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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
no matter what, trump truly sucks!

man, you are really hung up on this shit! you need a break. forget politics for a while.

do you seriously think you are influencing anyone with all this gibberish? turbo posting memes?

it's all trash!

the recent Gallup poll of those who actually voted in 2020 shows that approx 29% identified as democrats, 29% identified as republicans, and 42% identified as independents.

what this shows is that people are fed up with all the crap from both parties.

i'm 71 and in my life i have voted for candidates from both parties.

i don't like or trust any politician. i'm suspicious of all their motives.

"the government that governs best is the government that governs least" henry david thoreau

you, along with millions of others, have been drawn into this taking of sides thing.

it is a false thing as there really is no us and them.

all the elements of human behavior are inside of everyone of us.

part of me hates trump as he is a despicable piece of shit.

but part of me finds him amazing because he is such a great con artist. i mean. really, i don't remember anyone since hitler fooling so many people.

but, to be honest, some of the dems are world-class bullshitters too.

but i'm not going to let any of this shit eat me up like you are. you are responding as programmed. they have gotten to you.

you are the right-wing version and some are the left-wing version. standing in the middle listening to both i'm so fucking tired of all of you.

watch out! they're everywhere and they really are out to get you!
You are not understanding the situation. Your generation handed this down to the next. This is the last stand. The two parties were actually one party against the people. MAGA is new and is the answer. MAGA is 'We the People' taking back our country. This is about good vs evil. Good wins. Enjoy your golden years. Hempy will continue fighting the good fight. :rasta:


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member


Well-known member
what's kinda funny to me is most of these "conspiracy theorists" have had some sort of serious trauma in their lives that led them to where they are now in terms of what they believe. it's super common to ask one of these people if they're married or have kids, etc and have the response be something along the lines of "my spouse left me/died" or "my spouse took my kid and left me, or my kid died". in other words, these are incredibly lonely and gullible people who get sucked into this subculture to make themselves feel special and feel like they know information that the "average joe" does not.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
You are not understanding the situation. Your generation handed this down to the next. This is the last stand. The two parties were actually one party against the people. MAGA is new and is the answer. MAGA is 'We the People' taking back our country. This is about good vs evil. Good wins. Enjoy your golden years. Hempy will continue fighting the good fight. :rasta:

fukin Trump generation...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
what's kinda funny to me is most of these "conspiracy theorists" have had some sort of serious trauma in their lives that led them to where they are now in terms of what they believe. it's super common to ask one of these people if they're married or have kids, etc and have the response be something along the lines of "my spouse left me/died" or "my spouse took my kid and left me, or my kid died". in other words, these are incredibly lonely and gullible people who get sucked into this subculture to make themselves feel special and feel like they know information that the "average joe" does not.
There is some truth to this^ (in some cases). Intelligent people are typically misunderstood and are often underappreciated, but it speaks more to the normies and their behaviors than anything else. Normies don't want to have to think too much. The GREAT thing is that people are being forced to see all of this for the first time and nothing will make it stop. The status quo of ignorance and apathy, once undone, will never return. Once the people understand and see and experience the truth, they will never ever return to their slumber, it will be normies who won't allow it. The majority will soon be 'conspiracy theorists' and will forever be 'alarmists' because they will never forget how badly they were fooled (post Great Awakening).

It won't be long until 'conspiracy denialists' are openly ridiculed.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
fukin Trump generation...
Haha, yeah, okay it is kinda silly of me to say that delta9nxs' generation passed this on to my generation, when it is the boomers who are spearheading this, lol. ...Trump's generation = delta9nxs' generation.

Boomers: The cause of, and solution to, most of life's problems...


Active member
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” ~Abraham Lincoln

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