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The 2020 Presidential Election

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White Beard

Active member
Hello all just dropping in to say it's adoreable how some of you seem to truly believe that Trump isn't going to win in a landslide in 2020 not only that,the Democratic partys refusal to learn anything from 16 and to knock off the identity politics crap means Republicans are going to take some House seats giveing republicans control of all 3 branches...So to reiterate 1.Trump will easily be reelected
2.Identity politics and socialist agenda led to Trump in 16 will lead to the most lopsided victory in recorded history for Trump in 2020
3.AOC, Talib,Omar,Presley will be a few of the house seats flipped red....See you at the poll's Trump 2020 landslide

1: I’m sure it’s the only thing you CAN believe

2: “identity politics and socialist agenda” are boilerplate barking points for ‘your’ side, entirely imaginary in TRW

3: As for those seats flipping, wishful thinking is fine and all, but we’ll all see how it shakes out. Thanks for conveying your masters’ wishlist


ICMag Donor

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
For an authoritarian asshole who attempts to appear cocksure and headstrong, he seems sensitive about others' opinions of him or his character.

He has a very apparent vengeful attitude towards any who differ from the only opinion that matters in his mind: his.

I can't believe that the GOP couldn't put up anyone else.

This is not the guy anyone should want to have nuclear weapons at his beck and call.


Active member
For an authoritarian asshole who attempts to appear cocksure and headstrong, he seems sensitive about others' opinions of him or his character.

He has a very apparent vengeful attitude towards any who differ from the only opinion that matters in his mind: his.

I can't believe that the GOP couldn't put up anyone else.

This is not the guy anyone should want to have nuclear weapons at his beck and call.

Hello all,

Or lack there of...



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Whomever the democratic nominee,at the end of the day they still have to stand before America,and tell them their intentions of free healthcare for people who sneak into the country.
If Democrats want to win in 2020,they better come up with something to offset the anger that bring to ALOT of voters.
After working in hospitals for 20 years I know whoever walks in the door is treated.Alot of folks don't seem to get that.Emergency rooms at hospitals are used by this population for every ailment known to man.A simple sprain could cost thousands.Its a vicious cycle,but I'm not sure in the general election the voters will see it in that light.November will be very telling on what Americans want.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That has more to do with our broken illegal immigrant policy. It def needs to be fixed. That would fix other issues it brings.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
When there's only two bins your desires aren't going to be represented personally.

Emergency rooms should be for emergencies and a sprain should not cost thousands.

How about we provide for the people first?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Pete was the only Democrat canidate that knew the name of the Mexican President.
But they expect voters to believe they are going to fix the immigration issues.lol
Politicians are bullshiters,it's required.


Well-known member
it's really rather simple. ask a person if they'd rather pay 10 to 20% of their income for private health care or have a 4% tax you have to pay. seems like a no brainer.

medicare right now in it's current form is already ran more efficiently than private care. bernie's plan simply expands medicare to all people over a 5 year period by reducing the eligibility for medicare by 10 years per year until everyone 18 and over is covered.

it's not government run or administered care. government pays the bill (that's what single payer means).

the idea of medicare for all "eliminating choice" is absurd as most americans already have no choice or say over their care.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
People can buy more coverage if they choose. Right now Medicare is 80/20. If you want 100% coverage you can add on supplemental or buy another policy from a privet health care provider. This is what we do now.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I admit I am cynical,I think our government is corrupt,and nothing will change.I think there's powers to be far above trump,that controls the schematics for global economy.
Trump nor others high up in our government is gepetto,they just get the strings pulled.


Well-known member
actually bernie's m4a doesn't allow coverage for anything that his plan already covers.... which is pretty much everything.. so supplemental insurance will mainly be for cosmetic stuff (if cosmetic insurance is even a thing) i do believe...

this was of course the last time i read his plan. he may have changed it but i don't think so.
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