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The Full Melt Bubble Bath

TB Gardens

Active member
haha thanks everyone :tiphat:

ya Northern buddy, i got worried when you disappeared for so long! ha, i hear ya on the hallucinogens ;-) just gotta dabble! i seen too many friends and such get fucked up on L, just keep it holistic :joint: Ya anyways, its good to have ya back around the boards, and ya brotha.. i think you first saw me when i was in a closet out west growing diesels & blockhead under a couple 400s! ohh how things change, haha ;-)

Highlighter - finally coaxed a couple honey whites open! ive got 2 that are sprouted, and transplanted, and dang 'ol growing away :tiphat: i can't wait to see what's in store! and completely agreed, the space and setup is a dream. we stand down there after doing some work, crack a fresh beer and sit on a couch staring at the walls, haha. :blowbubbles: kinda actually fits in well with what i was just saying to Northern.. been a few years coming, but i am finally living out my dream! its exciting to share it with y'all as well, i just love that there are others out there as passionate about cannabis as i am. and ya brother, if i can do anything like Chaco i'd be so happy!


as far as pic updates go, gotta wait a few more days! busy week @ work ahead, and super bowl on Sunday.. not sure when im gunna make it up to the garden next. the gardener is gunna have to hold it down for a little while longer ;-). works out tho - by next time im up the 8 in flower will have been in 12/12 for about 3 weeks so that will be a nice little picture show.. see what the ladies are starting to offer up! other than that.. we got 40 seedlings and wayyy too many cuts in veg right now, so we gotta start shuffling some of those over to 12/12. ill prob let the seedlings get a solid month veg under them before they hit 12/12. and then in the next couple weeks ill be getting the chems & og13 in, zo buzy


Great looking construction, TB. It'll be great to see what comes out of there. You also have an awesome dog.

TB Gardens

Active member
hey thanks skunk burner :tiphat:

so everything is running like clock work. all dialed in n' such as far as nutes, temps, CO2, and what not goes. other than the pre98 x NL5 dropping balls during the stretch, no news to report! sucks they had to be ditched, but i aint plucking nuts and taking any risks. oh yeah the NL x Skunk let a sack loose on me too, so say good bye to that strain! obviously thinned out the garden a little once all the corresponding cuts were removed from veg & flower. no biggie, got so much other stuff coming down the line right now that it don't matter. on to the pics!

Mixing Soil & Transplanting



Veg Room





Flower Room #1



(a round of smaller ladies just moved into 12/12, about to go under light)

(the 2 without buds in the front were just moved in)

(skunk stacking up @ 18 days)

(skunk - so much foliage, they are total N whores)


(skunk - this one is super frosty & thick @ 18 days, oh yah did i mention it smells repulsive :tiphat:)


(the F13 x A11 is the gem of flower room. stinks like a dirty little dog, and i'm in love with its bud:leaf ratio)


Organized some around the shop



Senior Member
yo TB your rooms are fucking rocking out! that veg room looks real nice and healthy in there. But im on the same page as you with HTG! those dudes are cool as shit and the prices not many people can beat. Your A11F13 is lookin real nice but its always the skunks that get that sweet spot. Straight Killing it bro.

Have Fun Be BLUNTED!

TB Gardens

Active member


hey y'all, been busy round the farm. getting great growth over 2 week stretches, i'm real happy about that. the LED > T5 > HID step-up system in the veg room is working great.. LED is seemingly great for the new sprouts, the T5 speeds up growth & evens out the canopy, and then the HID blows them up for a couple days - week before moving into a flower area.


it was packed in there! so as you can see, some transplanting & spacing was need in there.. ended up moving about 20 into flower under another 1k setup next to the other one. just about everything got a transplant in that veg room, mostly 1g going into 3g, or 2g into 5 & 7g.. lots of work!

a portion of the transplants

veg room is looking a little better now



so everything looks pretty good in there. some maintenance is clearly in order, gotta clean up the dead foliage. looks like the tech might of let the pH swing on one of the feedings or something. but can anyone chime in on what might be going on with a few of those seedling-ish plants? im thinking its a cal/mag issue.. there is real bright yellow starting in the middle of the new growth, and a few "rust" spots formed. i guess with them being so young, if the tech let the pH swing those seedlings might have received the same water as the others.... even though our schedule has seedlings on a different water/feeding regiment than the others.

well anyways, here is a shot of some new cuts beginning life. decided to use that shelf effectively, so we put another shop light down below so the rooting tray could get all nice and tidy in there.




alright - now onto the good stuff :blowbubbles: so it was 34 days into 12/12 when i took these shots yesterday. im really happy with what we are finding in our skunk seeds! so far we either have 2 phenotypes, or 2 totally different plants ;-) which it could very well be.. the thing about that is:

last year we ran some amazing skunk #1, lemon skunk, and white widow - and no more than 2 weeks into it our tech had completely screwed up the labeling system. making a bad situation even worse, we lost 8 of the original cuts we had during the first few weeks. the tech was extremely fresh to the industry at the time, but he's learned a great deal since then. anyways, at harvest we clearly had mostly skunks in the room, with a few gems sprinkled in. after a couple months of working our way thru the harvest we had collected about 10 beans out of the 4.5 lbs - these are the beans we have been calling "skunk #1". i know which "pheno" is the true Skunk #1, so now the question is what is the "2nd pheno"? chime in if you can call this one lemon skunk, or white widow?

Skunk #1 (pheno 1)



Skunk #1 (pheno 2)


some flower room bondage - just tied down & moved in all those 3g

got my recent order of HOL honey girl, CSG con chem, 40A white berry kush, LouDog420's casey jones x sour bubble, white rhino/satori x satori. does anyone have any info on Sam the Skunkmans 'mixed seeds x haze/skunk #1' ?




here's a shot of a monster Skunk #1 in a 7g, just went into flower with a monster F13xA11 in another 7g. Also a shot of our lone G13xChem4 - this one is reallllly special, we got it from our best friend who died this summer, so its important to us that it sticks around regardless of sex forsure. it has really great structure, extremely tight branching, we topped the crap outa it before the picture.



well, thats about it for now. in 2 weeks we will have the 2nd flower room up & running. half of the 20 that went into 12/12 yesterday will be moved over to room 2 after we setup the light mover system & vert system. one half of the room will be under 1k on a light mover, the other half will be home to our vertical 2x 400w stacked cool tube & DWC and Aero gear that i need to start playing around with. the vertical stacked lights will have 4 large ladies around them, & the hydro gear will be running under another light.. still undecided what we'll pull out of inventory to use. we may decide to take down the 2k running in F room #1 & put them up on rails as well.


chief bigsmoke

Active member
word TB. I love the progress in your mack daddy garden. Good choice on the Conn Chem. That strains was screaming at me to scoop it up, but I haven't taken the dive yet. It will be awesome to see you attempt these stanky bit**es. Much respect, chief.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Nice progress, been waiting on an update! :spank:
All this "tech" talk, lol, y'all vying for a reality show? :D Dumping on the tech is always good amusement!
I'd just say flush those seedlings, they should bounce back ok.
Keep 'em coming!



Active member
I dont want to run into that Dog???? I dont want to run into that big ass big toe!

Love your build - no homo

TB Gardens

Active member
Y'all are too kind :tiphat:

Haha, HL, yaaaaa I think the tbg reality show is still a couple years out ;-)
Hey brother, the foreman has gotta bash somebody! Hahaha

Chief, superstone, triple - thanks fellas

And ya superstone, the flower room has quite the aroma - it's a filthy stinky mess of sweet & rotting fruit, with that heaaaavy nauseating funk coming from the first phno. The other 2 have more of a lemon cleaner thing going on, and the F13xA11 is kinda hard to pin down right next to those stink bombs.

TB Gardens

Active member


lots of work this weekend, busy busy busy. pulled out around 6-7 males that showed themselves in F, moved in maybe 12-15 more into F, and did all the regular transplanting and cloning that was needed.

thanks to a good buddy on here we are lucky enough to have a few new cuts :tiphat: Chem D, ECSD, Candy Chem, Lucifer OG (sfv leaning), and Cocaine OG.


some more babies, a mix of White Berry Kush, Nepal Snow, Connoisseur Chem, sour bubble x case jones, and some others. on the far right you can see a cut of the ecsd


keeping with veg shots... here is the room after we moved a mess into F room. The 2 ecsd are the cuts center front row. most of the others are x nl5/h, and always a couple skunks :blowbubbles: oh yeah the g13xchem4 is in there too. this is post topping & taking cuts.


TB Gardens

Active member
alright, so since we arent ditchin' our hard earned hoods all at once & going completely vertical we decided to grab a light mover for this room. packed the room full now




here is our F13xA11 monster. she is in a 7g container, and should be done stretching. from the looks of the mom finishing in front of her, she might go 11 weeks. we have a skunk#1 (pheno2) thats a tad bigger in another 7g, shes tucked in there somewhere.



TB Gardens

Active member
eh, i hate having to run the page count up by making so many posts.. but we are limited to 5 images a post now, so it makes it tricky to give nice big updates! ill survive

skunk#1 (pheno 1)




TB Gardens

Active member
skunk#1 (pheno 2)


skunk#1 (plant #3, looks to be same pheno as 2)


the 1st pheno looks like it will finish in 11 weeks. the other 2 plants, same pheno, are in the flush now ... maybe 10 weeks? everything is clear in the trichs, maybe 20% cloudy.

TB Gardens

Active member
now onto the F13xA11... wow shes a beaut. absolutely covered in frost, gettin stickier by the day. shes just starting to put on some weight, and we are just starting week 8, so thats why im figuring she'll go 11-12.






TB Gardens

Active member
here is a nice big ol' Honey White bx2 we just moved in. hoping for a lady, these were some tough nuts to crack (for me atleast, i prolly f'd up) so hoping for a lady here. the other that was ahead of it by 2 weeks in F turned out to be a male.


thanks HL :tiphat:

anyways, until next time..


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