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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


Well-known member


Well-known member
What did Michael Flynn lie to the FBI about? Also, how can anyone credibly say that Sussman didn't lie to the FBI?

The gist of it is that Flynn admits to lying about two December 2016 conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in a January 24, 2017, interview with federal investigators.

The third charge against Flynn says he misrepresented the extent of his work on behalf of the Turkish government through his firm, the Flynn Intel Group.

As far as Sussmann...

According to the Constitution, when a jury finds you not guilty, you can credibly claim that you didn't commit said crime.

You've already made it clear that you prefer fascism to our Constitution, though. A military execution is the only way to punish Sussmann, right?


No Jive Productions
no matter what, trump truly sucks!

man, you are really hung up on this shit! you need a break. forget politics for a while.

do you seriously think you are influencing anyone with all this gibberish? turbo posting memes?

it's all trash!

the recent Gallup poll of those who actually voted in 2020 shows that approx 29% identified as democrats, 29% identified as republicans, and 42% identified as independents.

what this shows is that people are fed up with all the crap from both parties.

i'm 71 and in my life i have voted for candidates from both parties.

i don't like or trust any politician. i'm suspicious of all their motives.

"the government that governs best is the government that governs least" henry david thoreau

you, along with millions of others, have been drawn into this taking of sides thing.

it is a false thing as there really is no us and them.

all the elements of human behavior are inside of everyone of us.

part of me hates trump as he is a despicable piece of shit.

but part of me finds him amazing because he is such a great con artist. i mean. really, i don't remember anyone since hitler fooling so many people.

but, to be honest, some of the dems are world-class bullshitters too.

but i'm not going to let any of this shit eat me up like you are. you are responding as programmed. they have gotten to you.

you are the right-wing version and some are the left-wing version. standing in the middle listening to both i'm so fucking tired of all of you.

watch out! they're everywhere and they really are out to get you!

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