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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
336 pgs of personal devaluation/ depreciation aimed at the OP.
0 pages of honest presentation of opposing facts, just more of the same ole bloated opinions. :chin:

Still... under this onslaught of continuous belittling; the OP has remained a gentleman.

I may not agree with what you post Hempy McNoodle But... I certainly appreciate tenacity and that while the assailment of character,
childish name calling etc., goes on and on (ad nauseam), you Hempy... have not buckled nor stooped to their level.

I appreciate that this thread presents what is not found in MSM. Keeps me returning.
In the quest for information/ truth's etc., it is essential (IME) to look at several sources to KEEP an OPEN MIND/ evaluate/ access/ conclude.
I refuse to close my mind to only what is pushed by the status quo. Rarely has this type of forcing/ funneling/ bombarding info crowd been
shown to be "correct" when the dust finally settles.

Thx Hempy... stay the course :tiphat:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member


Active member
(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Well I've not heard a breath of media on this.

The judge is a little bit unqualified yammering and stammering over statutes and precedent cases and losing his temper and shouting. Saying he does not believe the prosecutor should call for his ousting. Rittenhouse is a fake; doesn't know the differences between ammunition types, yet is packing a racked and loaded 223. Obviously he practiced his testimony over and over. None of this would have happened had he not been armed - 17 years old - immature at that.

Kyle Rittenhouse lied on the night of the shooting(re being a certified EMT) and lied on the stand(re being in nursing school).
I agree that the prosecutor is doing a poor job. Did he ever show the video of Kyle pointing his gun at Rosenbaum and Rosenbaum yelling at Kyle not to point the gun at him? That exchange seemed to precede the rest of their interactions.


Well-known member
336 pgs of personal devaluation/ depreciation aimed at the OP.
0 pages of honest presentation of opposing facts, just more of the same ole bloated opinions. :chin:

Still... under this onslaught of continuous belittling; the OP has remained a gentleman.

I may not agree with what you post Hempy McNoodle But... I certainly appreciate tenacity and that while the assailment of character,
childish name calling etc., goes on and on (ad nauseam), you Hempy... have not buckled nor stooped to their level.

I appreciate that this thread presents what is not found in MSM. Keeps me returning.
In the quest for information/ truth's etc., it is essential (IME) to look at several sources to KEEP an OPEN MIND/ evaluate/ access/ conclude.
I refuse to close my mind to only what is pushed by the status quo. Rarely has this type of forcing/ funneling/ bombarding info crowd been
shown to be "correct" when the dust finally settles.

Thx Hempy... stay the course :tiphat:

People have posted fact based articles and proof against almost every thing he say in several threads for a few years. This is a parody thread. Nothing more.

If you want to try to disprove the lizard people are coming for the blood of your unborn baby and Trump is here to save the world. Please go right ahead

I'm gonna enjoy the laughs.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Joe Biden overturned so many of Trump's EOs. Why not Executive Order 13848? 'Continuation' of a National Emergency (due to foreign interferrence in an election)? Are we in a national emergency?

When is Continuity of Governance engaged?
National Emergency?


(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Well I've not heard a breath of media on this.

The judge is a little bit unqualified yammering and stammering over statutes and precedent cases and losing his temper and shouting. Saying he does not believe the prosecutor should call for his ousting. Rittenhouse is a fake; doesn't know the differences between ammunition types, yet is packing a racked and loaded 223. Obviously he practiced his testimony over and over. None of this would have happened had he not been armed - 17 years old - immature at that.

the judge actually has a reputation for being a fair no nonsense judge. him standing up for the accused against a prosecutor who's infringing on the accused's rights, is how it actually should be. a prosecutor shouldn't even go after someone if he's not convinced of the persons guilt. when you have to break an accused constitutional rights to prosecute you are already on the wrong path. when in doubt you always give it to the accused.

but i do agree, him being there at 17 on the street with a weapon was fucking insane. but it seems rosenbaum being there with an illegal concealed pistol and pointing it at Kyle, also didnt help him not get shot. the guy who had his arm shot admitted that Kyle didnt shoot him until he pointed his weapon directly at Kyle while lunging forward. this testimony is on video. this was after he already got brained by a skate board and by a flying kick to the head. even the first shooting is now clear and it looks like Kyle got ambushed, not the other way round like many reports were saying.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I think the judge also got upset because he knows that the prosecution is showboating for Deep State news headlines and talking points. When the prosecution gets off topic and starts talking aout the kind of media Kyle Rittenhouse engages with, the judge knows that they are gaslighting terrorist rioters. The news will say that Kyle is a "white supreme" and the media will say that he is let off because of "systemic racism" and then the riots will ensue. There is no need for any riots, because there is no systemic racism at play here and he is not a "white supreme."

Race hustlers: ...they're gonna hustle!

Hannity: Biden and media rushing to judgment on Kyle Rittenhouse


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The judge saying the word Victim is a loaded word and not saying the same for rioters is a huge prob. People will only see what side of the fence there on. All should only care 2 people were killed, and he maimed another for life.. He was not in any life or death situation. His tiny brain was not even close to mature enough to know the difference. Stop pretending he's an Adult. He prob hasn't even got his 1st BJ yet. He will learn how to do them quickly in prison :D.

As far as I know you cant kill people to protect property.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
the judge actually has a reputation for being a fair no nonsense judge. him standing up for the accused against a prosecutor who's infringing on the accused's rights, is how it actually should be. a prosecutor shouldn't even go after someone if he's not convinced of the persons guilt. when you have to break an accused constitutional rights to prosecute you are already on the wrong path. when in doubt you always give it to the accused.

but i do agree, him being there at 17 on the street with a weapon was fucking insane. but it seems rosenbaum being there with an illegal concealed pistol and pointing it at Kyle, also didnt help him not get shot.

I missed the part about Rosenbaum having a weapon. I do believe the other guy who got shot in the arm is the one with the gun. I agree with you on the stated facts of the law, just not the judge's ability to conduct himself in a civil manner and he is obviously having difficulty remembering statutes and precedents. His interpretation of the arguments concerning zooming or cropping a digital image is ridiculous. It shows he is unfit for the bench.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The judge saying the word Victim is a loaded word and not saying the same for rioters is a huge prob. People will only see what side of the fence there on. All should only care 2 people were killed, and he maimed another for life.. He was not in any life or death situation. His tiny brain was not even close to mature enough to know the difference. Stop pretending he's an Adult. He prob hasn't even got his 1st BJ yet. He will learn how to do them quickly in prison :D.

As far as I know you cant kill people to protect property.

referring to them as victims undermines Rittenhouse's constitutional rights (innocent until proven guilty). Calling the rioters 'rioters' is a documented fact and since they aren't being charged (and in front of this particular judge) it is not a matter of innocent until proven guilty.


Well-known member
referring to them as victims undermines Rittenhouse's constitutional rights (innocent until proven guilty). Calling the rioters 'rioters' is a documented fact and since they aren't being charged (and in front of this particular judge) it is not a matter of innocent until proven guilty.

why are they not being charged? is it because just being at a disturbance does not make you a "rioter"? being shot by someone that had no business being there does make you a victim in many peoples eyes. rioting does not carry a death penalty to my knowledge. let's split the difference - you can call the victims "rioters" and i'll call the shooter a "killer". he DID kill them, right?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
why are they not being charged? is it because just being at a disturbance does not make you a "rioter"? being shot by someone that had no business being there does make you a victim in many peoples eyes. rioting does not carry a death penalty to my knowledge. let's split the difference - you can call the victims "rioters" and i'll call the shooter a "killer". he DID kill them, right?

Fair enough to call him a 'killer.' These people were filmed engaging in arson and other crimes. They aren't being charged because the DA is corrupt (hence the erroneous charges against Rittenhouse). The corruption is systemic and is also why the police were not able to respond (ordered to stand down) to the riots and arson (which is why Rittenhouse was there to help out).


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Only you see it that way Mcnoodle. Anyone harmed by Another is a Victim. As I said property damage doesnt give any the green light to kill them. Look up the law as to what you can do... They all tell you to let it happen and call the police. His idea of help was to murder 2 people.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Only you see it that way Mcnoodle. Anyone harmed by Another is a Victim. As I said property damage doesnt give any the green light to kill them. Look up the law as to what you can do... They all tell you to let it happen and call the police. His idea of help was to murder 2 people.

No. They were attacking him w/ deadly weapons. Clear case of self defense. The lesser crimes are where things get complicated (i.e. should he have been there and should he have been armed). Ultimately, the 2nd Amendment is the issue and seems to be absolute and will "trump" any local firearm restrictions. This whole case is a major case in favor of upholding the 2nd Amendment. This case could set precedent for all sorts of firearm 'carry' laws. This case may single handedly overturn any and all local firearm restrictions and affirm the totality of the 2nd Amendment.


Well-known member
No. They were attacking him w/ deadly weapons. Clear case of self defense. The lesser crimes are where things get complicated (i.e. should he have been there and should he have been armed). Ultimately, the 2nd Amendment is the issue and seems to be absolute and will "trump" any local firearm restrictions. This whole case is a major case in favor of upholding the 2nd Amendment. This case could set precedent for all sorts of firearm 'carry' laws. This case may single handedly overturn any and all local firearm restrictions and affirm the totality of the 2nd Amendment.

They are not going to legalize 17 year old vigilante justice.

​​​​​And keeping people like Kyle on the street does not make the world a safer place. It sends a message to a lot of very screwed up and poorly informed individuals that they should also shoot people and essentially be judges themselves.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
They are not going to legalize 17 year old vigilante justice.

​​​​​And keeping people like Kyle on the street does not make the world a safer place. It sends a message to a lot of very screwed up and poorly informed individuals that they should also shoot people and essentially be judges themselves.

This is why it is important to let the police do their job to protect the people (from rioters). Ultimately, the blame for all of this falls on the city governance in Kenosha and the Governor of that state.