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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
And watching the HBO hit piece are you not being TOLD too.......

Patience Microbeman, patience

No because I can think for myself, accepting plausibility of logical evidence, questioning what seems illogical and forming derivative hypotheses...And you?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Q said Trump was safe from Mueller and Impeachment. Q predicted McCain's death to the minute.

The first was also predicted by yours truly. Did the second involve mysterious [ ] numbers dashes and separated letters distributed over someone's synapses or was it crystal clear? Show me?

Does your steadfast belief then embrace the supernatural?
Last edited:

Three Berries

Active member
The first was also predicted by yours truly. Did the second involve mysterious [ ] numbers dashes and separated letters distributed over someone's synapses or was it crystal clear? Show me?

Does you steadfast belief then embrace the supernatural?

Shills gotta shill.

Not much sense in discussing it with you is there?

If you want to be spoon fed then get up in the high chair and come on over.

Three Berries

Active member
Q posted pics of Prince Andrew outside the American Orphanage for Children in Hong Kong. Seems to be connected to recent news, or will be.

Prince Andrew in Hong Kong.png
Prince Andrew in Hong Kong 2.png

They were posting pics of Feinstein too as she was taking secret trips over there.

Three Berries

Active member
Nashville ATT blast not any RV......


Trump mentioned ATT last night probably connected to the GA vote. This building is where the fiber optic cables run for the Georgia area. explosion came up from the under ground vault under the sidewalk.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I haven't seen the HBO Ron Watkins thing either. I'd like to. But, even without watching it or having seen it, I can say that it could simply be disinformation. What if Ron is an administer of the secured platform which Q was posting on. And, what if Ron Watkins and Q team decided to do the HBO special just to produce a desired outcome (disinformation)?

Why has a bigger deal not been made of the whole thing? Why is Ron Watkins not being brought up for charges in the January 6th Committee (or, some other such inquisition)? Why was Q considered by People Magazine to be one of the most influential people of the year (I forgot what year 2017 or 2018, I think), but Ron watkins is not. Why does the media refer to Q as "QAnon and not "Ron Watkins?"

For those of us who haven't seen the documentary, what exactly was the "smoking gun" in all of this?

What id Watkins is actually Q or one of the people posting as Q, then what? Even if he said that Q was a larp, that is more likely to be "the big lie" (in this case).

Why do you think Q is so important? [that such astounding info would be big news]
Why is Trump not being brought up for charges in the Jan 6 Committee?
Why was Goofy not on the stage to fire up the crowd? Oh ya, he was; Junior.

There is no announcement that Ron Watkins is Q in the documentary. It is just a logical conclusion a free thinking individual can draw from the evidence.
There is no announcement that JFK was hit with a bullet from the front. It is just a logical conclusion a free thinking individual can draw from the evidence.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor

you two make such a cute couple,maybe you should find someplace that allows your species to marry and adopt some kids,get a nice split level ranch in the suburbs with good schools and low property taxes and live the lizard people dream!

Three Berries

Active member
Illinois is controlled by the public sector unions. The pension debt is in the 100s of billions. There will be a Constitutional Amendment vote this spring to put them above all else in the state. But the ChicagoTeachersUnion is the really bad apple. And the Dems are paying the price for their support.
Chicago Teachers Against Teaching – City Journal

January 16, 2022

"I don't think there are many political parties that are so dependent on union support as the Democratic Party in Illinois...And it's really describes actually, in some sense, the plight of Illinois because of its reliance, particularly on public sector unions, which has replaced largely the industrial union, that's the source of the pension crisis, because what unions do. Public sector unions do is they take a lot of their exactions in some sense off the book. So the current generation of politicians doesn't pay for them, but the next tax generation of tax payers will pay for them and that bill is really coming due."


Well-known member
Has anyone seen those hilarious videos of trump supporters that were trapped in the rally parking lot this past weekend?

Bitching about their freedoms being taken away because they were locked in the parking lot until trump finished and left.

That one lady goes... It's been over two hours! I'm an attorney! This is false imprisonment! lol.


Three Berries

Active member

Jeff Carlson
3 years ago, 39 tweets, 7 min read Read on TwitterBookmark Save as PDF
CNN - Carl Bernstein
BuzzFeed - Ken Bensinger
Mother Jones - David Corn
Guardian - Julian Borger
Washington Post - Tom Hamburger, Rosalind Helderman, Fred Hiatt
ABC News - Brian Ross
McClatchy - Peter Stone, Greg Gordan
WSJ - Allan Cullison
NPR - Bob Little, Rachel Martim
h/t @ChuckRossDC

Kramer Depositioin | Academia | PolitiqueScribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.[url]https://www.scribd.com/document/401932342/Kramer-Depositioin#from_embed?campaig n=VigLink&ad_group=xxc1xx&sour ce=hp_affiliate&medium=affilia te[/URL]
From the BuzzFeed Lawsuit - at least they're good for something...

McCain Associate Provided Steele Dossier to BuzzFeed, Other Reporters, Lawsuit RevealsNews Analysis A federal judge ruled in favor of BuzzFeed on Dec. 19 after the news website was ...https://www.theepochtimes.com/lawsuit-reveals-mccain-associate-provided-steele-dossier-to-buzzfeed-other-reporters_2744696.html
Wood to Kramer to McCain at Halifax(p. 25)

Sir Andrew basically said the same thing to Senator McCain as he had said to me, which was he was aware of this information that had been gathered that raised the possibility of collusion and compromising material on the President Elect
P. 30

It later became clear to me that GPS -- I'm sorry, Fusion GPS had a relationship with him because I met them the next day
P. 34 Q: What did you understand raw intelligence to be?

Kramer: Signal, human intelligence which has not been corroborated or verified by other sources.
P. 36

Q: How did your discussion with Mr. Steele concerning The Memos end?

Kramer: He explained to me that he would arrange for Glenn Simpson to get me a copy of the material upon my return to Washington.
P. 38

Mr. Simpson contacted me, so the next day on the 29th I met with him in his office where he gave me a copy of these two versions.

(From P. 9 - One a redacted version that was given to me, and the other that has been the one posted)
P. 40

Q: To the best of your recollection, if you could tell us what happened at that [Simpson] meeting.

Kramer: There he did have a colleague with him and I don't recall the person's name.

Q Was the person male or female?

Kramer: It was a male
P. 41

Q: Did he explain to you why he was giving you two versions of the documents?

Kramer: He said that one had more things blacked out than the other. It wasn't entirely clear to me why there were two versions of this, so but I took both versions
P. 41

Q: Did he ask or suggest that you not provide it to anyone other than Senator McCain?

Kramer: He indicated to me that it was a very sensitive document and needed to be handled very carefully.

[Kramer gave dossier to 12 journalists - dossier never supposed to be public]
P. 45

The Senator went on his own without any staff to meet with the Director [Comey]. And -- sorry, and he did not get any readout from The Senator on the meeting, but just that it had happened.
P. 46 Q: Did you have additional conversations with either Glenn Simpson or anyone at Fusion GPS?

Kramer: I saw him maybe two, three other times, and was in touch with him maybe once, two, three times a week after that..

It was through Mr. Simpson that I obtained the last Memo
Kramer spoke again w/Steele

P. 47 - in the beginning mostly about the status of Senator McCain's contact with Director Comey. He was very interested to know where that stood.
P. 49

Kramer contacted by David Corn "early, mid-December"

Corn and Julian Borger came to meet w/Kramer

Recall: Corn gave copy of "parts of dossier" to FBI General Counsel James Baker in 1st week of Nov '16.
Kramer met w/13 journalists (see 1st tweet)

P. 54 - Kramer: I stressed to every person I met the sensitivity of the document, the need to verify or refute it. And not to publish it. Unless or until that could be done.
Prior to providing a copy of The Memos to The Washington Post, had you informed Fusion or Mr. Simpson that you intended do so?

Kramer: They were aware that I was giving it to Mr. Hiatt at The Post
P. 62

[Bensinger - BF] said he wanted to read them, he asked me if he could take photos of them on his -- I assume it was an iPhone. I asked him not to. He said he was a slow reader, he wanted to read it. And so I said, you know, I got a phone call to make...
P. 65-66

Q: What was your reaction when CNN broke the story?

Kramer: I believe my words were "Holy shit."

Kramer was meeting w/The Guardian's Julian Borger when CNN reported.
P. 68

Q: When did you first speak to Mr. Steele after the publication of The Memos?

Kramer: Within an hour after they were published.

Q: And what did Mr. Steele say to you?

Kramer: He was shocked
P. 96

Q: Did he tell you why they had called The New York Times to talk to them about it?

Kramer: They felt it required investigation by a serious news outlet, and they seemed to have chosen The Times at that point.

[Just investigate and leak - don't show the actual doc]
P. 102

Q: Do you know substantively what Senator McCain said to Director Comey?

Kramer: No, and not to the best of my knowledge neither does Mr. Brose. Mr. Brose told me that it was a one-on-one meeting...He did not get a readout.
Kramer received Steele's final Dec 13th memo directly from Simpson at a meeting in DC (P. 104)

"It was additional information that had been compiled I believe by Mr. Steele and they felt that I should have it"
P. 110

Q.· During your conversation with Mr. Bensinger [Buzzfeed], did you tell him that Senator McCain had given The Dossier to the FBI?

Kramer: Yes
P. 119

I gave a copy to Congressman Adam Kinzinger from Illinois.

Q:And why did you give a copy to Congressman Adam Kinzinger?

Kramer: I felt I could trust him, he -- I really got to know him at the Halifax meeting...I felt that someone on that side of Congress should be aware
P. 120

Q: What was his reaction?

Kramer: He read it...he thought it raised serious concerns, but like me he wasn't in a position to vouch for it one way or the other.

Q: Do you know what, if anything, he did with it?

Kramer: I think he put it in his safe or desk drawer.
P. 121

I did discuss it with John Burks who is the Chief of Staff...to Speaker Ryan.

Q: And can you tell me what that conversation was?

Kramer: It was strictly I showed him the material, he read it, and he didn't have a reaction one way or the other. He just said thank you.
From back on P. 33

Q: Did he name the sources or did he describe them to you?

Kramer: There was a piece of paper in which the names were there.


Q: Were any of the names people with whom you were already familiar because of your background in Russia?

Kramer: Yes.
P. 128

Q: you testified that you saw a list when you were with Mr. Steele of five names of sources. You were asked about the seriousness of some of those sources. You saw that list prior to the December Memo being compiled; is that correct?

Kramer: Correct.
P. 128

Q: Do you have any way of knowing whether or not the sources for the December Memo were the same or different from those five sources?

Kramer: I don't know, and the last page where there is a redaction at the very top...that's how I received it.
P. 128

Q: And do you have any information whatsoever on who that source is or what is under that redaction?

Kramer: I do not know.

Additional details from court doc in article at top

P. 26

Kramer: [Wood] mentioned that there was the possibility of a video that might have shown the President Elect in a compromising situation.

Q: Was he more specific than that?

Kramer: He mentioned that it was, if it existed, that it was from a hotel in Moscow...
P. 26

...when President Elect, before he was President Elect, had been in Moscow.

Q: What was --

Kramer: Of a sexual nature.

Q: What was The Senator's reaction to this?

Kramer: Senator listened very carefully.
Kramer cont: He didn't really have much in the way of reaction. Sir Andrew said that the person who gathered this was in London and would be willing to meet.

And so The Senator turned to me and asked me if I would go to London to meet with what turned out to be Mr. Steele
P. 44

Kramer to McCain upon return: I said I was not in a position to verify this. I also informed him that I did not have a copy of any video which had been mentioned by Sir Andrew when he first raised this. I indicated to him that Mr. Steele indicated he did not have the video
P. 44

Kramer: I said I don't think any of us is in a position to verify, to corroborate or refute this, that's why people who have the means to do so should. Meaning the FBI and CIA.
P. 44

Q: Had there been any discussions with Mr. Steele about whether or not he was attempting to obtain the video?

Kramer: He was interested in getting it but did not know how to.

Follow-on note on Kramer deposition:

According to UK court documents, Kramer, on behalf of McCain, asked Steele to provide any further intelligence that he had gathered relating to “alleged Russian interference in the US Presidential election.”
It was apparently this request from McCain that led Steele to produce his Dec. 13 memo.

It was this "reformulated" dossier that was taken to Nuland & Wallander at State to verify if the dossier “was being taken seriously,” along with Rep. Kinzinger Ryan’s CoS, Jonathan Burks.