Hey Scrappy, thanks, and no drama, i'm not at all claiming it is pure BB, just clarifying the nature of the hybrid genes and the family tree. It is what it is, and i'm very happy with it !
VG, I got nothing but respect for you bro, but your strain is 100% a blueberry hybrid. Nothing you can do will ever make it pure Blueberry. Fact! Don't run from it, embrace it. From the reports I've seen, BlueDigiBerry is an improvement on the original blue lines, delivering consistent terps and flavor many of us blue fanatics crave.
Digiberry may or may not be a legit blueberry. You seem quite certain it is. I'm not so sure Frank would agree with you.
Sour Bubble sure as hell is not blueberry! BlueDigiBerry is 12.5% Sour Bubble. Clearly a hybrid. No way around that.
It is what it is bro. I'm sure it's a great seedline. It's just not straight blueberry which is what this thread was originally supposed to be about, or so I thought.
If you or frank wanted to make a pure blueberry line, you'd need to first confirm one way or another the genetic background of digiberry, and then hit it with a blue line male and work from there. Not too hard to do really. Kinda surprised it hasn't been done already tbh...