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The Haze discussion thread

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star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
I can’t get any consolation from this at all but i get your point.
Its a sad thing to realise people still have to face jail for growing a plant.
These so called legal frameworks are inhumane and criminal, a true abomination for all mankind.
Stay safe!

Vintage clone
Sammy ...I had to subtract 12 years of my life over marijuana ...I know the deal...:)


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Outcrossing :)

I paid todays $300 in 1988 ....3 months old longhair Brown Tabby kitty ... wild lookin one....my favourite pet ever :)

IBL longhair cats x shorthair ones and then bx´d in order to get the oyster pattern :)


star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
There is no doubt about it:ying:


ICMag Donor
Sorry to see this especially the before and after pics.
Its a sick feeling to roll up to your spot and it's all gone and boarded up and just as sick however many times it has happened over the years you cant ever get used to that horrible feeling.

I know you wouldn't need it but any icmag.com member that ever loses a crop this way is welcome to free seeds to help them start up again asap.

1 day us Europeans might have the freedom to grow even 5 plants would be cool, just 5 trees
Here’s something to think about:
Situation in my room the day before yesterday; 5 Nevils Haze at 83 days flower:
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Situation yesterday after i got yet another police visit:
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After over 16 weeks of dedication and effort all is taken away by legal criminals.
Makes you feel like we are all in this together as we all have a common enemy... retard legislation...
Now agree to disagree, stay civil to yr colleague growers, help, share, spread the love.
Wake the fuck up!


Dread & Alive
I hoped that the legalization wind would start to blow in Europe too, instead for every (small) step forward there is a big step backwards, at least here, now the only hope is that the countries move forward pushed by the covid emergency, and it's a little sad ...


Well-known member
Sorry to see this Sammy and I hope you bounce back quickly and fully.

Star Crash, those beauties are huge! I can't wait to see them fill out.

OJD, class act.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Seeing those pics...makes my blood boil, Sammy. It's not bad enough to take the plants, but they take the equipment as well...that's beyond fucked up and a total dick move. Your part of the world sure has changed...to say the least.

Sammy probably don't need the seed, but I gotta give you props OJD...that's a standup move right there, bro.

OHaze from Todd (white pots below) are coming along. Got 3 runts outta the pack...7/10 are chugging along nicely. My spot has some pill bugs and they're munching on the new growth on a few of the other plants, but they're not doing much damage yet. A bit of neem and karanja meal along with some insect frass mixed into the surrounding soil should help keep them at bay so I'll be working on that later today.

Also going to work on adding some supp lighting here soon so I can keep everything from flowering too early.





The Haze Whisperer
HB they are looking prity good so far would of been better for Todd to offer a 20 seed pack for the same price to give growers a better chance to find a good plant.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
HB they are looking prity good so far would of been better for Todd to offer a 20 seed pack for the same price to give growers a better chance to find a good plant.

Thanks, hempy!

Todd did that, actually...he announced a 2 for 1 offer right before the seeds were released. Buy 10 seeds, get 20...buy 40 seeds, get 80, etc...

I had already paid for my seeds a while before the release date, but Todd still honored the deal for those of us that showed interest early on.

With all the other plants I've got going...I only have the space to select maybe 3-4 of the Ohaze. Shit, for all I know, the Ohaze pack I popped might end up being all males...who knows? It's happened before with seeds I've purchased.

The extra 10 I received are staying in the fridge for now and waiting for their chance. My hands are gonna be full enough as it is...got lots of different stuff on the go this year...




The Haze Whisperer
Thanks, hempy!

Todd did that, actually...he announced a 2 for 1 offer right before the seeds were released. Buy 10 seeds, get 20...buy 40 seeds, get 80, etc...

I had already paid for my seeds a while before the release date, but Todd still honored the deal for those of us that showed interest early on.

With all the other plants I've got going...I only have the space to select maybe 3-4 of the Ohaze. Shit, for all I know, the Ohaze pack I popped might end up being all males...who knows? It's happened before with seeds I've purchased.

The extra 10 I received are staying in the fridge for now and waiting for their chance. My hands are gonna be full enough as it is...got lots of different stuff on the go this year...


HB that is a better deal and it gives people more chance of finding something special they can then work with.

I know Sam has given a ruff idea of what you can expect in selection.

Your on your way now and i look forward on up dates mate there is nothing like finding your own keeper from seed.


The Haze Whisperer
Mel Frank posted a Haze plant growing in 1981, Santa Cruz

That is my greenhouse and my Original Haze plant, from seed....I have been growing O Haze for a long time...
Mel took the picture.....-SamS

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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Just tried some O Haze x Colombian .
Dang ! Shit hits like Mike Tyson ! .

Eyes watering and energy coming on .

Mad Mac has done it again ...



The Haze Whisperer
Mel Frank posted a Haze plant growing in 1981, Santa Cruz

That is my greenhouse and my Original Haze plant, from seed....I have been growing O Haze for a long time...
Mel took the picture.....-SamS

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Hi Sam i thought it had to be yours nice looking plant close to harvest i am guessing.

Todd's reproduction HB posted are looking good so far to.
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