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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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nomaad, 3-4" of rain average per month in the summer months, average temps probably low 80s in june, mid-high 80s in july-aug, with probably 7-10 days a year when highs may hit 100+.. 70-80s and humid at night.. hot and humid summers.. not much wind except when storms blow through.. we're wondering about wind in this particular spot though because they're being planted like 20' feet below the lake level (low-side of the damn on his land) in a dogleg shaped pasture that has 30-40' trees on both sides.. it's possible a wind-tunnel affect may happen.. if that does occur we're hoping its to an advantage and makes the branches all stronger.. downside is if it gets too insane the plants may lose some branches.. but this is all assumption at this point.. my buddy has had this land for 20 years and has never noticed it as being a problem but he's not normally down there much other than to call the cattle or horses up for food as it's on the far end of his property.. of

come harvest time (early October in these parts) it's hit or miss.. you could still have plenty of beautiful 70+ degree days in October(we did last year) or it could be a bit chilly and rainy.. same game with mother nature anyone else plays across the globe, I imagine..But I'm definitely in an area where it's usual to grow.. 38 deg north


hey guys, Damn i'm itching to get some early bloomers out ..............!! hey Tom, Butte .Nomaad or anyone...

what's the earliest I can get away with planting an Indica dominant clone thats been in a 24hr veg?? im in va


Active member
danimal7- I'd personally switch from 24 hours of light to 18/6 for awhile before putting it out, unless you want to wait until about June or that thing will probably flower right away, then snap out of it and go back into veg, then you'll have to deal with some funky growth and rot.

HorseMouth- I always thought that Purple Ticinensis looked interesting!


Active member
All the plants I put out last year that came from a 24 hr veg had to be pulled, put into the black box and replaced. I agree with T2U 100%...

Got my first 9 pots filled today. 9 more tomorrow... and so on. :)

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Hey Tom,

How You Doin Bro?
Gotta quick question for You.

I dug a big hole, 7'x6' X 24 " deep, I put in over 60cf of all Organics, including 110 gallons of Black gold coco mix.
I believe that I used 400 gallons of potting mix in the hole. I just put in a 4' SweetTooth plant that was proven excellent this last winter. Its in a 10"X10' chain link compound. Do I need to increase the size of the Compound? How much dry Bud could I get? Thanks Bro! DP

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Dr. Purpur,

Very Nice.


Thank You Reservation Labs. And I also want to Thank You for letting me "go to school of Your brain" not long ago. Ive put to practice the things We spoke about.

Anyway, heres the filled hole. Next year I may put a raised bed on top of it.

The compound is 10'x10', Im considering doubling the size and making an Octagonal Compound. PS Tom Hill: I am also going to put my tested Haze in its own big hole. I have a very strong, very tasty mother now. I really liked that Haze. It motivated me and helped me think in an expanded mind, with a positive outlook. Bigtime Creative!
Dr. Purpur, is that an SWT #3 you're putting out? I hope it is for selfish reasons because I'm putting out some #3s as well as an Alpha Diesel/#3 cross.. Regardless it looks like you're ready for a giant.. Good luck!

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Dr. Purpur, is that an SWT #3 you're putting out? I hope it is for selfish reasons because I'm putting out some #3s as well as an Alpha Diesel/#3 cross.. Regardless it looks like you're ready for a giant.. Good luck!

Thanks BT Brother. Yes it is a SweetTooth#3. It was so damn tasty. It blindsided me. Ive been real proud of my SalmonCreek/Orange Crush, and My GDP, and a bunch of Other stuff, and this one snuck up on me. The flavor is just awesome! indescribable

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Dr. Purpur, is that an SWT #3 you're putting out? I hope it is for selfish reasons because I'm putting out some #3s as well as an Alpha Diesel/#3 cross.. Regardless it looks like you're ready for a giant.. Good luck!

I wanted to add something: Alpha Diesel/ SweetTooth? That is gonna Kick some ass, and the Flavor is gonna be Wild! I love Diesels and am working with them as well


I'm thinking my clones are going to be too big to put in there a little over 2ft high 2ft wide and i'm putting them in 100gallon sp mid may. those girls will root bound quick.
All 6 pots are done waiting to get used.



anyone know how to treat TERMITES naturally without destroying the biology of our compost medium??!!

one of our beds has a bunchhha termites, the white little larvae and winged ones. this is the worst..fuck


Hey Tom,

i think i remember you mentioning termites in a previous post, have you ever had to deal with a termite infestation in your beds?

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I think he may had said something about Neeming the soil. Neem Oil. And he said stay away from rice hulls, which I have some of....
He was removing a termite village in one his gardens dirt included


neeming the soil sounds messy, ha, shit

it sucks because our 100% vermicompost medium seems to be the perfect termite food!

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
neeming the soil sounds messy, ha, shit

it sucks because our 100% vermicompost medium seems to be the perfect termite food!
Ok just remember that on the pyramid chart of balanced diets for Termites is.......... Oh Im full of shit! LOL Give the fukers a neem pie


hahah, thanks for the laugh, the mood is pretty grim around here right now

edit:these are close to 400gal beds, some being 400, so losing a bed is losing some serious potential. and then the idea of the termites finding the other beds makes me almost wanna cry, but not really, im just pissed.

it's been one fucking mess after another getting ready for this season
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