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That Lil~shit's @ it again.....


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Your running the WSD ?? dude !!! your in for a treat !!!! i love this strain ... its one of my keepers :)


glad to see your runing the WSD i'll be stopping in once ya get thing rolling again..



Active member
Get it sprout! Looks like quite the embargo! The pondliner and auto sump pump is a great C.Y.A. technique! Impressed and anxious to see how it goes!


Living life large...
handyandy, thanks man I worked pretty hard on it,
now we'll see how she performs, and no and no...

xweed420, thank you, hopefully I get some space weed... :abduct:

dansbuds, right on, I ran her once and that's all it took too
convince me, now were gonna see what she's really got !

Puma, good to hear from you, :) yep sir I'm gonna give six
of them a run this time, should be quite a show once they get
roll'n, got a Lil~more room to let them reach full potential... yep !

Carlos, thanks brotha, I'm pretty anxious too, but that's 1/2 the fun !

Testing, testing... One.


That is all... for now. :ying:
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silver hawaiian

Active member

Just a thought, from my buddy's experience. Might it not be a bad idea to leave excess 3/4" tubing between buckets? That way, if need be, you can space 'em further apart, in case they start to get wider'n you'd planned?



Living life large...
Hey silver, thanks for the tip on the tube man,
you know I always got something up my sleeve

Well it was a lot of work but, here we go... :dance013:

Think I'll go fishing now... :shark: Sprout style ! :ying:



hello LIL:tiphat:
ahh man super clean set-up and with 6 in there you should be doing some big time budding in there, this grow will be as solid as they come and im already jacked to see the budding begin..

really nice:biggrin:


Living life large...
Puma, thanks man, I pretty stoked too, really want see what
I can do with the new set-up, finally I can space them out the
way I always wanted, I actually "walked around" in the garden
tonight, felt kinda funny, but I'm sure I'll get used to it...Lol !
I'm gonna be able to get some really nice pics this time too. :)

Silver, my girls wanted too wave back so... this is for you bro !

Peace :ying:



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
They are gonna blow the fuck up for ya sprout !!!! i'll be watching fer sure :biggrin:

once my mom WSD is big & strong enough ... i'll be doing 6 or more under my lights :dance013:


hello LIL :tiphat:
i hope you get large sweet buds from this round, i think most every one who has ran this HYBRID has like it a lot for one reason or another so im totaly happy with the way she turned out and hope to see her in a lot of gardens for a long time to come..

much respect brother:biggrin:


Living life large...
Maj. thanks bro, that's what I was going for, right & tight !

Killerweed, right on, I knew you be here somewhere,
might want to make your way up to the front row. I got
a feeling this one is really going to rock, fingers crossed.

nameless, one good wave deserves another, easy too abide.

dansbuds, cool that's what I would do... wait, what, did !

puma, she'll be in my garden for the foreseeable future,
that much I can assure you, got a few friends run'n her too.

gOdzilla, two words... thank you.

Carlos, the trick is too tuck in you dingaling, hydrodynamics and all !

Alright, accolades being acknowledged, though I'd talk about the new whip.
If I could give any advise too anyone think'n about set'n up a rig like this
it would be " Just buy the complete kit" I pride myself on my DIY skills
so I chose the path less traveled, and in the end it actually cost me more
than if would have just paid the $599.99 they were asking for it originally.
I also learned some hard lessons on pumps, gallons per hour is only one factor
to consider, lifting ability is another, for example my 550 gph pump that supplies
the system only puts out 330 gph after lift'n it only a mere 4 feet, dude`r
@ the shop sold me a 185 gph, assuring me it would be more than sufficient,
he was wrong... now I have an extra pump, no refunds/used/ F'n Shenanigans !
Second pump problem came in the controller bucket, that requires a pump that
sucks water from the bottom or base of the pump, luckily enough I had a mag
drive Cat pump, made by the Lil~gaint pump co. in my cloner so I swapped
it out for one of the 185s or else that would have been another $100.00.
The only thing I saw in that kit that looked cheap was the tubing, and that's
only like $20.00 to replace so that's no biggy, again just buy the damn kit !

That being said I totally love this system, it's everything I ever wanted.
Here a few detail pics...
I have a duel output air pump, keep thing all mixed up, also the 550 gph
pump is located here, I drilled 3 small holes in the output nipple... he said
nipple, Lol, this really stir shit up when it runs and only slightly affects
the overall output... Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble, muhahahaha.

Here's that cat pump, also you can see the control floats, the top one shuts down the supply pump when it's full and when the timer
cycles to off or neutral , the bottom float kicks in till it's empty, thus the need for the bottom pick up on that pump , pretty basic.

floats from the outside, you can see the sensor wires leading to the timer.

The rest is pretty much just tubing, Ts, grommets and some buckets.
As for nutes and such, it's G.Hs flora nova series, shit really works,
along with all the additives humic acid, sweet, floralishious plus,
kool bloom ect... run'n it @ 6.0 PH. and 1150 to 1250 ppms.

Note: to Nameless, blurry thumb, incognito !

Now I know nobody asked, but I'm sure at least "one person"
out there was wonder'n "how in the hell does all that shit work" ?

If you got any questions not covered... let them rip.
Peace Sprout.

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