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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Bernie isn't a socialist, he's a Democratic Socialist like they have in Finland or Denmark. He's believes in and supports capitalism in general, which is not true of actual socialists like the kind you're trying to fearmonger about.

True socialism would involve state owned production. I don’t think Bernies pushing for that. No, not trying to spread fear. Simply resisting the division being sewn by the Bernie camp. It’s counter productive.

M4A and free education are social safe guards. I don’t know how that’s lazy. When I went to trade school, some of the guys getting VA money used to cheat. They only screwed themselves.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Most probably - I wouldn't be here right now - if it wasn't for 'socialized medicine' in the form of our National Health Service here in the UK - nor would my brother or sister -

We were kids from a broken home - my Dad was a soldier that couldn't fit back into civi-street - beat my Mum and us kids - till we escaped one day - and Mum got a job as a scullery maid - worked hard and loved us - my brothers foot got ran over by a bus and squashed it - I had a scratched cornea from a bramble - and the eye got infected - so in and out of hospital for both of us boys for a long time - my Dad threw my Mum against a shelf when he found us and fractured her spine - my sis had asthma - so more medical services from the NHS to sort sis and fix Mum - who could barely afford to support us - even when she was working long hours - then the social services put us in care homes for a while - till Mum was a bit better - no way could she have afforded to fix us kids or herself -

People get bad breaks in life and need medical care that they cannot afford - so do we just ignore them - and let them suffer?


Active member
Most probably - I wouldn't be here right now - if it wasn't for 'socialized medicine' in the form of our National Health Service here in the UK - nor would my brother or sister -

We were kids from a broken home - my Dad was a soldier that couldn't fit back into civi-street - beat my Mum and us kids - till we escaped one day - and Mum got a job as a scullery maid - worked hard and loved us - my brothers foot got ran over by a bus and squashed it - I had a scratched cornea from a bramble - and the eye got infected - so in and out of hospital for both of us boys for a long time - my Dad threw my Mum against a shelf when he found us and fractured her spine - my sis had asthma - so more medical services from the NHS to sort sis and fix Mum - who could barely afford to support us - even when she was working long hours - then the social services put us in care homes for a while - till Mum was a bit better - no way could she have afforded to fix us kids or herself -

People get bad breaks in life and need medical care that they cannot afford - so do we just ignore them - and let them suffer?

you prolly would have qualified for medicare and recieved full coverage for your family prolly food stamps and housing allowance plus others....your dad would have been thrown in jail for assault and not released till he paid child support including any back pay not submitted and your mom may have accessed any va bennies he had

i lived in england for 4 years, married an english girl and saw the healthcare she received,it was adequate albeit a bit slow
the facilities were horribly antiquated compared to the us
hopefully things have changed on that note....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Dad ended up sectioned in a secure unit - they say they managed to 'calm him down' - via electric-shock treatment and heavy psychotropic meds - he was diagnosed as some sort of schitzophrenic - never got any child support from him -

Me and my brother were sent to a boarding school in Reigate as the welfare brothers - was a tough test to get in - all the other kids were military sons and daughters - my sis went to Grandma - then Mum got out of a plaster bed in traction after spinal fusion - and was given a council house by the local council to rent - she had some national assistance money for a while - then got to cleaning offices and private homes for a living - took up with some bloke from Bombay - and we survived and thrived -

What you describe to me med4u is socialism with the food stamps and housing allowance - and the medical care - for people who are not 'free-loading' - but in dire need of what should be a human right - food - shelter - and medical care -

you prolly would have qualified for medicare and recieved full coverage for your family prolly food stamps and housing allowance plus others....your dad would have been thrown in jail for assault and not released till he paid child support including any back pay not submitted and your mom may have accessed any va bennies he had

i lived in england for 4 years, married an english girl and saw the healthcare she received,it was adequate albeit a bit slow
the facilities were horribly antiquated compared to the us
hopefully things have changed on that note....


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I thought he just had some stents put in his heart - what insurance plan paid for that?

The congressional service medical plan? - that must be high up the medical services totem pole -

There is no better health care than what these people get. We all should get the same level of health care. IMO that will not happen anytime soon, even with MCFA some people will always get better everything based on income.

There is nothing more important to me than fixing our health care system so no one goes bankrupt trying to stay healthy and alive. .


Active member
Dad ended up sectioned in a secure unit - they say they managed to 'calm him down' - via electric-shock treatment and heavy psychotropic meds - he was diagnosed as some sort of schitzophrenic - never got any child support from him -

Me and my brother were sent to a boarding school in Reigate as the welfare brothers - was a tough test to get in - all the other kids were military sons and daughters - my sis went to Grandma - then Mum got out of a plaster bed in traction after spinal fusion - and was given a council house by the local council to rent - she had some national assistance money for a while - then got to cleaning offices and private homes for a living - took up with some bloke from Bombay - and we survived and thrived -

What you describe to me med4u is socialism with the food stamps and housing allowance - and the medical care - for people who are not 'free-loading' - but in dire need of what should be a human right - food - shelter - and medical care -

i understand...unfortunately we have many millions of people taking advantage of this welfare meant to help out in just a situations as you have described and others actually making careers of it thru exploitation of their inferred socioeconomic situation
and gaming the system....i live in detroit....i see it every day

glad you and yours came out happy and healthy despite a rough patch to start out...a true testament to perseverance in the face of hardship


ICMag Donor
i understand...unfortunately we have many millions of people taking advantage of this welfare meant to help out in just a situations as you have described and others actually making careers of it thru exploitation of their inferred socioeconomic situation
and gaming the system....i live in detroit....i see it every day

glad you and yours came out happy and healthy despite a rough patch to start out...a true testament to perseverance in the face of hardship

So you're saying that that national healthcare is Good for Gypsy but bad for Detroit where you live because of the "socioeconomic situation". This is more of your nonsense with a healthy dose of sucking up. Healthcare is a right for everyone in a civilized society. You obviously have no grasp of the concept.

I'd still like to know about your "obammy" comments. It appears that you weaseled out on addressing this. I took the liberty of googling "obammy" and the image results were mostly all racist depictions of our former president who happens to be black.

Good going champ.

Capra ibex

So you're saying that that national healthcare is Good for Gypsy but bad for Detroit where you live because of the "socioeconomic situation". This is more of your nonsense with a healthy dose of sucking up. Healthcare is a right for everyone in a civilized society. You obviously have no grasp of the concept.

I noticed an unusual change in tone as well :biglaugh:

Capra ibex

I just don't want to be an old geezer shittin my pants in a nursing home. If I make it to 70 I'll be happy.

I'll bet my sack that when you're 69, and still in some kind of reasonable health you'll have a slightly different attitude....


Active member
If a political candidate and their supporters had to explain a specific word regarding their campaign message it would seem logical to drop the word and continue on. Seems counterproductive and a lot of unnecessary political energy and time spent on a said word.


ICMag Donor
Parnas let 'em have it with both barrels.
Rudy, trump, Pence, Nunes, Barr, Zelinsky.

Mr D



Active member
Hello all,

Well, I have had a wonderful day....seems my good friend whom I have know for getting close to 50 years now. Well he is a tRump* supporter from the beginning. We would drink some beer and smoke dope and talk of the mango messiah often.

He was totally down the rabbit hole....till, he started to see that conald was a fraud after he gave up SRN and started to listen to NPR...now he is telling me about the lies and all the bullshit.

I brought one over to the light side. Buahahahahaha



ICMag Donor
Hello all,

Well, I have had a wonderful day....seems my good friend whom I have know for getting close to 50 years now. Well he is a tRump* supporter from the beginning. We would drink some beer and smoke dope and talk of the mango messiah often.

He was totally down the rabbit hole....till, he started to see that conald was a fraud after he gave up SRN and started to listen to NPR...now he is telling me about the lies and all the bullshit.

I brought one over to the light side. Buahahahahaha



My best friend, 40 years, best man, is a trumper. We can't and don't talk about it. Three current events and he's headed for the red zone. :biggrin:

I heard it said tonight "Biggest crime ever in the history of American politics."
That really gives them some bragging rights.:biggrin:
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