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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Your scarin me man. I had termites 3 years ago. They were living in the stalk of a Salmon Creek Big Bud/ Orange Crush plant. The bud made it to harvest but was way small. It tasted like caramel. I actually get more scared of spidermites. those selfish little fukers,


fuck man

azatrol, spider mites gone. as well as the other not so organic methods. can i trade sum termites for your spidermites??? please? both end in -ites.

fuck'in -ites

edit:i guess they both actually end in -mites. -mites are the worst.


Active member
ICMag Donor

anyone know how to treat TERMITES naturally without destroying the biology of our compost medium??!!

one of our beds has a bunchhha termites, the white little larvae and winged ones. this is the worst..fuck

Is the bed too deep for you to dig for and find the queen? If not remove the queen. Then disperse most of the termites and then depending on the size of your beds make a Square Bracket around where the Stock of your plant will we with Magnates.


today we introduced a bunch of predatory nematodes and saturated the bed. there should already be adequate predatory nematodes in the compost from what our friend who made it told us, who owns the soil factory, he found it odd that termites were living in one of our beds.

the bed is around 400 gallon. who knows where the queen is. but i'd love to find that gem, needle in a hay stack........

do you mean magnets RL, the ones that stick to metal and each other?
i read that online somewhere, confuses the termites who burrow only north to south or something like that. sounds easy enough, i could stick some fat magnets down into the compost around where the stock will go into the bed...?


Active member
ICMag Donor
do you mean magnets RL, the ones that stick to metal and each other?
i read that online somewhere, confuses the termites who burrow only north to south or something like that. sounds easy enough, i could stick some fat magnets down into the compost around where the stock will go into the bed...?

Seems like you got it figured out, and that is great. Yes I was talking about Magnets (but Huge long Magnets), and you found out why I recommended them. Yes it confuses the Termites. They forget how to borrow where Magnets lay Horizontal. So if you make a Square out of Huge Magnets and have it around the base of your Plants Trunk they wouldn't even be able to find how to get to the Trunk.

Just thought I would share, as I saw an old gentleman in my area do it in 2005 and I was amazed at how something so simple worked.


so laying 4 long magnets horizontally on the TOP of the compost bed in a square around the stock, the magnetic current will create almost an invisible shield down into the compost below..?

sounds awesome, I'm going to purchase some in the next month.


Active member
ICMag Donor
so laying 4 long magnets horizontally on the TOP of the compost bed in a square around the stock, the magnetic current will create almost an invisible shield down into the compost below..?

sounds awesome, I'm going to purchase some in the next month.

Right On. :good:

Yankee Grower

rigt on bro...its a do it yourself kinda summer i think...
Yo...been trying to get a hold of Guano Tea for well over a week. Tell him to give me a shout. When I get to 50 will drop you a line. Sounds like you're gonna have a pretty sweet grow this year! Don't see some people posting...cause guess they're working their asses off...lol.

Hash Man

So I went to get the lights that Butte showed in his previous post at lowes... and they acted like they had never heard of such a product... Anyone know the product number or specific name for the string of lights at lowes? Thanks a bunch.

Hash Man


Active member
Buttes lights are not premade strands... they are individual sockets that connect to 14ga (I think) wire without having to strip and splice.

Dunno if that helps.

Hash Man

Buttes lights are not premade strands... they are individual sockets that connect to 14ga (I think) wire without having to strip and splice.

Dunno if that helps.

yea man, i tried to explain to the guys in the outdoor lighting section that I was looking for a wire that i could place individual sockets onto... they are not very helpful at the lowes in my neighborhood and have probably lost a lot of business because of it.


Active member
I may be stopping in today for some other supplies...if I do, I'll get a part # and their description. They're usually in the aisle with the electrical switches and plugs...


I've used these before for making light strings -- $1.50 each and no wire cutting required. I found them at Lowe's in the electrical section, but doesn't seem to appear on their website now.




yea man, i tried to explain to the guys in the outdoor lighting section that I was looking for a wire that i could place individual sockets onto... they are not very helpful at the lowes in my neighborhood and have probably lost a lot of business because of it.

They probably weren't able to help you because they got confused by your question. There are many ways to go about this one of them is to buy stranded wire another is to buy romex and split the insulation off and take the two insulated wires inside. Butte's posts are actually hella informational and if you just go back and check um out he notes what gauge wire you may want to buy and the name of the sockets...Good luck this season

Hash Man

They probably weren't able to help you because they got confused by your question. There are many ways to go about this one of them is to buy stranded wire another is to buy romex and split the insulation off and take the two insulated wires inside. Butte's posts are actually hella informational and if you just go back and check um out he notes what gauge wire you may want to buy and the name of the sockets...Good luck this season

thanks for the info planty... i have read this thread since Tom started it and have been up on it the whole time. I read all of buttes posts and there is no specific product name or number info on what to buy (as far as i can tell).... the wire was there in a display with some different outdoor lighting, but they did not have any idea about the sockets... Buttes posts have been more informative than most, but even with rereading them a few times, i was not able to find what i needed...:tiphat:

Butte- thanks a bunch for checking the item number.


I went in to the store and asked for twist lock mogul sockets and got directed to the aisle with plugs and outlets like Butte was saying. At the big box hard ware store your mileage will vary. I shop at a small local hard ware store...end up paying a little more but there is always some one to greet and help you find something.

Hash Man

Man, i went to lowes today in Sacramento and I went to the local hardware store in my town... and when i asked for a twist lock mogul socket, I was again met with blank stares... I dont know what it is about this part that people cant comprehend, or why they are not aware of it... It may well have been the super silver sour diesel haze I was toking when i first went in without a specific name, but now its a bit ridiculous....I bet the part is sitting on the shelf and they dont even know it...

Anywho, things are looking good for my grow, and I will be posting a thread soon, when i find the battery recharger for my camera... I have 36 300 gallon smart pots and will be keeping along with this thread and lifestyle the whole way through the season... and then some. Good luck to all this year, lets hope for good weather and massive nugs. Hash Man


Hash Man that is ridiculous bro! I will say that I like to go in to the hardware store armed with a picture as often as possible. Stocking shelves is MUCH less mentally and personally involved than our industry tends to be at this level...Sorry my man!
So I have a question on watering outside that maybe I can get some opinions on, whether informed guesses or from direct experience..

Just a refresher, our situation will be 20 -- 100 gallon holes dug and filled with custom soil... No smart pots or anything above ground. .outside of the holes is very fertile pasture.

If you were able to water every day with relative ease, would you? Or is it still better to do it every couple/few days depending on how hot it is outside regardless of how easy it is to get the spots watered? The reason I ask is that it would be possible to do it for our situation if it made a huge difference to the upside.. and by huge difference I mean if it made a > 10% difference in yield, minimum. Obviously if it would have a negative effect we're even more interested in knowing..
One question I imagine would be asked as a follow-up would be if this area has good drainage and the answer would be yes. It's not sandy or rocky where it's just going to easily flush away in seconds but it's not hard packed clay or anything of that sort. everything drains to an overflow-creek 20 feet away...

Thanks much

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