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the Hand Watering coco thread

Kenny Lingus

Active member
Hi Bonecarver!
I got totally into coir last fall after chatting with you, GM and VT to mention a few... nOW i'VE HAD TWO WONDERFUL CROPS ON SLABS AND SOME STRAY CUTS IN POTS (Oppps ursäkta capslocket)

I'm just getting customed to growing seed plants in coco, and now I also wanna grow some mothers in this darling medium. Got any ideas for the nutes and any other things I should be aware of if I start?


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
i read thru all elven pages great thread... Quick question can EA/EN innoculants be used
Earth Nectar and Earth Ambrosia.. Ill go to the next thread maybe something about it in one of those.. Thanx for sharing fellas.. peace..



New member
I'm new to growing, but it looks like coir is the way to go. Any suggestions on how to get started and what I might need? I hear the Canna nutrients are top notch for straight coir growing and offer a complete balance of what the plants need to get off to a great start. Will the Canna nutrients work well with any brand of good quality coir or are they just for the Canna Coco? Love the way those plants look, bonecarver_OG, the rest of y'all have some awesome wares, as well. Thanks for affording me such an awesome view and sharing your knowledge.



canna coco nutes will work on any coco, just as long as it's well flushed to start off with.
there are different approaches you can take. your best bet is reading a few threads here, there is a great thread by bullseye in the coco forum, that gives you an idea about big plant growing. then there is mojo's thread :


which shows hand watred trees yielding superbly so far. then maybe my pp slab grow.


as well as all the stickies. if you want to go with non specific nutes, then the thread by Grat3fulh3ad :


and BlueHaze will be of interest :



New member
Thanks for the links, gaiusmarius, I'm sure I'll be able to glean what I need to know from all those links. A friend went and helped me by getting me the complete Canna Coco line of nutrients and additives, so as soon as I get the info internalized and get some coir, I'll start experimenting on my own and grow something out.



Active member
hey guys i got a question i got a plant growing in a 1/2 gallon floger coffee can it just hit 34" tall today and it growing in parcel sun out side my question how tall can get get in this container and should i be thinking of transplanting to a bigger pot soon or will it be ok to leave it in the 1/2 gallon


New member
wow what a read .i will be going to coco next batch but for now i am in mirecle grow moisture control. that has coco in it and i have been having all kinds of probs yellow leaf that brown out on older leafs. i think it is a mag diff. but i am wartering like soil. am i under watering, is this locking out something.


it sounds either like OVER watering of young plants with bad root system - OR - not enough nutes.

also maybe salt build up from under watering?

hehe post some pics and its easier to see what it could be :D

Boxy Brown

one week befor transplant


the day of transplant into coco


one week later



the plant in the top left corner looks like it needs more water more often. besides that there is obvious signs of over nuting like the clawed tips of the leaf in general.

do the trays drain to anywhere?

its important there isnt salt accumulating in the botom of the trays if the roots have acces to it.

peace :D


I think the issue is that you have a medium that is ph high
and one that needs low ph.
i have the same type of set up but in 1gal containers of coco & hydroton.
i dropped my ph to 5.5-5.6 and they started to eat
and i watered every day.

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Boxy Brown

bonecarver_OG said:
the plant in the top left corner looks like it needs more water more often. besides that there is obvious signs of over nuting like the clawed tips of the leaf in general.

do the trays drain to anywhere?

its important there isnt salt accumulating in the botom of the trays if the roots have acces to it.

peace :D

the plant in the top left is tall and lanky like that because it is a pure sativa and the leaves are only clawing on my shulams which don't like the same ppm's that the cinnamon and easy bud do so now im mixing there nutes a couple hundred ppm's lower, also the tray dose not drain anywhere but there is a 2" cocotek mat that the roots grow into which keeps them out of the tray.


u need to make holes for drainage in those trays - the salt will buildup from the excess water. the coco tek mat will act like an sphonge sucking the salt up more and more. BUT if the roots arent growing into it that shouldnt be a problem.

im talking about the fact the leaf are hanging downwards with a kind of sloppy look. - not a healthy sign.

I think the issue is that you have a medium that is ph high
and one that needs low ph.

PH should allways be adjusted on the nute water. :D

peace all :D
but u ARE using water with adecuate ph?

Boxy Brown

bonecarver_OG said:
u need to make holes for drainage in those trays - the salt will buildup from the excess water. the coco tek mat will act like an sphonge sucking the salt up more and more. BUT if the roots arent growing into it that shouldnt be a problem.

im talking about the fact the leaf are hanging downwards with a kind of sloppy look. - not a healthy sign.

PH should allways be adjusted on the nute water. :D

peace all :D
but u ARE using water with adecuate ph?

the roots don't grow into the mat's because there usually dry so the mat is used mainly just to keep the bags off the bottom of the tray, and the cinnamon is all-wase kinda droopy like that even if the coco is wet, also my Ph is 5.8


I've tried coco a couple of times and have had limited success, it seems that I can't get a good handle on the watering schedule for watering by hand. I flower in 3 or 5 gallon pots, do I need to water everyday regardless if its dry or not? Do I fert with every watering? I've used Coco peat and coir, the peat holds water better. What is the best way to hand water in Coco??


I find the frequency in which you water/feed coco is based on the plants requirements and the coarseness of the mix. If you have added clayballs and or perlite and or chunky coco coir(coco discs, coco croutons)...you will need to water more often, which is a good thing in coco. If you are using a coco dust type product straight with no additives( which most coco products on the market are)...then you need to water less so the medium doesn't stay water logged. Feeding can be done with every watering...but I suggest 1/2 to 2/3rd strength nutes per watering. Some people like to feed straight water every 3rd watering or once a week etc, ect. Read the plants for food strengths.

The plants size and the amount it drinks will also determine your frequency of waterings. Read the plants...and read the coco. If the pot is still quite heavy...leave it alone. If it getting a little dry looking on top, and lift feels like the plant is drinking good..then water away.

Thats just my hand watering method, but of course...I learned the hard way. I believed all those posts and articles about keeping straight coco wet. Fine and dandy if you have amendments or are using chunky coco.
