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Thai weed from Thailand


Well-known member
Can you explain? I don't understand the meaning of your post, what is green hornet 82?

I hope it helps. The strain sounds really good. I would like to smoke this shit


Active member

I hope it helps. The strain sounds really good. I would like to smoke this shit
@kro-magnon there is someone growing out this from doing what looks like tissue culture or some sorta lab like way.


Well-known member
have you grown many Thai strains? Apart from a few thh i haven't.

There weren't really many available apart from that one and mama thai, worls of seeds thai i think was available too but not sure about it's legitamacy
I bought anything carrying the tag thai I could get my hands on and brought to South America ant smuggling, I lost a couple to customs as well, the biggest loss to customs in the legal narcostate was a freebie I got from USC it was a Koh Phangan crossed to some hawaii weed, but today understanding how JGL worked I am sure the hawaian was an indica and would have ruined the KohPhangan weed....
I grew all of them only to find out most of them have nothing to do with thai weed and is just marketing bs like Chocolate Thai which was an indica or Lemon Thai another indica supposedly from Hawaii reproduced by Derg Corra.
I bought hybrids too but some of them were degraded stuff like a Red thai hybrid I got. When I saw the source in Usa it was a Red Thai bought from RSC grown in half liter pots so no wonder it was degraded stock

How can you select a pure sativa growing it indoors in half liter pots?
The only thing you can select this way are plants that can best resist growing in such poor feet and conditions.
Indoors is not the way you breed pure sativas
It is sad this is the way many sativa strains have been selected by many renowned breeders, no wonder it is all degraded stock

The stock I got from RSC carrying the tag Mango Thai is a copy of Purple Highland Laos from Bodhi which is not a lao plant at all. People sell tags and a lot of bs in the marketing
The Laos weed I got from RSC is all hybridized hermaphrodite garbage

The Myanmar Mong Hsat I got from ILE is monumental garbage, these guys I doubt they smoke weed, they are all cannamerchants and bullshitting is at the order of the day
I better dont comment about WOS

For me the only way to grow thais is outdoors and the sativa limit for outdoors is lat 30S to lat 30N
Indoors you dont know what you are selecting when talking about sativas. You can grow them wherever you like even in the moon but only outdoors in the tropics you can see the plants how they express themselves and grow them and select them properly

THH is not thai and has nothing to do with thai weed. Outdoors there is a 2 months difference in the flowering onset with real thai weed and in the harvest time you have even more than 2 months difference with the fastest THH
THH is a hybrid with many different type of plants popping up. The most sativa of it is still a fast hybrid compared with real thai

There are too many myths and legends in the cannaworld
It is clearly part of the degradation of weed naming fantasy names for weed. Too much fantasy names, too little real stock.

At the end of the day I only had 2 pure sativas from Thailand: Northern Thai 2008 and Laos from Wally
Ah, I also got Laos from GN. Northern growers cant grow pure sativas and the canna market is oriented to northern growers. No wonder no pure sativas on sale.
The summum of breeding is ruining sativas by crossing them to indicas and calling this shit sativa. No, it is not sativa. Sativa structure with hashplant smells and hashplant high like I got from Europe is not sativa

There must be more sativas available but everytime I inquired people, they hoard and dont share, it doesnt matter if for free or for money, probably speculating with the sativas revival and making millions on it that will never happen.
I found many many people refusing to sell or share their sativas.
So this is the result, nobody grow real sativas and you finnish growing some thh and people calling this hybrid thai.
No, it is not thai and has nothing to do with real thai weed. THH is from Holland and in Holland you cant grow pure sativas, it is a fast hybrid with indica looking plants in it with sativa smells.

I want sativa plants with sativa structure and sativa buds. What I got was indica structure plants having sativa high and sativa structure plants having indica high.
Is it so difficult to breed a plant having sativa structure and sativa high???
Indoors of course yes. Indoors is not the way to breed sativas. Breeding indoors you ruin pure sativas as all this modern breeding shows and proves

For me haze is from South India. There is no pure sativa from South America at all in the canna world.
I cant believe it. A supposed Lambsbread has been turned into purple weed and it behaves like charas plants. It makes excellent charas with buds having nil high from the Double Jam copy I obtained from Derg Corra.

So how we can complain about thailand niot having any more their pure sativas right?
Today it is all marketing and the younger generations have no clue what a pure sativa is


Well-known member
How she smoke BC ?

They both smoked pretty good, some introspection and head high, very smooth with dash of spice to it. I wouldn’t say it’s like microdosing acid.

It’s a worked line, apparently with very low males.
I grew it last year and it was before going to Thailand.
It took 4 months to flower and finish and I had to do light dep… small pots as you can see otherwise monsters.

The most important difference from the Thai weed I smoked, not CBD.

I decided to make seeds because I had the opportunity to use my Filipino male to give it a bump in hopes to find a super male in progeny.

I cant complain about Ace lines specially after what’s happening in Thailand, to me that Chiangmai captures a time frame from early 2000s.


Seed Whore
Post in thread 'Malawi and more from ACE' https://www.icmag.com/threads/malawi-and-more-from-ace.89546/post-18962858

Im finishing some up right now, definitely excited to try. Watch for herms. I didn't get a stable male and had a female that developed male parts and pollinated my crop seemingly overnight.
Mine are not those from Ace.

Trang in Thailand is not the same as Nha Trang in VietNam. :bigeye:



Well-known member
I bought anything carrying the tag thai I could get my hands on and brought to South America ant smuggling, I lost a couple to customs as well, the biggest loss to customs in the legal narcostate was a freebie I got from USC it was a Koh Phangan crossed to some hawaii weed, but today understanding how JGL worked I am sure the hawaian was an indica and would have ruined the KohPhangan weed....
I grew all of them only to find out most of them have nothing to do with thai weed and is just marketing bs like Chocolate Thai which was an indica or Lemon Thai another indica supposedly from Hawaii reproduced by Derg Corra.
I bought hybrids too but some of them were degraded stuff like a Red thai hybrid I got. When I saw the source in Usa it was a Red Thai bought from RSC grown in half liter pots so no wonder it was degraded stock

How can you select a pure sativa growing it indoors in half liter pots?
The only thing you can select this way are plants that can best resist growing in such poor feet and conditions.
Indoors is not the way you breed pure sativas
It is sad this is the way many sativa strains have been selected by many renowned breeders, no wonder it is all degraded stock

The stock I got from RSC carrying the tag Mango Thai is a copy of Purple Highland Laos from Bodhi which is not a lao plant at all. People sell tags and a lot of bs in the marketing
The Laos weed I got from RSC is all hybridized hermaphrodite garbage

The Myanmar Mong Hsat I got from ILE is monumental garbage, these guys I doubt they smoke weed, they are all cannamerchants and bullshitting is at the order of the day
I better dont comment about WOS

For me the only way to grow thais is outdoors and the sativa limit for outdoors is lat 30S to lat 30N
Indoors you dont know what you are selecting when talking about sativas. You can grow them wherever you like even in the moon but only outdoors in the tropics you can see the plants how they express themselves and grow them and select them properly

THH is not thai and has nothing to do with thai weed. Outdoors there is a 2 months difference in the flowering onset with real thai weed and in the harvest time you have even more than 2 months difference with the fastest THH
THH is a hybrid with many different type of plants popping up. The most sativa of it is still a fast hybrid compared with real thai

There are too many myths and legends in the cannaworld
It is clearly part of the degradation of weed naming fantasy names for weed. Too much fantasy names, too little real stock.

At the end of the day I only had 2 pure sativas from Thailand: Northern Thai 2008 and Laos from Wally
Ah, I also got Laos from GN. Northern growers cant grow pure sativas and the canna market is oriented to northern growers. No wonder no pure sativas on sale.
The summum of breeding is ruining sativas by crossing them to indicas and calling this shit sativa. No, it is not sativa. Sativa structure with hashplant smells and hashplant high like I got from Europe is not sativa

There must be more sativas available but everytime I inquired people, they hoard and dont share, it doesnt matter if for free or for money, probably speculating with the sativas revival and making millions on it that will never happen.
I found many many people refusing to sell or share their sativas.
So this is the result, nobody grow real sativas and you finnish growing some thh and people calling this hybrid thai.
No, it is not thai and has nothing to do with real thai weed. THH is from Holland and in Holland you cant grow pure sativas, it is a fast hybrid with indica looking plants in it with sativa smells.

I want sativa plants with sativa structure and sativa buds. What I got was indica structure plants having sativa high and sativa structure plants having indica high.
Is it so difficult to breed a plant having sativa structure and sativa high???
Indoors of course yes. Indoors is not the way to breed sativas. Breeding indoors you ruin pure sativas as all this modern breeding shows and proves

For me haze is from South India. There is no pure sativa from South America at all in the canna world.
I cant believe it. A supposed Lambsbread has been turned into purple weed and it behaves like charas plants. It makes excellent charas with buds having nil high from the Double Jam copy I obtained from Derg Corra.

So how we can complain about thailand niot having any more their pure sativas right?
Today it is all marketing and the younger generations have no clue what a pure sativa is

Wow you've grown a lot then :biggrin: Your post made me laugh, thank you 🙏

WOS lol, back ages ago it was also amusing but good at least to try.

When did you get the RSC Laos? I have golden or highland laos maybe both from them when they first started along with their malanas, pahari farmhouse, in fact their entire catalogue. I musta spent serious money over the years back then on seeds :biggrin:

I agree with everything you say.

Good there are at least people like us trying to make sure these amazing highs are available for all to try.

South Indian has some real nice trippy stuff along with some African stuff too.
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Well-known member
¿Ha cambiado Prempavee las semillas que tenía? Por lo que veo en la web, la mayoría de semillas parecen derivadas de selecciones de distintos fenotipos de la Cola de Ardilla. Espero que en Tailandia no caigan en la tentación de empezar a hibridarlo todo.

Not even a year has passed since this post and look now:


Se fue todo a la gran mierda… la persona que se decía salvaría la cultura y genética Thai pues ahora hace híbridos con gran entusiasmo. Que mierda y falta de principios. Triste lo que hace la fama y el dinero. Cada día pierdo mas respeto por la escena Thai.


Well-known member
Interesting point I had not think of the endless possibilities given by modern technologies, they have certainly already sequenced many old cannabis lines and should be able to replicate them indeed.
I tried (and failed lol) to touch on this a little earlier in the thread.

It would be great to know if someone has done this and archived this information. However, I might not be so confident. I live in a bubble here on IC, but SamS seemed the only one putting rubber to the road on this front, and from my limited knowledge seemed to be focused on commercial end game. I’d love to be wrong on this.

Could be different tomorrow, but right now tech gets you only so far - DNA sequence (genomics), RNA expression (transcriptomics), and epigenetics can be used to build correlates towards pheno/chemotypes. So you can develop a list of “markers” that correspond to certain traits (pheno/chemotype). From there it’s a matter of breeding programs - selecting for progeny carrying those markers - to reach the desired plant/animal. Based on what I know of Ag crops and animals, a good old school Thai stick pheno would likely be the result of many converging traits and thus genetic markers. Doubtful this would be easy to recapitulate…but with large scale breeding definitely not impossible.

Sorry - I just did one of “those” posts. 🫤

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Even when i went to Chefchaouen in 1994 there were many people repressing with that cooking oil stuff in the background, trying to make poorer qualities bubble.

There was proper fire to be found up in the hills which was the brown and gold shiny hard stuff
Last time I was in the Rif Mountain area was 2003 - did a DVD for ICMAG - on the dry sift (beating thru screens) method of making hash - most farmers were still growing the old 'Kiffy' weed - a very few were starting to experiment with imported seeds from Holland - The America's or elsewhere - I did find some really good hash though - and helped make it too 😀 - I'm a lifelong Moroccan hash fan - Ketama Gold - was always my favourite 😍


Chasing the Present
and all of us are aging rapidly - soon to be an extinct patron of a very niche market - but will the same highs be available to those that come after us - that is the question 🤔? -
very, very well said Gypsy and much love. Luckily some of us popped out the oven a bit later than others and still have a good amount of headway left in this life, god willing.

But you nailed it and that IS the question, isn't it..? AND the only thing that's gonna make any difference in the end is action and not talk, more action, more preservation, more trial & error and more spreading of seed we all know to be special, legendary or else the designer boogeyman will swallow us all up whole, as its' been doing for far too long now and too many are simply apathetic to this and have given up....

If we all were half as resilient as cannabis there would be no issue, but we aren't now, are we...?

We all love this plant and share many commonalities; a bit more love & respect towards each other would make sense y'all -



Chasing the Present
I have never charged a cent for seed ever, but I have paid lots for seed my self and that's fine, I am okay with that people have to feed their families.
it's incredible how much more people appreciate and respect things they pay for vs are gifted; something I've become astutely aware of the past few months. I guess much like the rich kid in high school who's daddy gives him a car he takes for granted vs the kid whom works two jobs and buys his own.... Say La Vie