a plant indoors but stays short with a sat frame indoors and has almost indica buds indoors ?.


Well-known member
it’s an old skunk 1 from sacred seeds work most likely..
It wasn’t very potent, it wouldn’t be a keeper imo today but I gave it out locally to quite a few people but ended up losing her myself
86’ skunk 1
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Early flower

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now this is some old school herb. She smells like our Pure Thai and Old school hawaiian mixed together with a old school skunk1 odor. But it's definitely of the oold school sativa haze/thai/hawaiian types...
that’s what docta had to say

Thanks for the reply....looks intresting....the bud look a little similar to the one held here...only yours looks to be a thicker buded....on the one we have the buds are huge but they will squash....an have more gold to them.....yours look very nice tho....nice grow by the way.


Well-known member
Ha Dark that old Sk line you posted on dose it grow like a sativa tree out doors and indoors only yield say 3 to 4 oz max a plant indoors but stays short with a sat frame indoors and has almost indica buds indoors ?.

Hempy this one grows alomost like that ssh picture you put up....has long tall colas....light green kinda gold coloured....has those Columbian gold type leaves an leaf colour....the buds grow big but it comes out quite light weight....1oz looks like 2oz...iv never seen it done outdoors....the climate isnt safe....an that thing will draw attention within a huge radius....


Well-known member
? for @Hempy

? for @Hempy

I researched seed storage 2 decades ago and the best info came from the university of hawaiian and as a result now i can pull out 20 year old seed and get up to 95% germination.

Hiya @Hempy,

Invaluable info for the community there. If you have it would you mind sharing a reference to the above, sounds like it was a pub on their research? Or, maybe you’ve documented here or somewhere else? I for one would love to stick that in my library.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
G `day Hammer

I have seen him do it .
So don`t write him off yet ...

You know how old seeds often pop and sprout a tail then stall ?

I saw Hempy get the seed to progress and grow into a plant . He had a nifty little process he used and it seemed to work !

The Hempy Bucket and the getting those tails to grow out are big gifts to the cannabis world ,and I give him his due.

Kinda makes up for all the other rubbish he goes on with . lol .

You cant re hydrate a dead dried seed. If there's still moisture in a seed than the seeds is not dried up and dead. Your both talking about something else. All I keep repeating is when all the moisture is gone the seed is toast. It doesn't look like you guys can understand that. Anything Hempy did was not with a dried up dead seed. Once the seed has dried up 100% not possible to re hydrate a seed to make it viable again..

Dude smoke some weed get your self into a nicer frame of mind and become one with the universe and then get back to me when you can interact with me as an equal till then dont waste my time.

No one said a thing about adding moisture back into the dry embryo case you just making this up as you go bit like Trump hope your not into the orange spray tan.

I didn't make up anything. Ive said it 5x now. You cant re hydrate a seed. If any seed popped a tail it has moisture in it. If its dead and dried up how you gonna get the moisture back in? Even if you could it wouldn't do anything the seed is dead at that point. . LOL. if you read any Trump thread you'd know I don't support that Racist. You shouldn't make this thread about politics. Its about Haze. I'm 100% sure your a narcissist..I don't interact well with people like that. Trump is a narcissist. Its impossible to have a decent conversation with you, there's always a but my info is better.. As you just posted you think your better then others. Like I said narcissist.
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The Haze Whisperer
Hempy this one grows alomost like that ssh picture you put up....has long tall colas....light green kinda gold coloured....has those Columbian gold type leaves an leaf colour....the buds grow big but it comes out quite light weight....1oz looks like 2oz...iv never seen it done outdoors....the climate isnt safe....an that thing will draw attention within a huge radius....

One i was given has a sat frame in doors but wont yield more than 3 or 4 oz a plant max leaf is a dark green flowers indoors are dense and solid.

Take it out doors it can grow into a tree taller than a house and has airy sat flowers very odd plant and its a Sk.


Well-known member
The one back here looks more like this.....(these are pictures of islands sweet skunk/canadian heirloom skunk) but the one back here isnt sweet...its more spicy....seems to lean abit more to haze type smoke an efect too.....good all day smoke....was very typical of the skunk#1 wen it first landed.


  • Island-Sweet-Skunk.jpg
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  • island-sweet-skunk---semillas-regulares_7359_1_.jpg
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Active member
stretched till week 3-4
finished in ~8 weeks
Hashy apples to me personally
makes the room smell like it when it smokes






Well-known member
stretched till week 3-4
finished in ~8 weeks
Hashy apples to me personally
makes the room smell like it when it smokes
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Your bud finishes up looking quite sativa....an the plant looks like a keeper to me.....loads of crystals too....good job
I like your Marilyn Manroe lighter....
I just re read your post an it says you lost her....hopefully the many guys you gifted it to, one of them should sort you back out. ?


The Haze Whisperer
stretched till week 3-4
finished in ~8 weeks

Hashy apples to me personally
makes the room smell like it when it smokes

One i have looks close to that a darker green flower stretch indoors and flowers the same but the smell is so strong in flower it is a security risk to grow them.


The Haze Whisperer
Hiya @Hempy,

Invaluable info for the community there. If you have it would you mind sharing a reference to the above, sounds like it was a pub on their research? Or, maybe you’ve documented here or somewhere else? I for one would love to stick that in my library.


Hi F2F

Here is a thread by Sam on seed storage he uses the fridge like me not the freezer but you can use the Freezer also.

I posted this with basic info and links to the type of packs you need to store your seed in the fridge or freezer with.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Same dude. Statcrash was Nexus.
Remember that killer ssh he used to run?

Yes that was me back in 2004 On ICMAG I was Nexus ..I had to delete my account because I got busted in 2008... It cost me 6 1/2 years of my life
Peace ...


Well-known member
Hi F2F

Here is a thread by Sam on seed storage he uses the fridge like me not the freezer but you can use the Freezer also.

I posted this with basic info and links to the type of packs you need to store your seed in the fridge or freezer with.

Ah. Thanks @Hempy. I have read that a couple times. For some reason I interpreted your comment earlier as something different. Nonetheless I’m bookmarking. Seems a kit specific for cannabis seed would be a great tool.

Yes that was me back in 2004 On ICMAG I was Nexus ..I had to delete my account because I got busted in 2008... It cost me 6 1/2 years of my life
Peace ...

Still remember the legendary SSH colas. You should know your pics inspired me. Planned a business trip around it. Ghent to Adam to hunt down those seeds - my first legit gear. Sorry to hear about lost time but hope you are in a good place in life now.

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