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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters

Three Berries

Active member
Yes it's very strange indeed...cause if you
voted for Biden only and no down ballot
House vote...you actually handicapped
Your own party and literally sealed the fate
Of the demos in 2022..hard to believe
people voted in the millions this way but...
it is the democrat suicide party

Why did House Democrats underperform compared to Joe Biden? https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixg...democrats-underperform-compared-to-joe-biden/

to sum it up :although Democrats labor under a long-standing structural disadvantage in the House, their disappointing performance in 2020 reflects two other factors—unrealistic expectations of improving on their hard-to-equal performance in 2018, and the large number of voters who marked their ballots for Joe Biden but not for Democratic House candidates.

That's what happens when only the Presidential vote is changed post voting.

Three Berries

Active member
For all those saying “fix 2020 now”, While I don’t disagree 2020 needs to be fixed or something done about it, what is it you propose we do?

>Forensic Audits were performed and we have not been given the full results about it
>Trump has spoken on it countless times
>We’ve spoken on it countless times
>Supreme Court won’t hear it
>Federal courts can’t change it
>state legislatures continue to advance forensic audits
>Current Congress members won’t vote to do anything about it
>Certain States have changed voting laws
>Many states are continuing to perform investigations about it
>Many local law enforcement agencies have subpoenaed records recently
>Whistleblowers are still coming forward
>Durham still isn’t done investigating and his reports have not been released
>Media won’t tell the truth
>the world is inundated with vaccine and covid BS

So what’s the game plan ?
Are you gonna start a war ?
>because killing innocent people is a good idea ? 🙄
Are you gonna not vote ?
>because making it easier for the Dems to cheat is a good idea ? 🙄

We were told “nothing can stop what’s coming”, to “trust the plan” , and “violence is not the answer”

For those of us that have seen the thousand+ Q proofs and have been here since the beginning are not about to switch all of that now just because some emotionally unstable people being manipulated by shill accounts on social media tell us to.

Fact of the matter is, many of these people saying this have no idea who or what we are up against- A Centuries old satanic death cult embedded in every nook and cranny of earth.

This isn’t just about what you think needs to happen.

A 20 year plan has been in place and is still actively taking place behind the scenes. You don’t win by exposing or stopping any one single thing- you win by exposing and stopping every single thing all at once.

To do this legally and prevent a way out takes time All while we also have to wake up the innocent people involved because not everyone asleep or supporting the other side is the enemy. This should be logical to those who have fully educated themselves on the last 4 years and To suggest otherwise is not only selfish but completely ignorant, illogical, emotional, and stupid.

“You can’t tell em- you gotta show em”
>You’re being shown now
>it wouldn’t be showing if it was not thought to be real by those who don’t understand what’s going on
>this WILL be painful - it’s designed that way because otherwise people won’t find the will to change

If there wasn’t a plan in place, told to us years in advance, with information readily available for anyone to read and educate themselves on it, I’d agree that a difference in action is necessary.

But there is. So violence isn’t necessary. We aren’t going to stoop to their level and we don’t need to in order to win. Have faith. Pray. Put on the armor of God. We were told in advance. If you haven’t educated yourself and got right with Jesus then whose fault is that?

As for me- I’m comfy.
Even if we all got duped and there’s nothing we can do to stop the NWO instead of justice, then Jesus is coming back as prophesied in the Bible.

So either way - I’m comfy. In


Three Berries

Active member
A lot of people are putting their money on Queen Elizabeth...

Lord Jacob Rothschild??????? Missing L in Trump's recent communication.

Trump missing L.jpg

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
For all those saying “fix 2020 now”, While I don’t disagree 2020 needs to be fixed or something done about it, what is it you propose we do?

>Forensic Audits were performed and we have not been given the full results about it
>Trump has spoken on it countless times
>We’ve spoken on it countless times
>Supreme Court won’t hear it
>Federal courts can’t change it
>state legislatures continue to advance forensic audits
>Current Congress members won’t vote to do anything about it
>Certain States have changed voting laws
>Many states are continuing to perform investigations about it
>Many local law enforcement agencies have subpoenaed records recently
>Whistleblowers are still coming forward
>Durham still isn’t done investigating and his reports have not been released
>Media won’t tell the truth
>the world is inundated with vaccine and covid BS

So what’s the game plan ?
Are you gonna start a war ?
>because killing innocent people is a good idea ? 🙄
Are you gonna not vote ?
>because making it easier for the Dems to cheat is a good idea ? 🙄

We were told “nothing can stop what’s coming”, to “trust the plan” , and “violence is not the answer”

For those of us that have seen the thousand+ Q proofs and have been here since the beginning are not about to switch all of that now just because some emotionally unstable people being manipulated by shill accounts on social media tell us to.

Fact of the matter is, many of these people saying this have no idea who or what we are up against- A Centuries old satanic death cult embedded in every nook and cranny of earth.

This isn’t just about what you think needs to happen.

A 20 year plan has been in place and is still actively taking place behind the scenes. You don’t win by exposing or stopping any one single thing- you win by exposing and stopping every single thing all at once.

To do this legally and prevent a way out takes time All while we also have to wake up the innocent people involved because not everyone asleep or supporting the other side is the enemy. This should be logical to those who have fully educated themselves on the last 4 years and To suggest otherwise is not only selfish but completely ignorant, illogical, emotional, and stupid.

“You can’t tell em- you gotta show em”
>You’re being shown now
>it wouldn’t be showing if it was not thought to be real by those who don’t understand what’s going on
>this WILL be painful - it’s designed that way because otherwise people won’t find the will to change

If there wasn’t a plan in place, told to us years in advance, with information readily available for anyone to read and educate themselves on it, I’d agree that a difference in action is necessary.

But there is. So violence isn’t necessary. We aren’t going to stoop to their level and we don’t need to in order to win. Have faith. Pray. Put on the armor of God. We were told in advance. If you haven’t educated yourself and got right with Jesus then whose fault is that?

As for me- I’m comfy.
Even if we all got duped and there’s nothing we can do to stop the NWO instead of justice, then Jesus is coming back as prophesied in the Bible.

So either way - I’m comfy. In


Military is the only way. Always has been.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Lord Jacob Rothschild??????? Missing L in Trump's recent communication.

I'd be more inclined to think 'Lynn de Rothschild'...

Q post 150, November 13, 2017:

"Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.

Three Berries

Active member
Will a nuclear confrontation put us at the Precipice? Will our weakened military be up to the task?

Why The Kazakhstan Crisis Is A Much Bigger Deal Than Western Media Is Letting On


Geopolitical commentator Clint Ehrlich has reported while on the ground in Moscow that "the situation in Kazakhstan is a much bigger deal than Western media is letting on." He further argues that the mayhem unleashed this past week and ongoing violent destabilization significantly increases the risk of NATO-Russia conflict.

He asks the key question: what really is happening in Kazakhstan? After all, he writes "In America, the situation in Kazakhstan is a small news item" but it remains that "in Moscow, it is currently receiving 24/7 news coverage, like it's an apocalyptic threat to Russia's security. I've had the TV on here while writing this thread, and Kazakhstan has been on the entire time." Below is Ehrlich's mega-thread from Twitter exploring the crisis and connecting the dots in terms of why this is a bigger deal than many believe...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Hempy thinks what is happening in Kazakhstan is probably hugely significant! Could Kazakhstan be the quiet center of the global central banking cabal?

Khazarian Mafia?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
How do you get the fakenews to report on their "secret" brainwashing of the people...
How do you start an important conversation when important conversations are against the "RULES?"


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
"Get the facts @AP" Translation: Don't go down the rabbit hole (translation: Don't listen to experts who disagree with our brainwashing regimen)...

For All To See.