Seriously, just put some CO2 in a plastic bottle. It'll blow your mind!
Seriously, just put some CO2 in a plastic bottle. It'll blow your mind!
The CO2 thing is something that I'd like to get into. CO2 is not causing any climatic effects. But, it is a big topic and I'm not sure today is the day.
For now, I'll ask you a question: Can you raise the temps in a grow by adding CO2? Or, If you add CO2, do the temps rise?
The Biden votes without down-ticket votes were brought up by many whistleblowers. Stay tuned, much will be revealed!
The next time you are near a hot-tub and swimming pool, try this experiment:
Submerge an empty plastic water bottle in either the (warm/hot) hot-tub make sure all the air goes out and twist the cap on tightly under water.
Place it on the bottom of the (cool/cold) swimming pool. It will quickly rise to the top, it will float until it cools and then it will very slowly sink as it cools and it will float around a mid depth.
Next, do the opposite. Fill submerge the bottle in the cool swimming pool and cap it under water with no air remaining inside the bottle. Place it on the surface of the warm/hot hot-tubs water and it will sink rather quickly to the bottom. It will remain on the bottom until it equalizes with the hot-tub water temp at which point it will lift up to a mid depth. repeat side by side with one bottle cold and one bottle hot in the swimming pool and hot-tub. Study the behavior of the water bottles. I developed this experiment myself a few years ago. This experiment could inform you everything you need to know about the thermodynamics of climate fraud. Have fun!
I thought you might have that popular pseudoscience opinion. Climate change is caused by CO2 and other gases being HELD in the upper atmosphere acting like a dome around the earth, It has nothing to do with the effects of CO2 at ground level. I actually believe it was a stoner who began that rumor.
For now, I'll ask you, if you plug up all the vents in your grow room and increase the lights what will happen?
Just two years ago...
Many large Northern California reservoirs nearly full
Lunar New Deal: GOP Rep. Gohmert suggests altering moon's orbit to combat climate changeThe Texas congressman asked whether there was anything the U.S. Forest Service could do "to change the course of the moon's orbit or the Earth's orbit around the sun."
San Gabriel Reservior, California
Folsom Lake, California
I understand the pseudo-science quite well, thanks audiohi
Hempy has seen 'An Inconvenient Truth' and has also been alive to experience the onslaught of 21st century climate fraud propaganda.