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Thai weed from Thailand


Well-known member
I think most of us here love the plant mate but collecting genetics is only a small part of it, the work is in preserving them correctly and that starts by storing them correctly and then refreshing the seed so they remain viable.

Maybe the people here love the plant but the industry is weighted heavily towards people more obsessed with money than the plant which ends up making gourmet food turn into fast food.

It seems to happen with every industry, not just Cannabis when demand starts to outstrip supply or hints at it.

I know It is a huge amount of work collecting, storing, refreshing seeds and I can understand people wanting a financial return after many decades spent focusing on these things.

I wish there were more people actually working these things but i realise the capitilistic and other headwinds.

I'm particularly very grateful for any and all people selling seeds. I would not have any seeds if they weren't available to buy in the first place.

Hope you all have fire in your pipes :love:


Well-known member
Maybe the people here love the plant but the industry is weighted heavily towards people more obsessed with money than the plant which ends up making gourmet food turn into fast food.

It seems to happen with every industry, not just Cannabis when demand starts to outstrip supply or hints at it.

I know It is a huge amount of work collecting, storing, refreshing seeds and I can understand people wanting a financial return after many decades spent focusing on these things.

I wish there were more people actually working these things but i realise the capitilistic and other headwinds.

I'm particularly very grateful for any and all people selling seeds. I would not have any seeds if they weren't available to buy in the first place.

Hope you all have fire in your pipes :love:
It's not just a problem of monetary returns but can you afford to dedicate some grows to make seeds only, if you have some land and enough growing place it's not a lot of money to get the job done but if you have to work indoor it becomes a very expensive hobby. If you sell the seeds at least you can cover your expenses, it can also be very lucrative if you charge several € or $ by seed, some get really crazy with the price they asked for a single seed today.


The Haze Whisperer
I have a friend who is a geneticist, and he tells me the way science is heading in the future they will be able to, but for now you have little options when it comes to old seed. Things like GA are it when it comes to trying to fire up old seed and that don't always work.

The oldest seed I have germinated were 23/24-year-old, and I achieved that by using RO water with a mix of 3% hydrogen peroxide and allowing the seed to soak in that for 48 hours in the dark and then placing the seed to germinate at a warm temp.

You have two options of storage that's a fridge or freezer, both have advantages and disadvantages but sticking them in a desk draw like with did for decades will only lead to failure.


The Haze Whisperer
Maybe the people here love the plant but the industry is weighted heavily towards people more obsessed with money than the plant which ends up making gourmet food turn into fast food.

It seems to happen with every industry, not just Cannabis when demand starts to outstrip supply or hints at it.

I know It is a huge amount of work collecting, storing, refreshing seeds and I can understand people wanting a financial return after many decades spent focusing on these things.

I wish there were more people actually working these things but i realise the capitilistic and other headwinds.

I'm particularly very grateful for any and all people selling seeds. I would not have any seeds if they weren't available to buy in the first place.

Hope you all have fire in your pipes :love:

I had a go at Nevil some years ago and point-blank blamed him and the many others in Holland for screwing what remained of the old lines, and he got upset with me, but that's how I honestly felt and still do.

I also told him you could have simply sold the old Land Races alongside the Hybrids and poly hybrids and allowed people to have real choices instead of just hybrids.

He was honest and said you had to give people what they wonted and that was fast flowering good yielding hybrids and the Haze filled the needs of the sativa heads.

He also said the Pure sativas in Holland from the imports were not that great at all, so again it also had to do with what was available to them.

So we all have a portion of blame in this mess.


Well-known member
I think most of us here love the plant mate but collecting genetics is only a small part of it, the work is in preserving them correctly and that starts by storing them correctly and then refreshing the seed so they remain viable.

What is your method for long term storage of seeds? Let’s say 10 years

And when would you recommend refreshing the stock? Every 5-10-15 years?

To refresh a line that is not true breeding, how would you proceed ? 1-1, 10-10, or random number open pollination?

Appreciate your input


Well-known member
It's not just a problem of monetary returns but can you afford to dedicate some grows to make seeds only,


To make seeds means giving up a smokeable crop so i understand wanting something in return to pay for the smoke you gonna end up having to buy cos you made seeds or the extra tent you have to buy so you have enough smoke while making seeds, not to mention the lights, fridge costs :cool:

Once you start to make seeds and you find something good it is worth all the effort thank goodness :biggrin:


The Haze Whisperer
What is your method for long term storage of seeds? Let’s say 10 years

And when would you recommend refreshing the stock? Every 5-10-15 years?

To refresh a line that is not true breeding, how would you proceed ? 1-1, 10-10, or random number open pollination?

Appreciate your input

I use Mylar seed packs that you seal with a hot iron, and you should expect up to 20 years with that method or over, but you should always have a good amount of seed of each line you are preserving to counter any reduction of viability as a safe Gard.

If stored correctly and that also means hardening off the seed before storage you shouldn't see a real drop in germination for at left 15 years, that has been my experience.

Well when I breed the key thing is to select the very best female plant you yourself love, why muddy the waters with inferior or unwanted plants makes no sense. I then select a male now that's often the real work and then select for a few things, but the key thing is its effect, yes I smoke test my males and I do that by picking the small leaf from around the male flowers.

I do 1-1 breeding with hybrids and polys.


Donald Mallard

el duck
It's funny when you think about it, Sam who claimed to have the largest seed collection on the planet only sold seed of a few hybrids and no one gave him a hard time.

So people that sell seed are treated with respect.

Where I give seed away for free and have for as long as I have been growing, and I get the grief.

Maybe once it's legal here, I should do the same and sell hybrids and cash in to ;)

View attachment 19172393
but he also did many altruistic things , like one i read about just the other day by chimera ,
so im not sure what you are saying is accurate or relevant to the person you mention..

When the Soviet Union fell, there was no money in the government’s budget to fund agricultural preservation institutes like the Vavilov Institute - a repository that maintained & reproduced a large collection of hemp populations historically collected in the Soviet Union - from Russia to Siberia & beyond

David understood how important this repository was to the species -so he reached into his own pocket & provided $50,000 USD to the Vavilov institute over 2 years to ensure the hemp program could continue without loss to the germplasm - he asked nothing in return - he simply saw it as his duty to make an altruistic donation to ensure the safety & continuity of this rare collection

In return to show their gratitude for his selfless generosity, the director of the Institute offered David access to anything he wanted from the hemp collection; David accepted the kind offer & requested access to the two most northern populations collected in the Soviet Union - Vavilov Accession #’s 313 & 315​



The Haze Whisperer
This part of the Y chromosome does not recombine sexually with the X chromosome during reproduction — meaning that when a father contributes a Y chromosome to the process of sexual reproduction, most of the genes on that chromosome don’t “mix” with the genes on the X. In genetic terms, they’re passed on asexually.

While genetic recombination allows for the expression of diverse traits in offspring, the mostly linear transmission of the Y chromosome isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, that trait has allowed scientists to understand the history of male ancestry.



The Haze Whisperer
but he also did many altruistic things , like one i read about just the other day by chimera ,
so im not sure what you are saying is accurate or relevant to the person you mention..
I really don't care what you think Wally with all due respect your posts towards me are always about disproving me, nothing more.

The Thai I have dates back to the 70s it has been inbred 8 generations now and out of all the Thais Nevil tried those included Prof77 mixed seed mine was the best.

That wasn't because they came from me, it was all about the genetics with in the seed and like I posted already that you were fast to try and dispel like it or not, all Land races are escaped lines that originated from domesticated crops.

Thai lines were all domesticated crops and this open pollination theory is not something people did with domesticated crops if they had we would have all been smoking seed and steams instead of Thai sticks.

My Thai has been 1.1 bred since the 70s its quality speaks for its self you want to open pollinate go for it.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
To make seeds means giving up a smokeable crop

Depends how many you want .
If you pollinate only the 1st pistils on a plant you can have buds with 2 seeds at each node and the rest of the flower seedless . I have done it before . Just leave the males in with the females until the females start to show sex and remove the males .

Donald Mallard

el duck
I really don't care what you think Wally with all due respect your posts towards me are always about disproving me, nothing more.
as i said , sometimes how you say stuff needs an alternative post , like a more positive option ,
my mum used to say to us when we were young and silly stuff used to come out ,"before speaking , first engage your brain"

the light u were painting sam in during that last post was more something you shoul;d have been saying about nevil instead mate ,
he was a capitalist , fame and fortune were definitely things he aimed for ,
where as sams persuits were quite different ,
thats why i pointed out the russian thing , to prove that was the case ...

as for the rest of the post you made directed at me ,
encouraging me to answer , its not real man ,
you dont know what anyone else did , any growers in thailand , those growing landraces ,you dont even understand the definition of a landrace ,
so im not going to argue with you about it ,
just stick with your misinformation if it makes u feel comfortable ,
but know , on forums , if you go saying stuff like it is so , expect to be refuted , and or corrected by someone who offers a alternative that is closer to fact ,
or make darn sure you are right first ...
its not that we , or me , hates you ,, but we are obliged to post facts that may not agree with what you call facts ...
its obvious i care what you post , its important older folks with some knowledge, take the time to get things right for the younger folks ... please try ... not your opinion , post facts ,, link us to something to prove it even , thats nice and it will be appreciated ..

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