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The Full Melt Bubble Bath


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I'd pull that runt, hehehe!

Nice one on the electrical. That's my weak spot, next upgrade will be a controller box.
Enjoy the holidaze! :xmasnut:


Senior Member
Nice cant wait to see that skywalker OG! but what is the f13a11? sounds interesting for sure. But nice to know your almost all set up and gonna be rocking that basement soon enough. 3K a room is gonna be a nice show for sure. I really think your gonna fall in love with the Skywalker OG.

Have Fun Be BLUNTED!

TB Gardens

Active member
hey there fellas,

update to come this week. been busy doing the holiday dance for a couple weeks ;-) but im back at work now. things are rocking along! had some root binding issues, transplanted the moms & dads to 3g containers - which will be their final home.. prob wont use bigger than 3g for anything as to maximize the space. there is something like 15-17 cuts in the cloner ready for a transplant this week, then i can take another round of cuts from the moms & dads and get them rooting in the machine.

got some xmas grow room toys! realllly excited, got me a couple DWC buckets & an 8 site aero unit.. so i'll be dipping my toes into some water here real soon :tiphat: -- feel free to chime in whenever y'all see me doing something retarded with the hydro/aero! i'll need all the help i can get ;-)

alrighty, just give me a couple days to get my ducks in a row & i'll get a nice little 2012 update for everyone. ay dios



Active member
Pumped for the update! Pulling up a seat for sure... Good so see fellow new england growers! :wave:

TB Gardens

Active member
2012 Update

2012 Update

Tyga - hey there brother, welcome to the mag. you done real good slipping into that ma/ri/ct thread, the gentlemen in there consistently astound me with the quality they produce.

Maj - thanks for stumbling into my basement :tiphat: you do mighty fine work, spent quite some time in the past going over your threads. chairs waiting for ya brother :wave:

update time :blowbubbles:

weehw, where to start? there was a ton of work waiting for me and my partner this weekend, man oh man, brother i tell ya! so i guess i'll start with the work & then get onto the farming.

last time i gave any update on the actual basement, i think it was just for the framing going up. pretty much since that initial framing we haven't been able to get around to too much work down there. had to get my buddy over to wire us up 100+ amps :tiphat: , install the big basin sink in the basement, and do a few other plumbing things related to the living space of the house. finally, all the work was wrapped up last week & we were able to move full force onto the project.

a bit of the frame work

i got around to the 7x7 veg room this time; framed the wall, hung the door, & then handed her off to the partner for some sheets

drywall hung up, rolling out the B&W poly for the walls & ceiling


errr, shoulda had more pictures of the construction process but my dang ol' camera was running outa battery - so i had to choose the shots carefully!

anyways, once all the work was finally wrapped up in the basement we were able to move the moms, dads, and cuts downstairs. speaking of moms and dads.. we had a nice little surprise this time! about 80% of the original seeds popped are showing pre-flowers, so we gave them each a thorough look over, separated the males, then gave them 2 more thorough look overs (node by node) to make sure we got em all.

Out of the (4) F13-A11's that we had, 3 ended up being male (one of which had an absuuurdly thick stalk & stench, took cuts from him). the one lady we have stinks like the devils anus, so i think that makes up for it :tiphat: thanks HL

Out of the (8) pre98 Bubba Kush x Northern Lights #5/haze we had, i think we had somewhere around 4-5 confirmed females, and a couple still making up there minds :blowbubbles:

There are 3 confirmed skunk females, i think 1 still waiting to show. & the NL2xSkunk1 is female b/c it was feminized

here is a shot of the cloner all loaded up again, but this time with confirmed females of the moms. strain & seed number are listed on the tags.

Here is what the moms & dads looked like before we took that round of cuts & re-bondaged them. man it was a jungle in that bunkbed, some legitimate bushes i tell you what. the stalks are basically horizontal at soil level, we just keep stretching new leaders around the rim of the pots & across open space.. getting some killer cuts.


here is a shot of the NL2xSkunk1 - nothing else in the garden looks remotely close to this one! it has some seriously thin sativa-esque leaves, im real excited to see what she produces! *take note, everything in the garden looked like this one a few days ago, they were begging for a transplant but got some neglect for christmas instead ;-) but as you can see, everything is rocking away now - the yellowness lingering is coming from the moms/dads that got the transplant a couple days after the others.

oh yeah, check out this crazy leaf from one of my F13xA11 males

okay - time to do too much hash & space queen oil and start transplanting & moving the girls down :blowbubbles:

finally got gen 1 of cuts transplanted, they had been in the machine for almost three weeks now! some of the roots were fucking snake skeletons, others had small nub (culled), others were now confirmed males (some culled)! so we only have like 7-9 gen 1 cuts running in the veg room now, transplanted right into 3g pots & running on Roots Organic until the soil mix is activated.



alrighty - feels good knocking out the majority of work that needed to be done, only a few smaller projects to get to now. had my buddy throw the g13xchem4, honey white, more p98bk x nl5, and the og skywalker into water today - hopefully they pop quick so we can get them into the seed starter tray & sprouting up for me this weekend!

hope you enjoyed the read, see ya round the boards.

TBG :tiphat:

heady blunts

prescription blunts
That's a proper buildout!

You've basically got my ideal set up with that basement.

I've gotta find an electrician to befriend :D


the waiting is the hardest part. Your gonna have to veg for a while to fill those rooms out. Good things come to those who wait.

Didnt see it, Hope you are growing vertical, if not i suggest you do some investigation, youve got some time.


TB Gardens

Active member
Yup, it is going to take a while to fill the rooms up, but that's the process. I could have easily thrown the original seed stock moms & dads into flower a couple weeks ago (they are going on 2 months) if all I wanted to do was fill the rooms out. That's no the name of the game here tho Dr. We are hunting for phenos, once the phenos we want are found then we'll be filling the rooms.

And yes, like a posted earlier, room 3 is going to be running vert

TB Gardens

Active member
negative- product of some fellas in the MA/RI/CT thread. same with honey white, and F13xA11

a couple fellas in that thread have a whole mess of strains crossed with the NL5/haze


Senior Member
TB those rooms are looking real nice. Gonna be bitchin when there completely full of straight up Grade A Herb! im really pumped for this log man. But you are Growing V.I.P. bud V.I.P style plus you got the fire genetics. Hope your New Year is rocking like you basment ;)

Have Fun Be BLUNTED!


Active member
Can't decide if i'm more interested in the plants of this grow, or the construction of this grow.. Either way this is bad ass! and gonna yield you some nice buds


Grower of fine herbs...
Looking great TB! Cant wait till I buy a house and can really get involved with a proper growroom build from the framework up. Was a nice read on my first day back. Hope all is well, cant wait to see this garden fill up:tiphat:


TB Gardens

Active member
Northern!! Your back! I been worried bro, where u been since
May? Please dont say u been where I am thinking! Good to have u back brother, STS9 killed it at All Good this year!

SilverHawaiian - thanks for dropping by brotha, lurked ur work before - nice stuff

Tyga - thanks for the many kind words :tiphat:

Mannn I wanted to get som Of connoisseur genetics Chem D & their Casey crosses -- too bad the Cc payments are still down on the boo ;-/