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had a nice delivery today from mr postman :)



enough respect to the breeder for replacing the 1 that i had with 5 of these magic beans, customer care is exceptional :) :tiphat: :thank you:



day 27

maxi is still still going through the transition from veg to flower and putting out lots of hairs at this stage of the grow

cali haze is still male and growing nicely

la blanca is showing me some sort of def or nute burn im unsure which, she was on just ph balanced water with added rhizotonic for the last 24 hours, ive now just re introduced her to a fresh res of nutes but ive upped the dosage to .7ec, im not sure if ive done the right thing but ill be able to tell in the next 24hours, its touch and go :( and she still hasnt sexed yet

baby onyx is now in her new home being fed just rhizotonic and im waitnig for the start of her root formation


la blanca




baby onyx



maxi and la blanca





day 29

well after 4 weeks la blanca still hasnt sexed however she has shown me signs she is female, this may sound weird but in 1 of my pics of her you can see a calyx just no hairs and its been like this for over a week, she is getting quite big , you probably cant tell in the pics but my res buckets are 20 ltrs in size just for comparison,im not to sure when they are supposed to show sex as its a new strain and the breeders say it takes 3 months for her to grow, im looking forward to seeing some white widow x snow white buds and the length of sexing time is killing me :(

maxi who was once my baby has now took over both the la blanca and the cali haze in size and she seriously hums, its hard to explain the smell but its proper fresh cooked toast smell if that makes sense,im looking forward to hitting her with carboload in the coming weeks she is just on basic flowering nutes at the minute, im not sure if she will reach 1 meter in height as predicted by the breeders but i think my light might have something to do with that , time will tell

the cali haze is just doing his thing and the baby onyx looks well out of place in my tent right now lol proper dwarfed by the other 2

heres a few pics of how its progressing

cali haze


la blanca



baby onyx


maxi and group shot






there looking fantastic mate! how tall are they now and how tall are they advertised as growing to? they look pretty wide. what smells are you getting off the (what should have been) cali haze?


there looking fantastic mate! how tall are they now and how tall are they advertised as growing to? they look pretty wide. what smells are you getting off the (what should have been) cali haze?

maxi and la blanca are 15" tall and 1/2 meter wide but maxi is now in flowering mode so she is growing upwards and outwards all the time,

cali haze is about 15" tall also but only 40 cm wide

as far as height goes i only know that maxi is meant to reach 1 meter in height but looking at the pheno i have its more of a bush than a 1 cola plant with loads of budsites popping up all over which isnt to disimilar to my last mi5 grow before i pulled the plug

as for la blanca and cali haze im just a guniea pig and have no reference for them as information is very limited

the smell from the cali haze...... it doesnt smell at all the only way you can get a hint off him is if you rub the stem and then it hits you, the best way i can describe the smell is a fruit salad bowl im talking peach,melon,bubblegum,grapefruit,mango,citrus,pineapple etc smells nothing like my other 2 strains

ive just been reading an email sent to me from la blancas breeders about the sexing of the plant, i know your an outdoor grower and like to plant early so you might wanna have a read of the email they sent

Hi Scott,
The conditions of temperature and fertilizers must be under control. This varieties will start to show sex after 1 month and will break into flowering around the second month. In conditions with lower temperatures will break into flowering faster. When you are around on the 9th week of the growing period you can force the flowering putting the grow room in total darkness for 24/48 hours. I have to tell you that our new autoflowering varieties are recomended for outdoor because in indoor it can take more than three months for harvest. But you will get a lot of production and high levels of THC.
The old autoflowering varieties will show the sex in 3 weeks and start to flowering in 5 weeks. But they didn´t produce many yield and they won´t be very psychoactive.
Please let me know if this info could help you or if you have any another doubt.
Thank you so much for your words.
Keep it green,

looks like im in for a long journey with this strain and the super autos have some competition ahead of them, i think were at a turning point now in the history of autoflowering :)



New member
Im on day 35 with lablanca and shes not flowering, now i know why. thnx. my cali haze is flowering ill try to get a pic up. she realy stretched on me at first.


Im on day 35 with lablanca and shes not flowering, now i know why. thnx. my cali haze is flowering ill try to get a pic up. she realy stretched on me at first.

not a problem i try to be as informative as i can in my grow journals so people can gain xp and learn from my mistakes ;)

it would be nice to see some pics of your plants, your quite welcome to post them in here :)



had another nice delivery yesterday from mr postman ;)

and now i get the chance to see what all the fuss is about with these sour 60's the new improved version, the only other question is what can i do a side by side grow with (hymialya blue diesel sounds good:))



Active member
Damm skotty, did those packs come like that....I count 20sour60's & 21 Bluestreaks...when i ordered mines, I got 12 & 10....if that is how the sent em' then I guess it's time to order a pack of Sour60 again....as I dont have ANYMORE...just my hybrid cross eith the PJem...


Damm skotty, did those packs come like that....I count 20sour60's & 21 Bluestreaks...when i ordered mines, I got 12 & 10....if that is how the sent em' then I guess it's time to order a pack of Sour60 again....as I dont have ANYMORE...just my hybrid cross eith the PJem...

not bad hey :dance013:

maxi has had bit of a feeding frenzy she went from .6 ec upto .9 ec and ive also added carboload to her res and will be adding it to her feeding from now on :)

la blanca has also had extra feed and is sitting @ .8ec and the res is going down with the ec stable so im pretty sure im dialled in on her , i think i was under feeding her a little bit but she is making up for lost time :)

new growth is looking lush and should get to see some nice bud shots in the coming weeks however these autos are bushy as fuk and ive had to do some leaf tucking to maximize light on the potential nug sites and try for maximum yield, my tent is 120x80x180 and when my onyx gets bigger in the coming weeks im gonna be struggling for space even more so as la blanca hasnt sexed yet and if she doubles in size after 4 weeks veg things are gonna get big ;)

im hoping that this is the week that she starts flowering the signs are already there that she is now sexually mature im just waiting for the little hairs to appear

ive had some fantastic help in the cannabis infirmary from the people on this site and it really is a pleasure to be part of such a helpfull community with a big knowledge base :good: :thank you:

ill do a pic update soon its amazing how quickly these plants grow upwards and outwards both maxi and la blanca are side by side @ 17" tall and they look proper naughty :yoinks:



Marijuana Enthusiast
Glad to see your gonna give Mdanzigs stuff a go bro, your gonna be amazed with the quality of the final product...Its mind blowing truly...:tiphat:... Check out pictures i just put up on my thread...its a pretrim picture of my s60...1.5 gallons of soil, 150watt hps, grown in 4sq ft of space with 5 other s60s...Shes a work of art:dance013: Cant wait to see what they do under that MONSTER LED youve got yourself:good:

Sorry for the hard feelings... im looking forward to seeing the rest of your grow bro!:bigeye:


day 33

my last feed for maxi was @ 1.1 ec and its now dropped to .9 ec so it looks like ive gotta increase her feed yet again, there is no stopping her appetite at the minute

la blanca is on .8ec and still vegging nicely and she is absoloutly stacked node on top of node on top of node

baby onyx is on a new nute regime, i invested in some vitalink max and currently feeding her on .7 ec with added rhizo , ive heard some good things about vitalink in dwc so i thought i would give it a go and see what results i get :)


baby onyx



maxi and la blanca





anybody remeber the big devil i had at the beginning of this thread well here is an update on her,

she is being grown in dwc under a 250 watt red cfl she is in a 1mx1mx2m tent all on her own lol anyways its my guys 1st attempt at growing and here is how she is getting on, i think if she was grown properly she would have some major potential im a bit gutted i gave her away :(



ive just done a fresh res change on maxi and took a few shots of her outside the tent,she is currently at 23" tall my blue cheese made it to 26" tall and budded nicely hopefully i can top that, im not sure if she will make the 1 meter mark but what she doesnt have in height she makes up for in width ;)



bring on the budz


Active member
Hey Skotty,
Looking Good Bo, You'll be pleased with the VitaLM bro, good stuff for sure & works really well in DWC. I will say i prefer to use a weaker npk nute line like Ionic in the first weeks of life(new seedlings luv the stuff), but once established i bang in the Vita & there off like rockets, Ionic is cracking stuff for a one part too. Ive just got my Scrog up n running at last, a few Hiccupps along the way but with a bit of luck things should go smoothly from here on in, ill have to get a few Pics uploaded just now. Good Luck with the Grow bro, Happy Days ;) ;) ;)


Smile Vs Cry
hey man maxi looks a monster bushes plant, promise good for sure ...looking forward for see what happen in flower man. keep up the great job!!


thanks for the input guys and nice to see you around scrogger its been a while, hope everything is going good your end ;)

seeing as i did it for maxi i thought it would be fair to do it for la blanca aswell who is standing @ 20" tall with a bit of root porn thrown in :)






day 38

big tings a wag one

has anbody ever done a grow with an autoflower and prayed that they dont show sex ??

my la blanca is the most bushiest plant i have ever had and she is still in veg and im praying to the ganja gods that she doesnt show sex otherwise im gonna be fuked for space, maxi is sitting @ 23" tall and is close to a meter in width which i never thought would happen ive also got my onyx who is gonna get massive in the coming weeks, i can safely say ive stumbled on some big autos this time round,

im almost certain if i put la blanca on a 24 hour dark period it would trigger her into flowering mode but fuk that im gonna give her the whole tent so she can do her thing eventually, ive even thought about cloning her also and passing her onto some of my mates to grow out.

i do have a question though if a plant stays in veg do they eventually stop growing or do they just continue to grow upwards and outwards, im 100% convinced la blanca is more indica than sativa but do they reach a point where they just stop?

how the hell do some guys manage to grow like 4-6 plants in a 1mx1mx2m tent when im struggling with just 3 in a 120 x 80 x 180?????

anyways heres some pics

la blanca





my cramped tent




Marijuana Enthusiast
day 38

big tings a wag one

has anbody ever done a grow with an autoflower and prayed that they dont show sex ??

my la blanca is the most bushiest plant i have ever had and she is still in veg and im praying to the ganja gods that she doesnt show sex otherwise im gonna be fuked for space, maxi is sitting @ 23" tall and is close to a meter in width which i never thought would happen ive also got my onyx who is gonna get massive in the coming weeks, i can safely say ive stumbled on some big autos this time round,

im almost certain if i put la blanca on a 24 hour dark period it would trigger her into flowering mode but fuk that im gonna give her the whole tent so she can do her thing eventually, ive even thought about cloning her also and passing her onto some of my mates to grow out.

i do have a question though if a plant stays in veg do they eventually stop growing or do they just continue to grow upwards and outwards, im 100% convinced la blanca is more indica than sativa but do they reach a point where they just stop?

how the hell do some guys manage to grow like 4-6 plants in a 1mx1mx2m tent when im struggling with just 3 in a 120 x 80 x 180?????

Lookin good mate, cant wait to see some flowers start to appear!:yes: And as far as i know, if the plant ISNT auto, it should be able to stay in veg pretty much until YOU run out of room, but it will still show preflowers, but not hit fully budding mode.. If the plant is auto, or even an auto that takes longer(Like super autos), it should slow growth when it start to focus more on bud eventually hault and start ripening into massive colas, without the change in light cycle.. Cheers skotty:wave:

P.s. With my sour60 i grew 5 of those plus about 8 other plants that varied in age from 10 days to 30 days old in a cab only 35 inches tall, 18 inches deep and 28 inches wide i was CRAMMMMMED but ended up coming out with a real nice haul so youve got yourself something to look ahead to!:jump:


Active member
yeah, ALL that 20/4 said!!!
They look so effin lovely skotty.....
I think I have the same kinda "problem"...I have a sourjem @ 31 days and it's almost 21"...But it's still growin and I only see pre-flowers...,so I cant even pollinate yet....SOOO, jus gonna let her do her thing and grow...I think she is gonna be a good producer as well as yourz, of course....more-so...great job!!