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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You are too kind! Thank you, Petrochemical :tiphat:

Greetingz All!

Hempy has just been enjoying a little time away from the computer. Spring is finally here (no more "dark winter," lol).

I'm hoping to find a very rarely seen animal this year: The Diablo Mountain Kingsnake

Been looking for almost 25 years and still haven't seen one...


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
one can hope huh?

Hempy can post memes and tweets from greasball jr and other republican faux media reporters to justify his outrage and conspiracy's but stays quiet when pressed to explain his reasoning that trump hired people his own son is tweeting are unfit to serve, or however jr put it.

his reasoning for trump having Acosta, Derschowitz and Starr work for his administration was that it was a big sting. a sting where no one ever got arrested and charged.

Hempy hides from his post when he is wrong i guess.

Hempy, care to explain or will you continue to duck my responses?


I wasn't trying to "duck" your questions. You asked lots of questions and Hempy's been busy with other things.

I recall you asking what kind of a "sting" this is... It is a very complex and multifaceted sting. The likes of which the world has never seen. And, in the following weeks, months, and years, you are going to learn a lot about it (I am sure). To understand it properly, you really do have to learn to expand your thinking.

This whole thread is really kind of all about the "sting" or "the PLAN (to save the world)"


Well-known member
EXCLUSIVE: US Postal Service Refuses to Release Investigative Report on Whistleblower Truck Driver Who Hauled 288,000 Suspicious Ballots Across State Lines Before 2020 Election https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/202...2020-election/

explain how a postal truck driver knows what is in the packages they deliver?

did the postal truck driver open any boxes or packages to first hand view that they was hauling ballots? if so then that driver committed a felony.

also, how did the driver know the ballots were filled out? let me guess, the were all for biden too.


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
if what they were doing was Legal then why did trump feel the need to try and hide all of what he was doing? Why hasnt Lying Trump, and any of his media allies, ever showed actual proof of election fraud that would overturn the election?

remember, if they had ANY Proof AKA evidence then they would have already had a law suite filed claiming election fraud. A law suite that doesnt get thrown out due to lack of standing like almost 60 suites filed on behalf of the Trump Administration.

i get it you dont want to respond to things that make your outrage look fake as trumps claim of hiring the best people or having the biggest crowd at his inaugural or that he didnt pay off a porn star.


Trump attempts to sheild things for various reasons. He may, for example, not want to show his hand. Maybe he does not want the enemy to know what evidence they have against them until the indictments are unsealed. Maybe he does not want them to learn (yet) how the evidence was obtained.

In some cases, it is believed that Trump also manipulates the enemy by using "bait."

Another reason is that with all of the sensitive and complex planning involved, TIMING is very important. This is a sophisticated counter-intelligence sting and things complex things have to happen in certain order.

As for the law-suit part of your question, there are various ways to look at it. Did the judges pass on it because they are corrupt? Or, could it be that they are part of the plan and pushing these matters beyond the purview of the criminal code in order to drive it into the supreme court and then MILITARY JUSTICE system? There are many possibilities and you really must expand your thinking in order to understand it.


Well-known member
I wasn't trying to "duck" your questions. You asked lots of questions and Hempy's been busy with other things.

I recall you asking what kind of a "sting" this is... It is a very complex and multifaceted sting. The likes of which the world has never seen. And, in the following weeks, months, and years, you are going to learn a lot about it (I am sure). To understand it properly, you really do have to learn to expand your thinking.

i think your response is a cop-out. what type of sting would require trump to have individuals work in his administration just to catch them breaking the law. These individuals and their involvment in the epstein sex trafficking case are just the examples in trump jr's tweet stating who should not even be qualified to serve the govt yet his dad thought they were not only qualified but the best people.

your justification of this is that they were there due to a sting.

I keep responding to your posts regarding sex trafficking or pedophiles b/c it appears you only post outrage toward those on the left you or Q suspect are deeply involved in such crimes and i never hear outrage at trump having Acosta, Derschowitz & Starr work in his admin. the republican party are completely fine with those 3 amigos in trumps admin.

This whole thread is really kind of all about the "sting" or "the PLAN (to save the world)"

save the world from who?

so your lack of understanding leads you along a breadtrail of half truths cleverly crafted into a grand conspiracy theory developed to mobilize large numbers of people based on Trump's Big Lie. Some how several Republican lead states fixed/cheated to help Joe Biden but all other Republicans down ballot won.


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
i think your response is a cop-out. what type of sting would require trump to have individuals work in his administration just to catch them breaking the law. These individuals and their involvment in the epstein sex trafficking case are just the examples in trump jr's tweet stating who should not even be qualified to serve the govt yet his dad thought they were not only qualified but the best people.

your justification of this is that they were there due to a sting.

I keep responding to your posts regarding sex trafficking or pedophiles b/c it appears you only post outrage toward those on the left you or Q suspect are deeply involved in such crimes and i never hear outrage at trump having Acosta, Derschowitz & Starr work in his admin. the republican party are completely fine with those 3 amigos in trumps admin.

save the world from who?

so your lack of understanding leads you along a breadtrail of half truths cleverly crafted into a grand conspiracy theory developed to mobilize large numbers of people based on Trump's Big Lie. Some how several Republican lead states fixed/cheated to help Joe Biden but all other Republicans down ballot won.


He wanted the enemy to be front and center so that the sleeping masses can learn who they are and eventually learn that they are the enemy. Think Bill Gates. Think Fauci. Think Birx (Burks?), etc...

Manafort is a particularly interesting example.

It is an assumption on your part that I only care about pedophilia when it is dems who get caught and not repubs. I am not loyal to the republican party and the "sting" is just as much against republicans as it is dems.

"Save the world from who?," you ask...

From the New World order (Deep State).

To your last point, the 'down ballot' issue is one which points in Trump's favor, not Bidens. The fraudulent votes were rushed and did not have much as far as down ballot votes. This is how you get those results. Why would Biden voters not vote down the ballot and 'clean out' the republicans?

Three Berries

Active member
explain how a postal truck driver knows what is in the packages they deliver?

did the postal truck driver open any boxes or packages to first hand view that they was hauling ballots? if so then that driver committed a felony.

also, how did the driver know the ballots were filled out? let me guess, the were all for biden too.


Ballots are quite obvious as they are marked as such and many could be read from outside to see who the vote was for. They also usually come in big totes by the time the USPS is delivering them to be counted.

Mail in voting for the general populace should be outlawed. No need for it.

Three Berries

Active member
NYT Painted Matt Gaetz as a Child Sex Trafficker. One Year Later, He Has Not Been Charged.

The Florida Congressman may one day be indicted and convicted. For now, this episode highlights the dangers and abuses of trying a person through media leaks.


The headline chosen by Times editors was as inflammatory and provocative as possible: “Matt Gaetz Is Said to Face Justice Dept. Inquiry Over Sex With an Underage Girl.” The paper, high up in the article, emphasized what grave crimes these were: “The Justice Department regularly prosecutes such cases, and offenders often receive severe sentences.” The article was extremely light on any actual evidence regarding Gaetz, instead devoting paragraph after paragraph to guilt-by-association tactics regarding “a political ally of his, a local official in Florida named Joel Greenberg, who was indicted last summer on an array of charges, including sex trafficking of a child and financially supporting people in exchange for sex, at least one of whom was an underage girl.”

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