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Thai weed from Thailand

Donald Mallard

el duck
* Definition: Landraces are naturally occurring strains that have adapted to specific geographic regions over centuries. They are characterized by genetic diversity and phenotypic variation.
* Key Characteristics:
* Genetic Diversity: High genetic variability due to outcrossing and open pollination.
* Adaptation to Specific Environments: Well-suited to local climate, soil conditions, and pest pressures.
* Phenotypic Variation: A wide range of phenotypes, including variations in plant height, leaf shape, flower structure, and cannabinoid profiles.
* Classification: Landraces are often classified as open-pollinated varieties (OPVs).
* Definition: IBLs are highly inbred strains that have been self-pollinated for multiple generations. This process reduces genetic diversity and results in a genetically homogeneous population.
* Key Characteristics:
* Genetic Uniformity: High degree of genetic similarity among individuals.
* Predictable Traits: Consistent performance in terms of growth, yield, and cannabinoid profile.
* Stability: Well-suited for commercial cultivation and breeding programs.
* Classification: IBLs are considered stabilized varieties.
The Evolution from Landrace to IBL

* Landrace Selection: Breeders identify desirable traits in a landrace population.
* Selective Breeding: Plants with desired traits are selected and crossed to produce offspring with those traits.
* Inbreeding: Repeated self-pollination or sibling mating to increase homozygosity and stabilize traits.
* Line Stabilization: Multiple generations of inbreeding to create a genetically uniform IBL.


The Haze Whisperer
speaking of prof77 ,, heres one of his "hmong hilltrible" , lol ,,
i know he didnt call it though and bushy just initiated some poetic license when he named it , that name has gone far though , i shared some with rc colas , who did a repo and passed it along to many others to my knowlege ,,
see some of us can share and dont even care who gets the stuff , the goal is to put a smile on peoples face whether we know them like them , what ever , i dont care , thats what sharing is about ,
you cant go calling yourself generous when u start making stipulations on things u share...

Prof77 seed was mixed that's what he told Nevil and some of it was good, some of it was not you could see it was mixed seed when it was grown out.

When I pointed out Bushy didn't have Hmong Thai, I was insulted, you remember that.

You need to stop with the childish snidely swipes Wally, I have shared genetics for many decades longer than you have been growing.

Why did I share my Thai with Nevil if I don't share genetics ?

I have every right to be selective in who I share with, and none of you have any right to tell me what I should or shouldn't do.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
When all's said and done - it comes down to a small group of cannabis growers/afficionado's - that have the drive and gumption to keep alive - what gave them such incredible and memorable highs - decades ago - and all of us are aging rapidly - soon to be an extinct patron of a very niche market - but will the same highs be available to those that come after us - that is the question 🤔? -

- is someone making it their life's work to preserve what is so unique and satisfying about Thai cannabis - from many years ago? - and if so - then that's a righteous-honorable task - I'd say - albeit - a VERY difficult one -
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The Haze Whisperer
When all's said and done - it comes down to a small group of cannabis growers/afficionado's - that have the drive and gumption to keep alive - what gave them such incredible and memorable highs - decades ago - and all of us are aging rapidly - soon to be an extinct patron of a very niche market - but will the same highs be available to those that come? - that is the question 🤔? -

- is someone making it their life's work to preserve what is so unique and satisfying about Thai cannabis - from many years ago? - and if so - then that's a righteous-honorable task - I'd say - albeit - a VERY difficult one -

I would guess there are quite a few people in icmag that have preserved genetics for a very long time, and many more that don't go to forums that have also.

I preserve genetics because I love to smoke a specific type of plant that being Sativa, and I could see the writing on the wall in 84/85 that things were going to change dramatically with Thai, and I was sadly right.

Donald Mallard

el duck
When all's said and done - it comes down to a small group of cannabis growers/afficionado's - that have the drive and gumption to keep alive - what gave them such incredible and memorable highs - decades ago - and all of us are aging rapidly - soon to be an extinct patron of a very niche market - but will the same highs be available to those that come after us - that is the question 🤔? -

- is someone making it their life's work to preserve what is so unique and satisfying about Thai cannabis - from many years ago? - and if so - then that's a righteous-honorable task - I'd say - albeit - a VERY difficult one -
indeed that is the question ,
i guess its more important to us than the younger crew ,

but at the very least , we can try to instill some idea of the importance of landraces , since they are the very building blocks of all the modern stuff ,
their diversity , resistance to disease as a result , ability to adapt etc are vital to the future survival of cannabis ,
goodness knows the years of illegality did some major damage , but ironically now legality presents similar issues too ...


Well-known member
therein lies some of the problem ,
i remember describing curing to a mate , his other mate listening and pipes up and says ,
"so u can make this stuff seem more potent? because im pretty happy with it how it is , but interested to try some of this cured stuff , wjhy dont u have it on offer??''

i explained to him id have to store it properly for months, not such an easy task especially in my climate , and what for ,, no one will give me more money for it to my knowlege,, why bother , i can do my own to please myself , but i wont go to the trouble for everyone else without it being worthwhile ..

but in a legal climate , its a little easier , and one could , with plenty of space , grow those 4 to 6 harvests of hybrid stuff , and one of the sativa a year too ,
it would be like the old xmas cake , u are making next years one when u are just cracking out last years ...

speaking of prof77 ,, heres one of his "hmong hilltrible" , lol ,,
i know he didnt call it though and bushy just initiated some poetic license when he named it , that name has gone far though , i shared some with rc colas , who did a repo and passed it along to many others to my knowlege ,,
see some of us can share and dont even care who gets the stuff , the goal is to put a smile on peoples face whether we know them like them , what ever , i dont care , thats what sharing is about ,
you cant go calling yourself generous when u start making stipulations on things u share...

anyhow ive got a few but here is one ..
I don't know what happened but I can't see the picture, if it can be fixed it would be great. Maybe it comes from my navigator as it blocks many stuff it can have undesirable side effects like not loading pics
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Well-known member
I preserve genetics because I love to smoke a specific type of plant that being Sativa, and I could see the writing on the wall in 84/85 that things were going to change dramatically with Thai, and I was sadly right.

This is why i bought and saved seeds from 2000. Even back then there was talk about the degradation of the genepool.

I do remember the indoor bud we got before 2000 and after and it became patchy after in terms of potency. Some were great, others a bit meh... When that fluffy redhair bud came out and powerplant came out...After the good strong skunk.

Despite that, when visiting places like India and Morocco around 2000 i was still able to get superior smoke quite easily but then again i look like a stoner and will only approach rough looking natives for a smoke. This means i've got some great smokes but also been ripped off a few times and in some close scrapes many others :biggrin:

I could rabble on for ages as im proper high right now and have the fire in my pipe.

Try to share, place no value on money, only on the herb and how it can help people.

Try to spread this around, not hoard it

One love guys 💚


The Haze Whisperer
really , i thought thai bred true??

what happened to that lot of thai ??
Like I posted over and over, Prof77 seed were mixed seed, made up from the different batches of smoke he and his wife got over many years.

i merely make observations old chap ,
if u want to take them personally ,, go for it ,
but they are just general observations ...
by no means and certainly not childish snidely swipes ...
No Wally you troll people, and you can become very abrasive very fast, thinking the beer has made it worse only an observation.


Well-known member
When all's said and done - it comes down to a small group of cannabis growers/afficionado's - that have the drive and gumption to keep alive - what gave them such incredible and memorable highs - decades ago - and all of us are aging rapidly - soon to be an extinct patron of a very niche market - but will the same highs be available to those that come after us - that is the question 🤔? -

- is someone making it their life's work to preserve what is so unique and satisfying about Thai cannabis - from many years ago? - and if so - then that's a righteous-honorable task - I'd say - albeit - a VERY difficult one -
That's a great way to resume the situation and I doubt the future generations will have the pleasure to know some of the mind travel we have had, and I'm a bit younger than most of the people in this thread being in my 50's so even me have not had the same experiences than some older guys here. The world is changing at a faster pace than it ever did, I have a hard time to adapt sometimes to this new world and again I'm not that old.
Preservation is a difficult job because you need resources to grow and keep those plants alive but the lines who need to be preserved don't bring this money back so it's at the expense of the preservationist which is not always doable. Not everybody has extra fields and money to dedicate to preservation. I would like to see a type of NGO founded by crowd funding being made to make this possible.


The Haze Whisperer
Try to share, place no value on money, only on the herb and how it can help people.

Try to spread this around, not hoard it
I have never charged a cent for seed ever, but I have paid lots for seed my self and that's fine, I am okay with that people have to feed their families.

I have shared since day 1 the last some years I focused on preserving my Nevil's Haze all up, I worked out I spent 5 years from the F1s to F3s and All of that work has already been shared.

Already shared my Deliverance but why would any one share with people they get insulted by, that would be the definition of stupidity in my book.

The internet is only a small part of many of our lives.

Donald Mallard

el duck
No Wally you troll people, and you can become very abrasive very fast, thinking the beer has made it worse only an observation.
if it was said to you , you would claim thats a personal attack ,
and jump up and down a bit ... haha ,

but no i dont drink beer ,, occasionally in thailand , my friend likes a bit of leo beer ,
and im happy to drink a few with him ,
at home i enjoy a little cider , and sometimes the odd wild turkey ,
but im by no means a "drinker" ,

but i do work outdoors physically a lot , its quite hot here outdoors in the tropics,,
and at the end of the day i dont mind a stubbie or two of cider ,
sorry , your observation is completely out of wack ,
thats not unusual for you though so dont let it be of concern ...


Well-known member
I have never charged a cent for seed ever, but I have paid lots for seed my self and that's fine, I am okay with that people have to feed their families.

I have shared since day 1 the last some years I focused on preserving my Nevil's Haze all up, I worked out I spent 5 years from the F1s to F3s and All of that work has already been shared.

Already shared my Deliverance but why would any one share with people they get insulted by, that would be the definition of stupidity in my book.

The internet is only a small part of many of our lives.
I know you will take this as a personal attack but it's not my intention, this post is to try to make you understand how many perceive you:
You are using your elusive seeds stock to flex and say I have this and you don't, that's how I see it and how many other see it. You're there to feed your ego by bragging about something you're one of the few to own.This is why so many people give you a herd time because you don't appear as an altruist willing to share but as a peacock showing his tail.
I have no idea if you're aware of this or not but I tell you that's how you appear to most people.


The Haze Whisperer
but i do work outdoors physically a lot , its quite hot here outdoors in the tropics,,
and at the end of the day i dont mind a stubbie or two of cider ,
sorry , your observation is completely out of wack ,
thats not unusual for you though so dont let it be of concern ...
My observation was from the video where you had a stubie holder covering what I assumed was beer and you getting up and heading to take a piss what seemed like ever 5 or so min is very typical of solid beer drinking.

If I got that wrong my apology, but the rest is a 100% fact, this shits been going on now for decades you really need to build a bridge and get over it Wally.