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The 2020 Presidential Election

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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
This musical pissing match occurred a hundred and fifty years ago and nobody is listening to that stuff now.... hell, play something from the twenties and see who dances.

I may be one of those people.

I try to enjoy more than judge, but I will admit age can narrow the difference between giving a shit or not but that also goes both ways. :D

PS I do remember better weed prices. PRICES.


Active member
Good choices. Great guitar players.

Zep, The Who, Zappa, Pink Floyd, Allman Brothers, Clapton, Hendrix, Santana.
Love Zep,Jimmy Page and I'm even partial to Greta Von Fleet for that matter._.Good rock rocks no matter what generation you're in.Cant argue with Gilmore either


Active member
You sound like a moron....
Best economy of a lifetime
Lowest unemployment rate for ALL Americans in recorded history
Prison reform
Right to choose
He fixing the broken V.A.
He's imposing terrifs to stop American Company's from outsourcing labor and manufacturing jobs
Our enemy's respect and fear us again and most importantly he's gotten Chinas dick out of our Ass has members of NATO finally paying their fare share and blew up NAFTA and replaced it with the USMCA ...privileged little sheep like you who live in safe space eco chambers and regurgitate cable news talking points really don't belong in this conversation so go be a socialist Bernie bro and get over it...THE SILENT MAJORITY IS SILENT NO MORE ...We finally have a Potus who puts America and Americans first again that's why he's going to win in a landslide in 2020 so toughen up snowflake or move to Venezuela I'm good either way

You sound like you ate what I left in the toilet.


Active member

Liberal democrats 39%
Conservative Democrats 45%

Klobuchar should be beating Buttigieg’s ass. Biden needs to bow out unless he’s secretly pushing for Bernie.


Well-known member
its kinda cliché old man hates on the younger generation because everything was better in their day.

"better in their day", LOL! absolutely not. many older folks are trying to push for it to be better NOW! i'd like to live long enough to see weed legal nationwide. i'd like to see abortion legal but rare because of birth control improvements. no more mass (or any!) shootings would be nice. i seriously doubt that totally preventing them is possible in any society that is actually free in a very true way. i'd like to see an end to unprovoked police shootings of unarmed civilians. no more militarization of LEO. other than memories from childhood (before i realized how fucked up things were for much of america) there are no pinings for the "good old days" here, sorry.


Well-known member
And I have no respect for you or your communist opinion...I didn't vote for W. Just inherited the username...thank you,next

thinking Bush was a moron makes you a communist now? boy, how the definition has expanded. you do realize, don't you, that that means "communists" have you outnumbered by a large margin now? the end is near! buahahaha...:biggrin:


Active member
"better in their day", LOL! absolutely not. many older folks are trying to push for it to be better NOW! i'd like to live long enough to see weed legal nationwide. i'd like to see abortion legal but rare because of birth control improvements. no more mass (or any!) shootings would be nice. i seriously doubt that totally preventing them is possible in any society that is actually free in a very true way. i'd like to see an end to unprovoked police shootings of unarmed civilians. no more militarization of LEO. other than memories from childhood (before i realized how fucked up things were for much of america) there are no pinings for the "good old days" here, sorry.

I remember how really fucked up things were and see how they’ve improved over my lifetime. I also see that progress coming to a halt with the make America great again bullshit. The millennials want to go back to the days of my childhood by electing “new” leaders. No fucking thank you.


Active member
He mumbles a prayer and it ends with a smile
The order is given, they move down the line
But he's still behind and he'll meditate
But it won't stop the bleeding or ease the hate
As the young men move out into the battle zone
He feels good, with God you're never alone
He feels so tired and he lays on his bed
Hopes the men will find courage in the words that he said
Sky pilot, sky Pilot
How high can you fly
You'll never, never, never reach the sky



Well-known member
I remember how really fucked up things were and see how they’ve improved over my lifetime. I also see that progress coming to a halt with the make America great again bullshit. The millennials want to go back to the days of my childhood by electing “new” leaders. No fucking thank you.

agree with your take on "maga". but, new leaders? gotta have them. the older ones keep dying on us, ungrateful bastards. (or "get too old to elect") new ways of thinking are needed. Einstein said that (not sure of exact words he used) basically "you cannot solve a problem using the same type of thinking that got you into it". going back, as you say they want, might bring about a brief spike in sales for buggy whips etal, but no one else will get any benefit.
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