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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
No and No. His public stance on the jab is tricky. And will be better understood as time goes on. But, it seems that this was one of those necessary actions on his part in a World War sometimes you have to sacrifice some lives to save many more lives. It is speculated that The COVID plan was to shut the world down and wipe us out by 2030. Millions -Billions of lives lost and complete and total enslavement and control of Humanity. The vaccine destroyed their delicate timing by ending their shutdown and exposing their evil intentions and allowing them to directly affect each persons life was necessary in order for each person to really become upset enough to ensure that this never happens again. With complexities and safeguards throughout to minimize lives lost. Many of the jabs were placebos. But, now the entire Deep Deep State can be prosecuted and permanently destroyed. The cures will then be rolled out. The cures for the jab damage are also the cures for all infectious diseases (cancers, AIDS, Lyme, everything). I have posted about it more, in-depth, earlier in this thread. How do you erradicate the University system, the corrupt medical establishment, the corrupt education system, evil employers, and public health officials? These people have no defense or excuses that can save them. This is GIGANTIC and is the end of the Ancient cabal.
you will need to do better than that.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
trump let everyone down in my opinion, when he sold out to pharma . he went from saying , "we don't need the jab for a seasonal corona and take ivermectin ", and the the jab is fauci ouchi satans syrup, to a full circle, "operation warpspeed "and" king of the jab" and all that shit. He is a Trump , and is part of that same political system that Clintons bush, biden et al. he will shaft you Hempy , so be careful my man. I hope i'm wrong. I hate them all
Don't forget the daily/weekly dog and pony show put on by Trump about the covid 'crisis' - Humpy will make up some shit to excuse this of course.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
That is not very clear right now. lots of conflicting reporting on wether or not Trump was on the flights. If I recall correctly, he was on a short flight, but not the pleasure flights. But, we'll see. It is important to understand that Trump is the reason this is all coming out and the way he got them to illegally spy on him ( which was a sting operation on the deep state) was by bringing up epstein, bill clinton and the island on camera. He also said that "you'll find out who really took down the towers" on 9/11. This made them take the bait and target Trump and now it is their downfall.
It is clear to me. The pilot testified so. Trump raped a 13 year old, tied to a bed, according to court documents. Similar documents to what Humpy presented around the Rittenhouse BS.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
No and No. His public stance on the jab is tricky. And will be better understood as time goes on. But, it seems that this was one of those necessary actions on his part in a World War sometimes you have to sacrifice some lives to save many more lives. It is speculated that The COVID plan was to shut the world down and wipe us out by 2030. Millions -Billions of lives lost and complete and total enslavement and control of Humanity. The vaccine destroyed their delicate timing by ending their shutdown and exposing their evil intentions and allowing them to directly affect each persons life was necessary in order for each person to really become upset enough to ensure that this never happens again. With complexities and safeguards throughout to minimize lives lost. Many of the jabs were placebos. But, now the entire Deep Deep State can be prosecuted and permanently destroyed. The cures will then be rolled out. The cures for the jab damage are also the cures for all infectious diseases (cancers, AIDS, Lyme, everything). I have posted about it more, in-depth, earlier in this thread. How do you erradicate the University system, the corrupt medical establishment, the corrupt education system, evil employers, and public health officials? These people have no defense or excuses that can save them. This is GIGANTIC and is the end of the Ancient cabal.


I'm hoping you can help me out with the references from which you assimilate the bolded facts?

And just for the poops, I have to ask.... Destroy the education and medical establishment? Which employers are evil? Spreading freedom by shutting things down?

How about the DOJ or FBI??

Stalin, Pol Pot, Mussolini, and Hitler all had basically the same plan.

It's scary how idiotic and desperate your reasoning can become.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
What is the intent behind MSNBC's "news?" To make their readers more aware and better informed? Or, is it the opposite? Does the news intentionally disinform and try to make their readers stupid?

Is it appropriate or accurate to consider 'sovereign citizens' to be conspiracy theorists? Why lump them together? Does this story have anything to do with "conspiracy theory?" Why the headline?

The fact is that the FakeNews is the enemy of the people and wish to destroy and break people's minds. They don't want people to think (ever). They want you to just consume the garbage information and adjust your mind to it accordingly. You don't need any details and questioning is not necessary and highly discouraged.

"Now, Black Americans like Reynolds are increasingly adopting sovereign principles to air grievances against the government and law enforcement.

The Anti-Defamation League reports the movement’s biggest gains have occurred among Black Americans, some of whom identify as Moorish sovereign citizens, or Moors, who insist they were America’s first inhabitants."

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Normies who have relied on a 'consensus based' perception of reality are going to have a difficult time understanding, due to lifetime of brainwash and corrupted "educations."

"How can everyone be wrong?"

It's easy.
