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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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Trinity Gold

Would you say that one is maybe 3 ish wide and 4 ish tall? I'm not too far behind ya...You're right about this one taking the cold like a champion. After 3 frosts I did get some P lock out and they just shut off for a while, but I'm still hoping for an average of 4 per from my threats :) I think it's possible.

Ganja D

Not the size of the containers, it's the size of the plant inside of the size of the containers. Your (everybody's) best transplant will come out of the least rootbound containers - that's the bottom line. All other parameters being equal, the largest and most rapid growth occurs by never letting roots find the edge of the container. -T

I respectfully disagree. You have a point,but theres more to it. I think it's more like the health and strength of your roots and plants that come first as far as reaction to transplants. Some strains have potential for much more vigor in the root zone then others as we all know.
Having "heavily" rootbound plants is the problem,or plants with out enough health in general when it comes to shock or adjusting to transplants.
Some of the largest most vigorous plants at HL's were very rootbound(more than intended) when plugged and never missed a beat. This Burmese Kush x Goo was planted almost 3 weeks later then all our others in the garden,it caught all the others long ago. It's now one of the biggest.
But more or less I get what your saying.

That looks way too rootbound,but because of the health and strength of the root zone and vigor of the plant(genetics) it never had growth slowed in any way and being planted just made all those roots freak out in every direction. The only slowed growth was in the container it came from.:)
Gardens look great Tom,glad everyone in this thread is having a great season so far. Hope it's ok I shared my opinion.


Tom youre looking awesome man!

i see what everyone means by plant size and root mass and not being rootbound. probably its better that the roots never have to twist around and are always seeking out new soil. and what Ganja is showing is that if a plant is healthy then it can overcome.

Ganja, did u just drop the rootbound ladies in or did u break up the rootmass first?


Active member
GanjaD: Them's some healthy roots. I would never doubt a plant coming out of a pot looking like that. Great photo.


my biggest plant is fast growing out of control. I'm thinking I need to cage it but , wondering about the best way to do it and the pros and cons of caging .
I think it has been discussed here in this thread already but I couldnt find it


Active member
danimal: search for posts by Butte... there are not a ton of them to sort thru, but his early post on trellising is a phenominal tutorial.

Trinity Gold

Who said spinosad for earwigs? lots of earwigs at the new garden.

Earwigs are a double edged sword..they munch bad bugs now, lay eggs in buds later... Read my post on pest management a page or two back

Tom Hill

Active member
Hiya GanjaD, no growth slowed eh? Show me the control group that led you to this conclusion ;) Naw man, no way & no how ime, "All other parameters being equal, the largest and most rapid growth occurs by never letting roots find the edge of the container", done, end of story. Kudos though for keeping it that healthy while pushing rocks uphill and all - a healthier rootball does not exist. :D

TG, yeah, sounds right 3x4. Saw it right away the cold hardiness w/the BT. 4 boats easily I reckon, & then some with a modicum of luck as well. Here's the Triangle Kush (OG) in the same sized (100gal) pot. Seemingly bigger, but about the same gross phenotype/overall matter +/-.



Active member
TGold: The part about wearing a Racal chemsuit to spray spinosad? The part I am interetsed in is about earwigs. Should I just give them their first monthly dose of Spinosad?

We placed all the small pots on top of big pots temporarily... everytime we lift one of the small pots up to plug there are earwigs...

Ganja D

TomHill: You may be right,I suppose if transplanted a bit earlier at the same time as the others before rootbound it would be the biggest plant in the garden by far. It's one to clone for sure. Loving your thread Tom,lot's of fun here.:)

Tom Hill

Active member
my biggest plant is fast growing out of control. I'm thinking I need to cage it but , wondering about the best way to do it and the pros and cons of caging .
I think it has been discussed here in this thread already but I couldnt find it

Heya D7,

Trust me when I say that the hortonova route is by far the better choice. The metal cage era has come and gone. Just as the initial tie-up I did in this thread borrowed from the fruit tree industry, you want the plant to flex, and build its stalk/branches etc in the breeze. Metal cages fall well short of providing this movement and fail miserably in other areas as well. Go with the plastic fantastic trellis imo, and never look back. -T


Active member
heh. funny thing is, while I pointed you tword Butte's tutorial, I am going the Hortinova route... and loving it. Dunno why I keep directing folks to Butte's post.

Tom Hill

Active member
heh. funny thing is, while I pointed you tword Butte's tutorial, I am going the Hortinova route... and loving it. Dunno why I keep directing folks to Butte's post.

It's because brother Butte, well, he rocks! :D

So do you bro. I saw your blackbox liquid hold-em-downs and I gotta say man... Two years in and you do about the best "think'n-chair" work (a very key part in all of this) that I've ever had the privilege to listen in on amigo, sincerely. -T


Active member
No the Foundation 1-0-1 is just a soy bean based carb source with vitamins and other stuff that is part of what I am using. 8K of nutes huh? Sounds like you're being taken to the bank!
having worked in the industry for a number of years, i have to say that t.g. is right on here...
you can use the name brand "indoor style pbp's and such" and get great results. but you are really paying for a label and could reduce that bill to a quarter of that if you shop in bulk at the right spots. either way works. i would suggest referring to the early pages of this thread and toms soil blends. the only thing to change is the chicken shit. it needs to be drastically reduced as its kinda late in the season, and the mix he suggests is meant to sit for more than three weeks first. you could easily supplement with some ewc and s.b.guanos tea to make up for the loss of the chicken shit.
8k is alot. it'll work , but you can get the same results if not better for a quarter of that.

Trinity Gold

What I thought was Betsy ended up being a Goat. Oh well...DOGs in the back..


Some of my larger BTs...Is this what a whole garden of DC would be like? I need that DC / Haze F2... Sign me up for a pack of 200 of them if possible.

Hey TG, and anyone else that cares to comment on their whole-plant pictures: How tall roughly are the girls pictured above? It's hard for me to get a perspective sometimes.. I'm guessing your pots are 6 feet wide so maybe 5 foot tall on the girls? My buddy is going out tonight to check on things and is going to keep track of growth for all of them starting tonight.. He's going to be recording the length of them in our case since we're going totally horizontal at least through July.. I'm trying to get an idea if we're anywhere near where you guys are.. We're in a completely different part of the country than most of the folks in here.. I imagine we get quite a bit more humid (55-70 probably common in June-august).. We get our share of 100 deg days which I believe many of you do, depending on elevation / how far inland, etc.. We're close lat wise so I think we get pretty close to the same sunrise/sunset times..

I'm ultimately trying to decide if I should be expecting similar yields to what some of you get, given the same height plants at the same point in the year.. We're probably at 4-6' long(tall) right now.. Now that we're in the watering/maintenance phase the scientific side of both of us is coming out to occupy our time(we're both engineers by trade).

Thanks a bunch


Trinity Gold

Most my plants are about 4' x 4' ... the Golden Goat is creepin on 5' x 5'...

I'd like to get to 6x6 or better before the end of July.
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