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That Lil~shit's @ it again.....


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey SH
Rapture is something i had to look up in my grow log to be sure whats in it lol i didnt write it down on my list. rapture and i think twisted sister where accidents anyways the male old grandad spewed on like day 10 of flower. i normally have been safe 12-14 days into flower with knowen males before they start to open up.


Living life large...
Hey guys looks like it's been busy in here, that's cool, I'll respond
to all your posts tomorrow, I've been busy too, just stopped in to say
"Happy labor day everyone." I fired up the smoker and did up some
pork ribs and a ring bologna, also some phenomenal secret sweet corn !
I got a huge mess too clean up now, but that's OK cause if you ask me...
it was totally worth it !

"Good old boy" style cooker.

Oak, Cherry and Apple, the holy trinity of smoke'n wood !

3 1/2 hours @ 250 degrees Fahrenheit...

Juicy as can be, and just look how that smoke penetrated the meat, their so frick'n good "makes you want slap your mama" ! :dance013:

Proof positive that northern boys can BBQ... just not in January, Lol, hope you all are eat'n well today too, Peace out Sprout.
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Living life large...
Silver, thanks man the trick is not to post my fuck~ups !

Handyandy, again thank you... and yep, just like rockets !

Robert F, ya it's kinda catchy and a Lil~self deprecating too,
it looks like my brother step'd in and answered your question,
thanks for the props and hang out all you like, everyone does.

Maj. they come and they go... but the 66 is here to stay baby !

And it's on with the show, one of my veg trays had a crack in it
and being the long weekend there wasn't shit open so I had to
wait till this morning to get a replacement or two or maybe three... $$$
Anyways here they are all snug in their new temporary homes.

White Strawberry Diesel compliments of brother Puma.

New trays and WTF some new baskets too.

Lights in the vegg room, 10 high output bulbs 4ft @ 55 watt each, 550 watts @ 50,000 lumens all in the blue spectrum... no red.
Note these are G.E. replacement bulbs and are considerably brighter and whiter than the cheap ass bulbs the fixtures came with.

Nute start'n line~up.

And these too...

Peace till next time, Sprout.
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silver hawaiian

Active member

Love seein' your herb, but it pains me to see all those bottles. Ain't it all sorts'a mixin' and measurin'?!

I suppose, .. As long as I'm not the guy having to be troubled with it, and the end result is your usual fire, .. :dunno:




Active member
That bioweed is the sheeeet. It works good when used to make ACT. It works awsome as a foliars spray too. A little goes a long way.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me

Love seein' your herb, but it pains me to see all those bottles. Ain't it all sorts'a mixin' and measurin'?!

I suppose, .. As long as I'm not the guy having to be troubled with it, and the end result is your usual fire, .. :dunno:



Lol to funny
That's what happens when u leave dirt for inert medium. Have to add it all. His bottle stash isn't bad at all. Quite basic still
As long as u have a measuring cup and five minutes it's no problem. Unless u are armless something.


Living life large...
Silver, your too funny sometime...

Handyandy, good stuff no doubt, I only run it during
early veg, kinda get everybody roll'n and all lubed up !

Maj. thanks brother, there get'n better every single day,
twas over @ your "Bunker" that lime kush sounds mighty tasty !

Smoke, tell him Sir...

Well it's day 60 of flower, I checked out the trichs and their
roughly 50/50 cloudy to amber on the Route66s and about 60/40
on the Old Granddads, that said I'll be doing some chop'n late next
week, then I'll decide if it's gonna be Hempy buckets or my trusty old
Ebb & flo table for the next run, I gotta at least run one bucket if I do
run the table, I Gotsta try them bitches out you know what I mean... man !

Up first the Old Granddads



The Route66s


Looks like all that "Hard work" is really pay'n off for me now,
hope you all enjoy the pics, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy smoke'n
them fuck'n bad boyz, so till the next time, peace out Sprout.

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hey LIL:biggrin:
do those sweetners really work? and is that GREAT WHITE worth buying?..


Active member
50/50 cloudy / amber trichs sounds like a little too long allready. Why do wait so long?

What are the differences you have seen with differnt harvest times?

I thought that you have major potency loss after they all go amber and then pop and you lose all your THC.
I have yet to see this for myself. I pick with @10% amber 80% cloudy 10% clear with my G13a and it so strong it knocks out my old lady for 2-3 hours every time, makes it impossible to follow any directions while driving, I mean I had turn around like 6 times yesterday to get where I was going. I was woundering what kind of potency changes you have seen?


Living life large...
Hey Killerweed, thanks brotha, I love that purple bud,
I've been keep'n my eye on your Twisted sisters, look'n
very nice so far, can't wait too see them heavy with buds !

handyandy, lets see... cause I try them all @ 50, 60, and 70
days and in my humble opinion and for my particular situation
50 ain't enough, 60 works but @ 70, there's no doubt your high !
Different strokes for different folk I guess...

And brotha Puma, yes & yes, again for my particular situation @
least, as SirSmokealot eluded too, with a soil less inert medium like
coco, you need to add it all, that's not the case with most of the so
called super soils, or Sexy soils, as they generally contain sufficient
amounts of all the necessary elements along with the mycro/macro that
help with everything from pest control too hydration and your basic
cleaning up or detoxing the soil of unwanted or unneeded bio materials.

Here's a couple of interesting charts and facts on mycro/macros as they pertain to different stages of crop development, I have always only run them in early veg stage, this seems to validate my theory that the healthier they go into flower, the better the end result will be... pretty simple and Razors law states "the simplest solution tends too be the correct one."

Here's them charts:

When plant residues are returned to the soil, various organic compounds undergo decomposition. Decomposition is a biological process that includes the physical breakdown and biochemical transformation of complex organic molecules of dead material into simpler organic and inorganic molecules (Juma, 1998).
The continual addition of decaying plant residues to the soil surface contributes to the biological activity and the carbon cycling process in the soil. Breakdown of soil organic matter and root growth and decay also contribute to these processes. Carbon cycling is the continuous transformation of organic and inorganic carbon compounds by plants and micro- and macro-organisms between the soil, plants and the atmosphere (Figure 2)
Carbon cycle

Fresh residues consist of recently deceased micro-organisms, insects and earthworms, old plant roots, crop residues, and recently added manures.
Crop residues contain mainly complex carbon compounds originating from cell walls (cellulose, hemicellulose, etc.). Chains of carbon, with each carbon atom linked to other carbons, form the “backbone” of organic molecules. These carbon chains, with varying amounts of attached oxygen, H, N, P and S, are the basis for both simple sugars and amino acids and more complicated molecules of long carbon chains or rings. Depending on their chemical structure, decomposition is rapid (sugars, starches and proteins), slow (cellulose, fats, waxes and resins) or very slow (lignin).
Figure 3
Fluctuations in microbial biomass at different stages of crop development in conventional agriculture compared with systems with residue retention and high organic matter input
Source: Balota, 1996
Classification of soil organisms
<5 µm

<100 µm
100 µm - 2 mm

2 - 20 mm
Snails and slugs
10 µm

> 10 µm
Note: Clay particles are smaller than 2 µm.
Source: adapted from Swift, Heal and Anderson, 1979.
Essential functions performed by different members of soil organisms (biota)
Organisms involved
Maintenance of soil structure​
Bioturbating invertebrates and plant roots, mycorrhizae and some other micro-organisms​
Regulation of soil hydrological processes​
Most bioturbating invertebrates and plant roots​
Gas exchange and carbon sequestration (accumulation in soil)​
Mostly micro-organisms and plant roots, some C protected in large compact biogenic invertebrate aggregates​
Soil detoxification​
Mostly micro-organisms​
Nutrient cycling​
Mostly micro-organisms and plant roots, some soil- and litter-feeding invertebrates​
Decomposition of organic matter​
Various saprophytic and litter-feeding invertebrates (detritivores), fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes and other micro-organisms​
Suppression of pests, parasites and diseases​
Plants, mycorrhizae and other fungi, nematodes, bacteria and various other micro-organisms, collembola, earthworms, various predators​
Sources of food and medicines​
Plant roots, various insects (crickets, beetle larvae, ants, termites), earthworms, vertebrates, micro-organisms and their by-products​
Symbiotic and asymbiotic relationships with plants and their roots​
Rhizobia, mycorrhizae, actinomycetes, diazotrophic bacteria and various other rhizosphere micro-organisms, ants​
Plant growth control (positive and negative)​
Direct effects: plant roots, rhizobia, mycorrhizae, actinomycetes, pathogens, phytoparasitic nematodes, rhizophagous insects, plant-growth promoting rhizosphere micro-organisms, biocontrol agents Indirect effects: most soil biota​
During the decomposition process, microorganisms convert the carbon structures of fresh residues into transformed carbon products in the soil. There are many different types of organic molecules in soil. Some are simple molecules that have been synthesized directly from plants or other living organisms. These relatively simple chemicals, such as sugars, amino acids, and cellulose are readily consumed by many organisms. For this reason, they do not remain in the soil for a long time. Other chemicals such as resins and waxes also come directly from plants, but are more difficult for soil organisms to break down.
Humus is the result of successive steps in the decomposition of organic matter. Because of the complex structure of humic substances, humus cannot be used by many micro-organisms as an energy source and remains in the soil for a relatively long time

Peace Sprout. :ying:
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Living life large...
I hope you all didn't get too baked before read'n that ! :booked:
I guess basically if your going to add micros/macros into a coco
type medium then ya gotta feed them lil~mofuckers or they won't
get their asses to work and do the things we want them to do.

Back to the show, the WSD clones I transplanted are start'n
to get their shit together, I'm see new growth everyday now.

here's a few pics:




Operation chop and drop is well under way, pics by the weekend... Sprout.

silver hawaiian

Active member

I love seeing your fresh setups. Are you going to be flowering in those two trays? If so, any reason you chose not to stagger the placement of the plants?

I've gotta say - seeing the size of your rootING cuts makes me feel a bit.. :shucks: Inadequate..



Living life large...
Morning Silver, those are temporary diggs, I'm still mull'n
over the hempy bucket thing, it's tough too beat ebb & flo
so we'll see :chin: , gotta get too work bro... :Bolt:
make me some of that legal tender !
peace. :ying:
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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
U can do e&f buckets. Look into monster ebb and grow kits or peep Dominicangreens purple kush unit in the diary section on his mod for 20gal pots.
The ebb n grow kits come in I think 2 gallon pots and 5 gal pots. Go w the five IMO


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Oh and it's nice to see someone flushing properly for a change. KILL ALL LEAVES
Save nutes and improve the tastes and feel of the smoke. Awesome!


Living life large...
Nameless, thanks bro, it's absolutely smoke'n over @ your place too !

SirSmokealot, right on I'll check out that thread, got the 5 gallon
buckets already so if I do run them that be the size, thanks for the
props too, lots a ways to skin a kitty~cat... some better than others !

Alright, the chop'n and drop'n is almost complete, and the harvest is
look'n pretty good, lots of big buds again with some decent colors as
well, from what I see through the microscope, looks mighty potent too.

Foot long anyone ?

This one is Mo`definitely going into the "Private stash jar"

My to do pile, I fuck'n hate harvest'n, I love smoke'n them mo`fuckers though...

last pics of the OGDs, by the time most of you read this they'll be down too, I'm going after them fat Mo`fuckers in the back first...
Cause I can !

Ya know what they say, " Aint gonna get it self" :tree: gotta roll, peace out Sprout.

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