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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
These people are sick!

Column: California should abolish parenthood, in the name of equity (vcstar.com)

"The left’s introduction of anti-racism and gender identity in schools faces a bitter backlash from parents. Ending parenthood would end the backlash, helping dismantle white supremacy and outdated gender norms. Democrats also would have the opportunity to build a new pillar of the safety net — a child-raising system called “Foster Care for All.”"


Well-known member
It is very doubtful that that accusation is true. Schools have always taught about MLK Jr.

I forgot that Mr. does his own research, won't find out if it's true on his own.

TX Gov. Greg Abbott Lit Up For Sharing MLK Quote After Cutting Him From Education Requirements

It was a bit less than six months ago that Abbott signed a bill into law removing state requirements for schools to teach anything at all about the life and philosophies of Dr. King, even the whitewashed stuff, as well as the entire Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Other topics that no longer need to be taught to the children of Texas are the women’s suffrage movement and the history and struggle of Native Americans against colonialism and ongoing genocide.

You might remember this news (among all the other bad news of 2021) for the section of the bill that says Texas schools no longer need to teach “the history of white supremacy, including but not limited to the institution of slavery, the eugenics movement, and the Ku Klux Klan, and the ways in which it is morally wrong.”

You ever going to post that prediction of McCains death to the minute?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

therefore let's vilify one segment of society who actually do express compassion, accuse them of drinking baby blood and talk of executions.


Well-known member
It's also this same bill, if you still don't remember.

H.B. No. 3979

(2)a teacher who chooses to discuss a topic described by Subdivision (1) shall, to the best of the teacher’s ability, strive to explore the topic from diverse and contending perspectives without giving deference to any one perspective;


Texas schools are being told to teach ‘opposing views’ of the Holocaust. Why?
The question of what specific books and topics can and can’t be taught is linked to a disturbing new law in Texas​

If teachers are obliged to tell their classes that there is “another point of view” about whether the Holocaust occurred, must American history lessons now also include books asserting that the United States was never a slave-holding nation or that racism ended with the Emancipation Proclamation? If the discussion surrounding a novel or story leads a class to conclude that LGBTQ+ people are entitled to basic human rights, must the class be asked to seriously consider the opposing view: that those rights should be denied to anyone who differs from the heterosexual norm?


Well-known member
Can you show me that language in the bill itself, rather than a fakenews story. What is the title of the bill?

Way ahead of your fake news ploy.

Here you go. From Texas gov

It's also this same bill, if you still don't remember.

H.B. No. 3979


Texas schools are being told to teach ‘opposing views’ of the Holocaust. Why?
The question of what specific books and topics can and can’t be taught is linked to a disturbing new law in Texas​

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It's also this same bill, if you still don't remember.

H.B. No. 3979


Texas schools are being told to teach ‘opposing views’ of the Holocaust. Why?
The question of what specific books and topics can and can’t be taught is linked to a disturbing new law in Texas​

Excellent. So, Hempy was once again CORRECT. So, teachers are not barred from teaching about the life of Martin Luther King Jr. ..Or, slavery or any of that. They are simply instructed to give fair and opposing views. So, if they are teaching about America's racist pass, they should also mention that less than 2% of southerners owned slaves and millions of white people fought and died in a horrific battle to liberate the slaves from the democrats, maybe inform them that it was republicans that freed the slaves (as so few young people seem to be aware of these days). Instead of teaching that America is a fundamentally racist country (which it is not) teach the truth, that America is a fundamentally anti-racist country. When teaching about the Holocaust, teach the part about US and globalist involvement, teach them about the Nazi ratlines. Teach! Don't indoctrinate!

Did you all really believe that they banned the teaching of anything related to MLKJr in schools? Why would you believe something like that? And, then you look it up and see that it doesn't actually say that, but you still believe it somehow. It's amazing!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Can you show me that language in the Q post predicting McCains death itself, rather than a fake QAnon story.

You really should view the links that I post. I'll have to dig for it. I'll find it. And, it was Three Berries that mentioned it, btw. So, I don't recall that it was down to the minute or not. But, I'll find it. But, then you must commit to viewing all links I post forever! No excuses! :rasta:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Can you show me that language in the Q post predicting McCains death itself, rather than a fake QAnon story.

Wait a minute! before I look into this, ask yourself why you haven't read about this in all the QAnon smear pieces that you read in the mockingbird media?? Surely they would have mentioned the death of John McCain and how it has been debonked?? Why would they not mention it???????:chin:

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