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The best part about organics is all the waste, the virtue signaling, the techno babble and the ripoff artists. AKA I read da labels pt 6


Well-known member
First u talk about organic in General and how we cant feed the people. Now u talking about grams a square meter. What the heck is the basis of statement?
You have me confused with someone else. I said nothing about food.

I live in coal country. There are at least 20 coal fired plants within 100 miles of my house. So when I use electric, it’s from coal. I thought burning less coal was good?

It takes more energy to produce 1gram of organic cannabis grown indoors than 1 gram grown hydroponically.


Well-known member
And in case of terps, dry matter, secondary compounds and aromats, u will find higher masses and better profile in organically grown weed, even indoors. If u going for bag appeal and thc only, okay, go for your salt fertilizer regime. When u outdoor, please always go organic. No reason to go Salt based
I’ve grown the same cut as others using locally sourced living soil. Most cases my product has more scent, and I produce about 1.5x as much dried product per square foot as them.

Organic pot farming is for people that want to say they grow organic, no real advantages.


Active member
Ahaha lack of arguments leads to jumping on grammar? Good job. And yeah its not my first language. Well language skills dont count for education my friend ;)

But lets get back to topic: Your anectdotal evidence doesnt count at all. Just coz u think your weed smells better/more/different, doesnt mean siht. Data is published on the effects, so what u trying to argue about?


Active member
But you seem to be an american fellow, if Im interpreting your lack of reflection, enthusiasm in coal and salt-fertilizer and arrogance in your language right?


Active member
But joke aside. Could you please post your meta-analysis of choice, which verifies a higher HM and mercury content in homegrown organic weed?

And u know there is soil testing? ;D


It all depends on context of what form of organic gardening/farming is being compared as well. Large scale industrial farming to feed millions (or even biillions) , or a small local farm producing veg for farmers market, backyard kitchen gardens, indoor container gardening ect…

Probably like most things different approaches for different situations and goals. Also I think a hybrid approach can be used without too much harm to the soil, as we know some organic purists are almost evangelical about if a drop of synthetics hit the soil then the soil life is destroyed. From some reputable research they are finding this isn’t always the case. This becomes like religious or political divide :eek:


But yeah, if you really want to throw a shit-disturber grenade into the organic growing space, just say rock dust is a sham and does nothing, then run away


Well-known member
It all depends on context of what form of organic gardening/farming is being compared as well. Large scale industrial farming to feed millions (or even biillions) , or a small local farm producing veg for farmers market, backyard kitchen gardens, indoor container gardening ect…

Probably like most things different approaches for different situations and goals. Also I think a hybrid approach can be used without too much harm to the soil, as we know some organic purists are almost evangelical about if a drop of synthetics hit the soil then the soil life is destroyed. From some reputable research they are finding this isn’t always the case. This becomes like religious or political divide :eek:
The real problem here is his delivery, and attitude. He isn't "wrong" about SOME of the things he posts, but does it in such a toxic way, nobody will take any of it seriously.

Stop being such a disrespectful shithead, OP. Are you helping, or hurting the exchange of information here? I knew who posted this thread before I even clicked on it... that should say a lot, especially with such a new presence here.


Well-known member
This thread was started by someone very symptomatic of the modern retard. Reduces and retards all intellectual conversation.

Knows words but not what context to use them etc. Behaves like a bot because he was raised by them. Attention seeking grandiose behavior like this is sad to see get so much attention on these subs, Stop feeding the mentally unwell who blame imaginary opponents (virtue signalers) for differences in opinion. It's always projection with these dorks.


Active member
It all depends on context of what form of organic gardening/farming is being compared as well. Large scale industrial farming to feed millions (or even biillions) , or a small local farm producing veg for farmers market, backyard kitchen gardens, indoor container gardening ect…

Probably like most things different approaches for different situations and goals. Also I think a hybrid approach can be used without too much harm to the soil, as we know some organic purists are almost evangelical about if a drop of synthetics hit the soil then the soil life is destroyed. From some reputable research they are finding this isn’t always the case. This becomes like religious or political divide :eek:

Its not about being puristic or pedantic. Its what the EU-Öko-Verordnung is strict about. When your product contains a certain amount of insecticides or herbicides, your product is not marketable. Its regulations and stuff and in a way it is absolutely necessary. Also imho it is not religious in the scientific community. There is loads of reliable and valid scientific publications on conventional AND organic agriculture. Its even more likely that data on conventional agriculture is more biased, since looooads of studies are financed by big corp. But thats another topic.

I would say its a highly emotional topic. There isnt a right or wrong, but there is one option that goes towards some kind of sustainability and resource conservation and one is going way in the opposite direction.

And on "synthetics hitting the ground". Well, concerning soil life, especially microorganisms but also macro- and meso-fauna, it makes a huge difference at what you are applying to your soils ;)
So long


Well-known member
Why u answer on what I wrote to Ca++? xD
Because you didn't address me. I had spoke the day before, and you had addressed that. Then today, you two are having a back and forth, him, you, him, you, so why would that be to me?
Some forums don't allow you to quote the person above you, as it's presumed you are addressing the person that just spoke. It's civil in most societies. The quote is only there on those boards, if you want to break from the norm and address a past comment.

Not sure you are English, but you spoke out of turn. The English language reflects the people, and in this case, can be seen a bit like orderly queuing. I wasn't even listening, and when I heard it, I also thought you were mistaken, and thought he had said it. Because you randomly spoke to me, in an exchange with him, when I wasn't even here. So the question is, why would he think you were talking to me.

I don't think stirring the organic pot is going to bring much good to the surface. People are blind to what's behind the curtain. It's comforting. Simple truths like we would all be starving without GM maize, doesn't stop people wanting to ban it. Organic growing is similar, in that it chases ideals. Emotion plays as big a part as science in such a talk, and I'm really not here to talk about peoples feelings.

I'm just going to sit back and occasionally roll my eyes to the ceiling.


Active member
Because you didn't address me. I had spoke the day before, and you had addressed that. Then today, you two are having a back and forth, him, you, him, you, so why would that be to me?
Some forums don't allow you to quote the person above you, as it's presumed you are addressing the person that just spoke. It's civil in most societies. The quote is only there on those boards, if you want to break from the norm and address a past comment.

Not sure you are English, but you spoke out of turn. The English language reflects the people, and in this case, can be seen a bit like orderly queuing. I wasn't even listening, and when I heard it, I also thought you were mistaken, and thought he had said it. Because you randomly spoke to me, in an exchange with him, when I wasn't even here. So the question is, why would he think you were talking to me.

I don't think stirring the organic pot is going to bring much good to the surface. People are blind to what's behind the curtain. It's comforting. Simple truths like we would all be starving without GM maize, doesn't stop people wanting to ban it. Organic growing is similar, in that it chases ideals. Emotion plays as big a part as science in such a talk, and I'm really not here to talk about peoples feelings.

I'm just going to sit back and occasionally roll my eyes to the ceiling.
First two paragraphs are kinda out of line for me, or i dont really get it, but alright.

On the point you are trying to make in third paragraph: It just reflect the lack of knowledge on the matter.
Or am I mistaking the "Simple truths like we would all be starving without GM maize, doesn't stop people wanting to ban it" as sarkasm? :D