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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Three Berries

Active member
Perfect example of a Trump supporter who still thinks they are going to overturn the 2020 election after being bitch slapped in the courts over Trump's false election fraud claims. Even the Trump appointed judges stomped him down.

Stay in the foxhole berry. The 2020 election war is still going on in your mind. Just send Trump more money for the cause.
The courts never looked at the facts, just the 'standing' for the lawsuits. Surprised you don't know that. What makes you think I would send a Billionaire some money? Not hitting the mark here.....


Active member
The courts never looked at the facts, just the 'standing' for the lawsuits. Surprised you don't know that. What makes you think I would send a Billionaire some money? Not hitting the mark here.....

In order for your statement to be true. One must believe that.
A. Trump's attorney general William Barr over looked the "facts" when he claimed no "widespread" election fraud had happened.
B. Trump appointed judges withheld the "facts" to help Biden win.

Your statement is very ignorant and shows little critical thinking. The idea judges across the country stopped election fraud "facts" from being presented in court is one of the most brain dead things I've ever heard.
Last edited:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
In order for your statement to be true. One must believe that.
A. Trump's attorney general William Barr over looked the "facts" when he claimed no "widespread" election fraud had happened.
B. Trump appointed judges withheld the "facts" to help Biden win.

Your statement is very ignorant and shows little critical thinking. The idea judges across the country stopped election fraud "facts" from being presented in court is one of the most brain dead things I've ever heard.
that's shocking considering you read the drivel here!:)

Three Berries

Active member
In order for your statement to be true. One must believe that.
A. Trump's attorney general William Barr over looked the "facts" when he claimed no "widespread" election fraud had happened.
B. Trump appointed judges withheld the "facts" to help Biden win.

Your statement is very ignorant and shows little critical thinking. The idea judges across the country stopped election fraud "facts" from being presented in court is one of the most brain dead things I've ever heard.
Barr was not Trump's Attorney(s) in the court cases, besides he's a part of the show. And they NEVER looked at any evidence. It NEVER got that far. What don't you understand about a ruling on defendant Standing?

There is really nothing that can be done to fix the steal. it's all drama and will be shown how it was done before the midterms.

Your adherence to MSM info is a symptom of brain deadness.


Well-known member
Interesting article from 2021...
Could it be true?:smoker:
Interesting article from 2020...
Could it be true?

While we are strolling down meme-ory lane, there are a lot of "interesting articles" below:

Some call it blatant.


Active member
Barr was not Trump's Attorney(s) in the court cases, besides he's a part of the show. And they NEVER looked at any evidence. It NEVER got that far. What don't you understand about a ruling on defendant Standing?

There is really nothing that can be done to fix the steal. it's all drama and will be shown how it was done before the midterms.

Your adherence to MSM info is a symptom of brain deadness.

What you call "facts" are nothing more then false/misleading claims and outright lies.

In 2020 and 2021, President Donald Trump and his attorneys launched numerous lawsuits questioning the presidential election results in a number of key states, which, if they had all been reversed, could have again given him a win in the electoral college. Although Trump continued to allege in 2021 and 2022 that the election was stolen from him, none of the more than 60 cases that Trump and his team brought resulted in overturning the results.

Attorney Rudy Giuliani conceded in a lawsuit that he was not alleging fraud as a matter of law but still had his license to practice law in New York suspended after an appellate court said he made false and misleading statements about the 2020 election.

Three Berries

Active member
What you call "facts" are nothing more then false/misleading claims and outright lies.

In 2020 and 2021, President Donald Trump and his attorneys launched numerous lawsuits questioning the presidential election results in a number of key states, which, if they had all been reversed, could have again given him a win in the electoral college. Although Trump continued to allege in 2021 and 2022 that the election was stolen from him, none of the more than 60 cases that Trump and his team brought resulted in overturning the results.

Attorney Rudy Giuliani conceded in a lawsuit that he was not alleging fraud as a matter of law but still had his license to practice law in New York suspended after an appellate court said he made false and misleading statements about the 2020 election.
Barr was not his attorney.. And I don't think overturning the results are the results they are looking for. Otherwise they would not have let Biden steal the election in the first place. Highlighting the fraud for all to see before the midterms as we need to have new voting rules in place.

One vote, one day, on paper.

How was it that Trump won when Hillary KNEW they had it in the bag? Now you see why they were so surprised?


Active member
Barr was not his attorney.. And I don't think overturning the results are the results they are looking for. Otherwise they would not have let Biden steal the election in the first place. Highlighting the fraud for all to see before the midterms as we need to have new voting rules in place.

One vote, one day, on paper.

How was it that Trump won when Hillary KNEW they had it in the bag? Now you see why they were so surprised?

Your blithering and blathering about "voter fraud" is absolutely pointless.

There was no "widespread" voter fraud. Time to to come terms with what Billy Barr said about it.

It's like claiming a restaurant put onions in your food when they never did. Then complaining non stop how this restaurant should stop serving onions to people when they don't want any.

I know it's hard for you to comprehend how a senile old fool like Biden could beat Trump. After all Trump had huge rallies and Biden could hardly get a gathering. Trump voters are like the fans in the stands at pro sporting events who paint their faces, bring signs, and yell loudly. They seem like there are many but really they are out numbered.

People wanted a fool over an asshole.

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