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Thai weed from Thailand


Well-known member
did you visit ko phayam after pandemic? it is totally changed now. i don't recommend to go there anymore. the island is full of german all-inclusive sheeps and it's all about money business. also locals barely smile or talk to you. drunken people are driving fast with scooters.

i visited there in 2017-2018 and got that seedy brick you mentioned about. this is embrassing to say but it was probably the best high i've ever experienced in my life. most euphoric and positive happy smiley high that lasted for 4 hours. a couple of puffs were enough. since then i've been trying to find something similar strain but it seems impossible mission. also the smoke of it was super clean to inhale and exhale and it burned so smoothly. so good memories of that stuff. i was thinking if it was laced with something. can't be sure. consume too much and you might get hysterical laugh - or paranoia.

ko chang next to phayam was chilled place but i'm not sure if i wanted to visit there again. maybe it was too small and quiet for my senses. less activity but perfect for escaping city chaos.

now i'm trying to find a place that is like mix of phayam and chang. do you know any? (can be outside of thailand but in se-asia)

That's too bad to hear, I was there in 2016 and it was amazing. It felt like any normal small island aside from the shops near the port and a few bars/resorts here and there. A good Italian restaurant ran by an Italian woman and her husband iirc. Oh well, onward and upward I suppose.

I've heard Ko Rong in Cambodia is still laid back, but I haven't been there.


Well-known member
If you want to hang out at Koh Rong, hurry before it is too late
Asia is constantly changing
Things are very dynamic and what you have seen yesterday, it is not the same you see today and for sure it wont be similar to what you will see tomorrow
It is the magic of Asia, you never stop sensing something new every day
A new smell, a new taste, a new sense. Every day you have the chance to meet something you never sensed before in your life. All your senses are being stimulated every day and your senses are feeling something new you cant expect every day

Enjoy it while it lasts, nothing lasts forever


Well-known member
Pandemy is over and I still live on pandemy mode
This growing adventure is over, this was last season at this place. I need to move on. I enjoyed it too much and stretched it all I could but it is over
I hope new adventures will come, I hope I will be able to grow again, I never expected I was going to like growing so much, it is a whole new world for me and you never stop learning in this world

Reading other threads it is so impressive to see how seedsellers talk with such authority about things they dont have a clue, the way it goes it seems this is part of the western cannaworld and will never change. Everything becomes a myth and a legend, and the weed high is gone down the drenage
It is also impressive to read wrong things about the weed they sell
Man, I grew all these hazes they talk about and hype.
Too many wrong things even about basic things like flowering times, it is useless to correct, they will keep selling their bullshit

For me it always was, is and will be about the high, not about the terpenes or the smells, if it is about chocolate, vanilla or strawberry, I go straight to the next icecream shop to satisfy my needs for those terpenes. People hyping the smells of a cut of a feminized plant is impressive. The high of such plant is washed down, a cut of feminized plant is garbage, not even the first run of a cut is good. A feminized plant is only for smoking it and nothing else, it is not for breeding and less of all for keeping cuts. Cuts of feminized plants have no high Keeping cuts of a feminized plant and hyping about their smells by the most prestigious breeders means cannabis sativa is doomed

Experiences are different for everybody, your nationality and culture also play a role when travelling
I was a big customer of this visa run morning visit. Last time was 2006. That year the government of my country and Thailand signed a reciprocity visa on arrival agreement so now nationals of my country get 90 days on arrival and I stopped using the Kawthaung visa run

I visited both Koh Changs, Koh Phayam as well
I smoked locally grown weed in all of these islands. All of it from seed coming from the brick. I found it on low season. High season only brick

I agree with you about brick weed being from Cambodia. The buds I smoked in Cambodia hit the same as the brick. The stock I smoked in Laos (my favourite country for visa runs, I was staying the whole visa there) was another level of weed and very different from the one in Cambodia. 2 levels up at least
I also think something happened around 2013 and the buck of the brick grow moved border to Laos.
You know, weed trade is very dynamic

Big Koh Chang in Trat province was a laid down place. There was a beach in the 20th century called lonely beach and I scored there buds easily. But it was a different time, a basic small bamboo bungalow hut next to the beach was 80 baht a night, the electricity was just a few hours at night with generators and it wasnt massive at all
In 2003 they started bringing down all those bamboo huts and replaced them with aircon hot shower and satellite TV bungalows
There was a big event in Europe that had a big consequence on south east asian tourism: the euro went from 0,80 euro per dollar to 1,20 dollar per euro, happened in 2004
The impact on tourism was massive. It was never the same again as it was before. From 1,5 million tourists by the millenia per year to 40 million tourists per year in Thailand just before the pandemy started the change is simply huge
Those bungalow aircon huts must be around 50u$s a day now in big Koh Chang.

I dont like going to small Koh Chang on high season, only rainy season is nice for me. Too many people and they treat tourist like cattle, they count heads. If you go alone you are not good customer on high season, massive tourism policies and development I am not a fan of them

This is the city
I loved my morning breakfast fresh coffee and potato samosa. The myanmarese samosa is less spicy than the indian one and has no beans. I loved it. Breakfast, one hour walk and boat back to Ranong
This is the potato samosa Myanmar style I liked so much

I got a ton of Cambodian seed. made from Zomia and some nice and plenty of Tom Hill Haze, what do you think would be the better male pollen doner for a nice thai lady?

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