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That Lil~shit's @ it again.....


Living life large...
Caliente, good question... for now it's @ 1/2 inch, but I would
expect that very shortly the roots will reach the bottom of the
buckets and then the plants will drink all that up too. -----> :friends:
Right now I have it set for an extra cycle during the night just
too keep things circulating, seems to be work'n their grow'n !

Silver, You crack me up dude... :biglaugh: !

carlos, here's them roots after only 4 days in the bigger net pots... this strain gets awesome roots, and it clones very easily.

baby buds... gotta start somewhere, Lol !

Dinners ready gotta go, peace all. :Bolt:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
this strain gets awesome roots, and it clones very easily.

You ain't lyin brother !!! was the fastest rooted out of the 3 strains i ran :)

Lookin great by the way :tiphat:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
let the fun begin
im glad to see you go this route. figured it would suit your exact needs and make perfect use of your e&f experiendce. like u said exactly the same u had before with space to stretch out finally so u can give the ol noodle a break and not fix what aint broken. ill be joining you shortly with a similar system. but prob bucket in bucket instead of the 10" net pots.
lovin the progress man thats how u do it! never settle!!! those investments pay off so much with time and yeild gained lol more time to fish!


Living life large...
dansbuds, thanks and yeppers !

alx1234, thanks man stick around, the real show's about to begin !

SirSmokalot, thanks for the encouragement, I defiantly wanted too
stay with the ebb/flo style, it's what I know, it's what I do...
I heard you been get'n ready, can't wait to see ya back on the boards !

Caliente, names have been collected, ass kick'n too commence !

OK, been get'n a few questions in my mail box pertaining to photography...
Now first off, I'm just a good ole~boy with meager skills, but I do have
friends with serious knowledge on the subject and they've taught me a
few tricks. Now I think most of us understand the basics, Point, shoot,
and don't wiggle, but there's so much more to it than just that, ISO speeds
& Aperture priorities can make a huge difference too... as we shall see.

Here's a few examples of different aperture or F/stop settings...
in this first photo I have the aperture set @ F/4, shutter speed @ 1/30
the ISO will remain the same @ 800 for all of the following photos, as
the lighting conditions didn't change, no need to fiddle with that setting.
I'll be using a tri-pod and our subject will be motionless, so shutter speed
is less important than if we were shooting free hand or say moving objects
like perhaps birds in flight, fireworks or someone running.

F/4 + exposure time of 1/30 second + ISO/800 you can see how both the foreground and the background
appear blurry and out of focus, not the best picture, I know we can do better.

F/11 + exposure time of 1/4 second + ISO/800, now things are start'n too come into focus and you
can actually start making out what's in the background and the foreground is get'n there, I think we can still do better.

This next photo would be impossible without the use of a tri-pod and the 10 second auto~timer mode,
unless your some kind of a zen master or something...
F/29 + exposure time of 1/2 second + ISO/800, now were get'n somewhere, the foreground is all but
cleared up and the background is getting much more in focus, not too bad of picture, I'd post that one !
Now I also post blurry ones too, sometimes they have that cool look to them, but clearer is defiantly better.

Some days the pictures just take themselves, here's one I took yesterday using the full auto setting.
"Sometimes it's was hard too tell where the heavens stopped and the Earth began"___ Forest Gump.

I hope that helps "clear things up "... Peace everyone, Sprout. :smoker:

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silver hawaiian

Active member
:thank you:

Note to self: Need a tripod.

When you crank up the aperture to 29, did the shutter speed automatically slow down to half a second? Or did you tinker with both?

And just so I can understand the concept here, .. Basically, higher f-stop means a smaller "pinhole" (to let in less light), .. Right? And the compensation for that would be the longer exposure time, .. ?

Super duper helpful ~sprout - and don't feel bad about which photos you post, .. Have you seen my place?! :shucks:


Living life large...
Thanks bro... Silver the exposure time or shutter speed automatically gets longer and the
ISO or sensitivity to light stayed @ 800, as lighting conditions remained the same and yes
that would be my understanding of the situation, but then I'm no expert, still learn'n too !

I thought I was just lazy on sunday, but now I can see it was
a major league cold coming on, sorry if I sound out of it, that
would be the NyQuil, Robitussin and aleve talk'n.
:freezing:then:toohot:followed by:puke:
Peace all I'm going back too bed...:flu:

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Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Feel better sprout !!! i just got over a nasty head cold myself .... kicked it in about 4 days , but was a miserable 4 days !!! :needcoffee:

silver hawaiian

Active member
Great stuff man. This place rulz :headbange \m/

What lens were those taken with? The kit 18-55?

Edit: Feel better dude. If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought I might've given it to ya. Just getting over the same crap myself.. Though when I'm sick, I do take full liberty with the "excuse" that it's OK to ingest copious amounts of cough syrup.


....aaaand.. Got a tripod you'd recommend? I could always peruse and choose randomly (ish) on Amazon, but I love the advice of teeny green men..


Living life large...
Thanks guys, ya this is a good one, has all the elements...
I Didn't see it coming, parts of it really hurt, then there's
the whole delirium thing... Kinda psychedelic, a real nice break
from reality.
:thank you:

Silver I built mine, took an old wobbly tri-pod and stole the
mounting plate, adapted that to fit on a much sturdier tri-pod
from a set of halogen lights, the kind you get at the DIY store.

P.S. that was the Tamron macro lens @ roughly 2 feet.

Back too bed for like the hundredth time... wished I'd just:snap out of it:!


Living life large...
:coffee: Wow feels like I got my ass kicked... :asskick:

The garden wait for no one, so ready or not... I got too work,
cleaned up all them Lil~shit'n pop corn bud sites and opened things
up a bit. the stretch is mo`definitely on as they have grown at least a
foot in the last week, and the roots are going absolutely ballistic !

I bumped up the nutes to 1250 PPMs, they seem too be taking it
quite well, I'll be keep'n a close eye on the tips of the leaves.

That's it for now, maybe some fresh air would do me some good,
probably not so good for the fish though... LOL, cough, cough, ohhh !
Peace. :ying:



Living life large...
Oh ya... Forgot too mention, I got a new toy today,
it's one of brotha Core`s Crash test, I swapped a
few beans with JohnnyBgood a while back and a
friend popped them, get'n a Double chocolate dojo
next week so, I'm pretty stoked to see what's up !

Peace. :ying:


Living life large...
Kick'n back today, weather sucks so I've been do'n a lil book learn'n, anyone else read this one ?
Incidentally, this is the best seat in the house, Lol !

OK ladies listen up chapter 4, In March 1997, about two and a half years before...

The buds are start'n to line up, soon they'll be stack'n up like a mo`fucker !

Lots a bud sites this round, get'n a real good feel'n about this run...

Lots and lots of buds !

A chapter a day, keeps the bad guys away... Peace, Sprout.
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
:woohoo:hell yea little brother your gonna have some mad trimmers this run lol gonna be like dose it ever end :dance013:


Active member
LOL Lil-and the police said ! hmm...You are hatjuuuiii-many are hitted by those ajtuii..

A pleasure look into your-goodlooking plants,and a "little" story to also and some killernatureshoots.what about a fishingtour to an lake ? i would-if i lived there for sure.
Just looked pass : ) Hope you will get babyhuskyes-after some time..
Be health ! Great work-as always


Living life large...
Brotherman, thanks good thing I have workers for that, Lol !

Easygrowing, again thanks, I too hope we get some puppys,
nothing would make me happier than to have a whole wack of
them lil~shits running around the house... tear'n things up.

OK here you go... up one side & down the other.





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hello LIL:tiphat:
ahhh looking killer brother, so where are we at as far as time of these new pics?...

verry nice:biggrin::biggrin:


Living life large...
hello LIL:tiphat:
ahhh looking killer brother, so where are we at as far as time of these new pics?...

verry nice:biggrin::biggrin:

Oops my bad... :redface: tis the beginning of day 21.
I tell you what Puma, when it's all said and done here...
this could easily turn into my best run ever, the combo of
the new set-up and this wick cross of yours is really work'n out ! :biggrin:
Thanks again.