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you aint the only 1 who is dissapointed i can imagine most the people following this thread are gutted they didnt get to see a finished product, but all is not lost as i have more being shipped out to me so i should be able to salvage something :)

Are you going to re-grow the Super Cali for this diary? I am still quite interested in that seed, so curious to see a grow of it. If it turns out as good as it sounds, might order some.


Are you going to re-grow the Super Cali for this diary? I am still quite interested in that seed, so curious to see a grow of it. If it turns out as good as it sounds, might order some.

if i get the seeds then i would happily have another go at growing her out, i think thats 1 of the beautys of growing autos is that you can have numerous plants all growing at different stages all in the same grow room all under the same light cycle :)

id be intrested to see a side by side grow of the cali haze and the sour 60s that im waiting for to be delivered , i think that would make a good thread on its own ;)


mr. b

New member
hey skotty, i registered here just to give you a super cali haze hermie report, i had pistils on day 17 and on day 19 ball sacks, i'm from over at mp and one of the members said you had a male and gave me the link, got a response from short stuff seeds. as you can see you got lucky they at least are going to send you more seeds no such luck here, to me it says they have a problem and don't want to send everyone seeds, in my eyes because to many complaints, good luck. any info you have to contact stitch would be appreaciated as i only got from customer service,thanks

Hi xxxxxx, I am sorry to hear that. This strain has been vigorously tested over
many generations but I guess with the amount of modification that has gone
into it the odd abberation will occur.

This first batch was all feminised due most demand being for fems but in the
future we hope to have regular strains as well but I have no timeframe for
that I am afraid


mr. b

New member
well i have them in my phone, with no way to upload to my computer, if you want to contact me through private message at MP with an email address i will send them to you, i'm not to computer savy.


hey skotty, i registered here just to give you a super cali haze hermie report, i had pistils on day 17 and on day 19 ball sacks, i'm from over at mp and one of the members said you had a male and gave me the link, got a response from short stuff seeds. as you can see you got lucky they at least are going to send you more seeds no such luck here, to me it says they have a problem and don't want to send everyone seeds, in my eyes because to many complaints, good luck. any info you have to contact stitch would be appreaciated as i only got from customer service,thanks

Hi xxxxxx, I am sorry to hear that. This strain has been vigorously tested over
many generations but I guess with the amount of modification that has gone
into it the odd abberation will occur.

This first batch was all feminised due most demand being for fems but in the
future we hope to have regular strains as well but I have no timeframe for
that I am afraid


my plant isnt a hermie its a male at least it was the last time i looked, ive not checked on my plants yet today,

its a shame you aint got no pics as i would liked to of compared yours against mine to see if you had the same heavy indica traits as me and i bet alot of growers on this forum would of also liked to see some graphic detail , cant you email the pics off your phone to your email account and then post them, i mean it is 2010 and technology has come along quite a bit nowadays :)

im not at liberty to give out peoples personal contact details and if they want to investigate this for you then im sure he will make contact, sorry i cant be anymore help but dem da rules

i hope you get something sorted out but without pics etc it would be a tough 1 to call



day 19 from seed

ive been in contact with la blancas breeders in terms of sexing and when it should occur and they have replied telling me that she will show signs in the next week, i cant believe her size and would say that she is very comparable to a regular strain at this stage of the grow, seriously

little maxi is coming on nice she looks like she has been dwafred by the other 2 in my room but you should never underestimate the little ones ;)

im still convinced my cali haze is male and it is currently putting out more sexual organs but i cant yet determine if they are male or female so that shit could get intresting as i have picked the 1st set of bollox off and what a result it would be if it then went on to flower in female mode :)

anyways here is some pics so much can happen in 48 hours and 2 of them havent sexed yet :)

heres my baby maxi



cali haze , is it male or is it female ???


la blanca, she is proper naughty look how tightly stacked she is :)




it looks just like a 3 week veg from seed with normal strains who could tell that they are autos :dance013:



mr. b

New member
well tried to edit to add pics no luck

well tried to edit to add pics no luck

so trying a new post

this is from today new pistil just above ball sack more pics in album 4 total and yes it has the indica fan leaves


sup skotty :wave:

I was taking a look at the pics in the gallery on the haze plant. I see male in this guy. If i remember correctly this was a fem seed??

If so yes its odd to get a male, but it can happen. Just like a hermi they are out there. I would watch this one close as if it is hermi you dont want any of those genetics in the gene pool if you are breeding.

Other wise the plants look fantastic my friend! You do a great job with the DWC solo buckets. :tiphat:


so trying a new post

this is from today new pistil just above ball sack more pics in album 4 total and yes it has the indica fan leaves

seriously mate im more confused than you plant right now,

ive had a look at your pics and your plant stands completley different to mine it looks like a totally different pheno either way its defo lady ga ga,

on a positive note this has put my mind at rest cause ive been schitting myself the past few days thinking it was my grow room or something that has made it happen however seeing this now can only point in 1 direction :( major dissapointment

sup skotty

I was taking a look at the pics in the gallery on the haze plant. I see male in this guy. If i remember correctly this was a fem seed??

If so yes its odd to get a male, but it can happen. Just like a hermi they are out there. I would watch this one close as if it is hermi you dont want any of those genetics in the gene pool if you are breeding.

Other wise the plants look fantastic my friend! You do a great job with the DWC solo buckets. :tiphat:

cheers for the comments and advice its appreciated :thank you:

im monitoring to see which direction it takes like you say hermies are a defo no no and the fact that dargo had 1 that started out male then went female has also got me suspicious, im hoping im lucky and it is 100% male at least then i can rescue something from the grow

ive took a few shots of the next set of sexual organs apperaing on the cali haze i know they are in early developement but the more experinced growers maybe able to determine if it is male or female ;)




day 21

today is offically 3 weeks for cali haze and la blanca little maxi is only 19 days old however she is not so little anymore ;)

stitch is in massive denial that the cali haze is in fact cali haze due to the heavy indica leaves however the seeds were sent to me in the breeders packets as were la blanca and maxi and they both seem to be doing exactly what was said of them ???

im now unsure what to do with the cali haze as it is 100% male , not hermie not female just male as can be seen in the pics im about to post

maxi has the signs of female although no hairs yet and also la blanca is also yet to show sex

all buckets are ph 5.8 and .6 ec

maxi who is almost the same size as the cali haze


la blanca


cali haze



group shot




heres the plan...

im gonna remove the so called cali haze out of the grow room and away from the other 2 plants and just leave it standing in my room

what i need to know is will it be ok with just the light coming in from the window ??

these plants were gonna be my smoke for christmas so ive had to take measures to ensure that im not gonna be without any, it may be upto a week before my replacement cali haze arrives and even my sour 60s so ive got an onyx germinating right now :)

whislt i was preparing my onyx seed last night it got me thinking what if the cali haze and the onyx had been put in the wrong bags and got switched by mistake, the reason i thought this is because the cali haze im growing does look a lot like an onyx and shows many characteristics with it, the size of its leaves and the fact its 100% male and also that it sexed on day 17 all these signs point to onyx.

even if my seeds havent been mixed up im not bothered because she is stil a lovely strain to grow out but we will see in the coming weeks if tihis is the case :)

on a positive note my little baby maxi has shown her sex today and im a proud father of a baby girl so we should get some nice bud shots in the coming weeks from her ;)


mr. b

New member
hey skotty, i almost thought the same thing but i sprouted my onyx the same time with the bag taped to the growbag in which the seed was planted the onyx stands at 3 inches but it is a female so far, my other 2 onyx females look nothing like the cali haze or the 3rd onyx, 3 onyx females and all 3 are dif phenos, the first 2 onyx were from reg seed 2/5 females i'll wait on the other 5 beans til i sample these,the first 2 should be ready around the 25th of this month, those plants in those pics do look nice and healthy though, on one last note when my cali haze hermied it looked like yours at first it shot up 4inches in 2 days thats when the balls showed


hey skotty, i almost thought the same thing but i sprouted my onyx the same time with the bag taped to the growbag in which the seed was planted the onyx stands at 3 inches but it is a female so far, my other 2 onyx females look nothing like the cali haze or the 3rd onyx, 3 onyx females and all 3 are dif phenos, the first 2 onyx were from reg seed 2/5 females i'll wait on the other 5 beans til i sample these,the first 2 should be ready around the 25th of this month, those plants in those pics do look nice and healthy though, on one last note when my cali haze hermied it looked like yours at first it shot up 4inches in 2 days thats when the balls showed

and the plot thickens.........

id love to know what happened im gonna break out my dear stalker hat and my smoking pipe and get all sherlock holmes on this shit haha

im begining to think it was the butler who did it with the candlestick in the library



day 24

cali haze has now been removed from the grow and is being left to do his thing and is gonna be replaced with an onyx which im currently waiting for to break ground, haze is still 100% male

maxi has shown me she is female and is just going through the transition phase from veg to flower,nothing i can do to control her now so im just gonna let her gentics do their thing

la blanca still hasnt sexed yet but i can see signs of female pre flowers so hopefully in the next week she should show me fully,she is already quite big in veg so im intrested to see what direction she takes when she does hit flower, she also has slight nute burn on the tips of some leaves and i get this with every plant in every grow when they go from veg to flower, anyways


cali haze




maxi gom



la blanca






Smile Vs Cry
so beautifull plants mate ..promise good, very fat garden, gonna be a great grow for sure!!
how is your regime of fertilizer?


so beautifull plants mate ..promise good, very fat garden, gonna be a great grow for sure!!
how is your regime of fertilizer?

yeah the led lights do a good job in veg and im hoping i can continue this in the flowering stage

as far as nutes go im just on canna aqua vega and rhizotonic at the minute then im gonna be switching maxi over to canna aqua flores , hammerhead , carboload in the next 7 days as she is throwing out pistils pretty quickly now

canna aqua as my base nutes
carboload as my boost and flavour
hammerhead as my pk
overdrive for when my bud growth stalls and they need a kick
rhizotonic for healthy roots

ive been growing with canna for the past year and ive had some nice results with it but im running out so im gonna have a go at using vitalink max next grow as ive heard some good reviews with it in dwc :)



quick update

ive had a new baby enter into my life today ;) my baby onyx has made an apperance above ground, she will go on to fill the gap that my cali haze has left behind

the other 2 autos left maxi and la blanca are off the fuking radar in size at only 25 days and la blanca still hasnt sexed yet and when she does im expecting her to double in size




