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Thai weed from Thailand


Well-known member
I learn from everyone. From age 1 to age 120
Knowledge is not giving any priority to age.
What is related to age is experience.
So please if you have any beef or shit slinging please keep it private or you can choose your favourite haze thread for that

Look at buñuelos for instance. Colombian buñuelos, spanish ones and southern cone ones are totally different
Down here at southern cone buñuelos are similar to donut taste and have no cheese at all

I searched the word chiba and it seems it is a mexican word for weed. @elchischas is this correct?
Is chiba a mexican word? How do you guys call weed in Mexico? What slang words do you use?

So when R is saying the original chiba, he means the original mexican weed? It really makes sense that most of the weed you got in Usa at that time is mexican
So when you use the word chiba, so you refer to mexican weed? So why do you call colombian weed chiba?

Meo thai / Old timers haze / zamal
I am not interested in controversies, thats why I dont comment, controversies dont help me get quality weed
I grew Oldtimers Haze. A few plants. I grew a lot more of Seedsman Haze
Not the same at all. I found a few good specimens of Seedsman Haze but I didnt find anything close to quality in the Oldtimer haze. I simply cant believe the hype on this Oldtimer Haze strain
I made hybrids with both

I had Zamal Mango Pepper and Zamal hybrids. I grew more than 10 different Zamal hybrids
I crossed the Zamal Mango Pepper with Seedsman Haze and Oldtimer Haze and grown both
The seedsman haze hybrid gave all similar plants with similar high at F1
The Oldtimer Haze hybrid gave all different plants at F1, some of them making nanners
Oldtimer Haze is not good at all for hybridizing, it doesnt make any sense to use this strain for hybrids unless your interest is to give your customers weed with phenotypes all over the place that lead nowhere and dont give quality plants.
Sometimes I think if customers would have access to quality sativas this kind of weed like Oldtimer haze would have never been sold and should be in the dustbin or the compost bin.
I honestly dont think London is the right place to preserve sativas.

The Seedsman Haze proved itself as a better strain for hybridizing and Oldtimer Haze proved itself as undesirable for breeding and outcrossing

I grew Purple Oldtimer Haze x Meao Thai
The seed I got was probably at F2 or F3. It had segregated phenos.
Super easy to determine what is Oldtimer Haze and what is Meao Thai pheno
The Meao Thai pheno is a short bush ready 40-45 days before the fastest of thais
One pheno gave nanners, I think it comes from the Oldtimer Haze side
I didnt finnish the jars of this cross. The high was meh
I think inbreeding is not giving quality, at least is my result here. Maybe the F1 was better than this
But Meao Thai is clearly fantasy weed with fantasy name and has nothing to do with real thai weed.

The result of the weed I got from Cannabiogen or Ace is sativas CBD, indica plant frame with sativa high or sativas frame with indica high which for me are hashplants as I explained in previous post.
I dont like the result of this at all
On the other hand this type of breeding is regarded as the pinnacle of breeding.
If nobody is reporting this is because nobody is growing this stock in sativa markets or because they are intimidated to post truth about a vendor, I dont know.
Too much hype and customers seem to love to hype too
Ace Seeds dont sell their gear here. Cannabiogen was at this market and it was a huge commercial failure and I predict the same would happen for Ace Seeds. Man, this is a huge sativa market. I was honestly tempted to sell seed from European sedbanks before trying their gear. At this market customers would troll you badly if they pay money for this quality
Cannabiogen was a bank breeding for indoors. Outdoors here their weed is not quality, too many problems with botrytis and powdery mildew in their weed, high of the weed dont make it to meh.
They bred weed for indoors and for markets different than this one in the northern hemisphere where people have no clue about sativas. I think the same of Ace Seeds
On tne other hand, I think if you want to learn to grow properly sativas and you are used to indicas, then their gear is a very good place to start with and learn to grow, but dont expect sativa quality out of this gear

Red Snake was so dissapointing man. Punto Rojo fat broad leaf bred for indoors and for excellent smells and tastes. I care for the high, not for the smell

So your question about are they true sativas...is sativa CBD a true sativa? Is an hybrid with fantasy weed a true sativa?
Plants look like sativas but they dont have good sativa high at all. 30 min high weed after smoking a fat spliff in the best of cases, the second spliff was 15 minute high and good luck getting high from the third spliff of the day
I hope it answers your questions

Another thing about thais,paraguayans and probably old colombian versus hybrids: thais need 6 months cure to be ready. And old thai cures very well on room temperature weather, same like paraguayans. In real life it was always like that, weed needed long cure
And the brick left on room temperature without any jar never degraded, it could last a couple of years and every time it would hit
This is not happening with modern hybrids. Their shell life is too short. Some of them degrade after 3 months, the best hybrids dont last longer than six months before starting to degrade.
Obviously all these hybrids and fantasy weed sold as pure sativas degrade too fast

I leave you some one year old TV report from Colombia about Cauca. Plants there are growing under lights 24 hours a day. None of this is the original colombian weed and the war on drugs is still going on for the colombian farmers with the support of Usa while in Usa you can grow your plants no problem and is legal
All this weed they claim is genetically modified. Are you smoking it? What is your opinion of it?
I think if cannabis would become a commodity and would be legally produced and exported then we could have a chance at having decent sativas again

This is Paraguay, war on drugs until today
One kilo at the plantation costs between 6 and 8u$s. The corrupt police supported by DEA is getting the largest chunk of the pie. No more pure sativas today, now there is 3 harvests per year
Article is from a spanish newspaper

The only way to change all this is to make weed legal and an exportable commodity. Then a sativa market would arise and you should be able to score your favourite sativa from your dispensary in Bogotá, Asunción, Bangkok, Mexico DF or Kingston

We are getting closer to the spring equinox
Plants are surviving the winter and making new bud growth, I will have a late harvest, it is the first time I see this, I even will be able to make a few seed with the Mekhong Classic pollen makers
Northern Thai 2008 P1 girl 1 reflowering. All the thais do very well against bugs. Excellent resistance.
They have repellent properties
N Thai 1 reflowering (1).jpeg
N Thai 1 reflowering (2).jpeg

Northern Thai 2008 P1 girl 8 reflowering
N Thai 8 reflowering (1).jpeg
N Thai 8 reflowering (2).jpeg

Phu Phan green girl 1. I chopped the top shot and I am curing it canary style, I hope to test it around christmas
Phu phan green.jpeg

Phu Phan green girl 2
Phu phan green 2.jpeg

Phu Phan 20 lt pot
Phu phan 20lt.jpeg

Phon Sawan 20lt pot
Phon sawan 20lt.jpeg


Well-known member
I had this male
This is Northern Thai 2008 P1 male 1
This is called variegation, probably the same as the albino plant above from @Prempavee
The progeny of him was very productive but the high was not making it to meh. I only had 3 males. I only did 1:1 matings so I can see what each male can do. I still have seed made by him but I will not grow it
So far I have never had a mutant plant that was better than the non mutant sisters/brothers
N Thai boy (5).jpeg
N Thai boy (14).jpeg


Well-known member
Hey Funky, I dried and smoked my intersex plant that resembled the one you posted. I only bought a smartphone because I need a hotspot sometimies so I got the cheapest one possible or esle I'd be more of a pic poster. Using it is just annoying.

It's fucking great. The strain was (Temple Flo x F13) x Mango Thai. (Very sativa expression) Comes on slow, takes about 5-10 minutes to feel it fully but it's pleasant, strong and very sativa. I have bags of herm seeds from stuff that was supposed to be very good. I'll try to give them a shot soon. Good luck!


Well-known member
How was the productivity of your intersex?
How long did you cure the intersex buds?

I only started caring for a smartphone when I took pictures of the plants and I was seeing things I missed alive
It is a very good tool
You are describing the type of high I search. The weed that takes 5-10 min after 3-6 tokes to start feeling it and go high from there is my favourite high, this is how weed should be for me
It is the typical paraguayan high of not so long ago. In Thailand I found this high randomly
Northern Thai 2008 P1 girl 1 is the only one I have alive. Number 6 was like this too
This type of high seem to be called creeper high in Usa. I dont know of any word to describe this high in any language including my mother tongue

Mekhong Classic intersex
One of them was female leaning and is curing now. Smoke test during xmas
The other 3 plants are all male leaning
Two of them are opening their sacks and they dont have any pollen
This is one of them
MKC male sterile.jpeg

This plant has quite a few female buds on the bottom, it is not releasing any pollen
MKC intersex sterile 5lt.jpeg

This one has pollen, I pollinated one N Thai 08 girl 1 bud
I will pollinate more next days. The bottom greenhouse didnt get any sulphur wash and none of the plants did as well, it is complete test
This Mekhong Classic guy making pollen is the only plant with powdery mildew, I am using his pollen anyway, it can be sorted out.
Thais are very good genetics with bugs and pm. Repellent and antifungus properties
They have long cure, and they cure very well at room temperature. They are best if cured at least 6 months from harvest
MKC male (6).jpeg
MKC male pm.jpeg

Seeing this thing about Mekhong Classic not releasing pollen, I will leave this Phon Sawan longer and wait until the pollen sacks open and see if there is pollen or not. I want to smoke it, I dont want the seed
Lets see if there is pollen and then decide if it gets the chop or not
Phon sawan intersex 20 lt pot
Phon sawan 20lt intersex.jpeg
Phon sawan 20lt intersex (2).jpeg


Well-known member
How was the productivity of your intersex?
How long did you cure the intersex buds?

I only started caring for a smartphone when I took pictures of the plants and I was seeing things I missed alive
It is a very good tool
You are describing the type of high I search. The weed that takes 5-10 min after 3-6 tokes to start feeling it and go high from there is my favourite high, this is how weed should be for me
It is the typical paraguayan high of not so long ago. In Thailand I found this high randomly
Northern Thai 2008 P1 girl 1 is the only one I have alive. Number 6 was like this too
This type of high seem to be called creeper high in Usa. I dont know of any word to describe this high in any language including my mother tongue

Mekhong Classic intersex
One of them was female leaning and is curing now. Smoke test during xmas
The other 3 plants are all male leaning
Two of them are opening their sacks and they dont have any pollen
This is one of them
View attachment 19056490

This plant has quite a few female buds on the bottom, it is not releasing any pollen
View attachment 19056491

This one has pollen, I pollinated one N Thai 08 girl 1 bud
I will pollinate more next days. The bottom greenhouse didnt get any sulphur wash and none of the plants did as well, it is complete test
This Mekhong Classic guy making pollen is the only plant with powdery mildew, I am using his pollen anyway, it can be sorted out.
Thais are very good genetics with bugs and pm. Repellent and antifungus properties
They have long cure, and they cure very well at room temperature. They are best if cured at least 6 months from harvest
View attachment 19056492 View attachment 19056493

Seeing this thing about Mekhong Classic not releasing pollen, I will leave this Phon Sawan longer and wait until the pollen sacks open and see if there is pollen or not. I want to smoke it, I dont want the seed
Lets see if there is pollen and then decide if it gets the chop or not
Phon sawan intersex 20 lt pot
View attachment 19056488 View attachment 19056489
Productivity was nearly nonexistant, maybe 5g from a .5 m bush. Long whispy branches of lavendar colored calyxes and pollen sacs, maybe 70% female to 30% male. It just came down about 2 weeks ago, I'm gonna leave it curing for at least a few months as I have plenty other stuff to keep me busy.

I noticed that about Thais too regarding the cure. (and fungus repellant properties) When I have fresh Thai it gets noticeably better with time, I've never had a batch for more than 6 months though. The TF13 seemed to peak around 3-4 months cure and then drop off quickly in terms of potency and overall effect. It's like the Thai effect absorbs slowly into all of the crevaces in your brain. If you thnk of the high as 'paint', most hybrid weed acts like a high-pressure paintball smacking into your brain and disorienting you quickly. The good Thais are more like soaking your brain in the paint and having it absorbed like a sponge. I wonder if there are compounds present in some sativa strains that are metabolized at a slower rate, creating the creeper effect.


Well-known member
Pandemy is over and I still live on pandemy mode
This growing adventure is over, this was last season at this place. I need to move on. I enjoyed it too much and stretched it all I could but it is over
I hope new adventures will come, I hope I will be able to grow again, I never expected I was going to like growing so much, it is a whole new world for me and you never stop learning in this world

Reading other threads it is so impressive to see how seedsellers talk with such authority about things they dont have a clue, the way it goes it seems this is part of the western cannaworld and will never change. Everything becomes a myth and a legend, and the weed high is gone down the drenage
It is also impressive to read wrong things about the weed they sell
Man, I grew all these hazes they talk about and hype.
Too many wrong things even about basic things like flowering times, it is useless to correct, they will keep selling their bullshit

For me it always was, is and will be about the high, not about the terpenes or the smells, if it is about chocolate, vanilla or strawberry, I go straight to the next icecream shop to satisfy my needs for those terpenes. People hyping the smells of a cut of a feminized plant is impressive. The high of such plant is washed down, a cut of feminized plant is garbage, not even the first run of a cut is good. A feminized plant is only for smoking it and nothing else, it is not for breeding and less of all for keeping cuts. Cuts of feminized plants have no high Keeping cuts of a feminized plant and hyping about their smells by the most prestigious breeders means cannabis sativa is doomed

You was in Ranong for 5 US for 1 day visit to Burma?
Or visitet KO Phayam?
Experiences are different for everybody, your nationality and culture also play a role when travelling
I was a big customer of this visa run morning visit. Last time was 2006. That year the government of my country and Thailand signed a reciprocity visa on arrival agreement so now nationals of my country get 90 days on arrival and I stopped using the Kawthaung visa run

I visited both Koh Changs, Koh Phayam as well
I smoked locally grown weed in all of these islands. All of it from seed coming from the brick. I found it on low season. High season only brick

I agree with you about brick weed being from Cambodia. The buds I smoked in Cambodia hit the same as the brick. The stock I smoked in Laos (my favourite country for visa runs, I was staying the whole visa there) was another level of weed and very different from the one in Cambodia. 2 levels up at least
I also think something happened around 2013 and the buck of the brick grow moved border to Laos.
You know, weed trade is very dynamic

Big Koh Chang in Trat province was a laid down place. There was a beach in the 20th century called lonely beach and I scored there buds easily. But it was a different time, a basic small bamboo bungalow hut next to the beach was 80 baht a night, the electricity was just a few hours at night with generators and it wasnt massive at all
In 2003 they started bringing down all those bamboo huts and replaced them with aircon hot shower and satellite TV bungalows
There was a big event in Europe that had a big consequence on south east asian tourism: the euro went from 0,80 euro per dollar to 1,20 dollar per euro, happened in 2004
The impact on tourism was massive. It was never the same again as it was before. From 1,5 million tourists by the millenia per year to 40 million tourists per year in Thailand just before the pandemy started the change is simply huge
Those bungalow aircon huts must be around 50u$s a day now in big Koh Chang.

I dont like going to small Koh Chang on high season, only rainy season is nice for me. Too many people and they treat tourist like cattle, they count heads. If you go alone you are not good customer on high season, massive tourism policies and development I am not a fan of them
The City in Burma is Victoria Point.
This is the city
I loved my morning breakfast fresh coffee and potato samosa. The myanmarese samosa is less spicy than the indian one and has no beans. I loved it. Breakfast, one hour walk and boat back to Ranong
This is the potato samosa Myanmar style I liked so much


Active member
Pandemy is over and I still live on pandemy mode
This growing adventure is over, this was last season at this place. I need to move on. I enjoyed it too much and stretched it all I could but it is over
I hope new adventures will come, I hope I will be able to grow again, I never expected I was going to like growing so much, it is a whole new world for me and you never stop learning in this world

Reading other threads it is so impressive to see how seedsellers talk with such authority about things they dont have a clue, the way it goes it seems this is part of the western cannaworld and will never change. Everything becomes a myth and a legend, and the weed high is gone down the drenage
It is also impressive to read wrong things about the weed they sell
Man, I grew all these hazes they talk about and hype.
Too many wrong things even about basic things like flowering times, it is useless to correct, they will keep selling their bullshit

For me it always was, is and will be about the high, not about the terpenes or the smells, if it is about chocolate, vanilla or strawberry, I go straight to the next icecream shop to satisfy my needs for those terpenes. People hyping the smells of a cut of a feminized plant is impressive. The high of such plant is washed down, a cut of feminized plant is garbage, not even the first run of a cut is good. A feminized plant is only for smoking it and nothing else, it is not for breeding and less of all for keeping cuts. Cuts of feminized plants have no high Keeping cuts of a feminized plant and hyping about their smells by the most prestigious breeders means cannabis sativa is doomed

Experiences are different for everybody, your nationality and culture also play a role when travelling
I was a big customer of this visa run morning visit. Last time was 2006. That year the government of my country and Thailand signed a reciprocity visa on arrival agreement so now nationals of my country get 90 days on arrival and I stopped using the Kawthaung visa run

I visited both Koh Changs, Koh Phayam as well
I smoked locally grown weed in all of these islands. All of it from seed coming from the brick. I found it on low season. High season only brick

I agree with you about brick weed being from Cambodia. The buds I smoked in Cambodia hit the same as the brick. The stock I smoked in Laos (my favourite country for visa runs, I was staying the whole visa there) was another level of weed and very different from the one in Cambodia. 2 levels up at least
I also think something happened around 2013 and the buck of the brick grow moved border to Laos.
You know, weed trade is very dynamic

Big Koh Chang in Trat province was a laid down place. There was a beach in the 20th century called lonely beach and I scored there buds easily. But it was a different time, a basic small bamboo bungalow hut next to the beach was 80 baht a night, the electricity was just a few hours at night with generators and it wasnt massive at all
In 2003 they started bringing down all those bamboo huts and replaced them with aircon hot shower and satellite TV bungalows
There was a big event in Europe that had a big consequence on south east asian tourism: the euro went from 0,80 euro per dollar to 1,20 dollar per euro, happened in 2004
The impact on tourism was massive. It was never the same again as it was before. From 1,5 million tourists by the millenia per year to 40 million tourists per year in Thailand just before the pandemy started the change is simply huge
Those bungalow aircon huts must be around 50u$s a day now in big Koh Chang.

I dont like going to small Koh Chang on high season, only rainy season is nice for me. Too many people and they treat tourist like cattle, they count heads. If you go alone you are not good customer on high season, massive tourism policies and development I am not a fan of them

This is the city
I loved my morning breakfast fresh coffee and potato samosa. The myanmarese samosa is less spicy than the indian one and has no beans. I loved it. Breakfast, one hour walk and boat back to Ranong
This is the potato samosa Myanmar style I liked so much
Thanks! Just a great story,I have tears in my eys no jocke.
Was till now 45 times in Thailand comming from Europa.
Just for fun.I was a Mercedes S-Class test mechanic.The King now was ca.2010 or so only the Prinz. He have in Bangkok a castle with ca.500 cars,mostly Mercedes and BMW.He had problems with a few cars,the Mercedes shop in Bangkok can not fix it.We was invited via Lufthansa business class and 5 star Hotel at the Sukhumwith Road.He paid for everything,he ist the most richest royal with 45 billion US Dollar.He is a Pilot of the Thai air force,fly him self in his Boeing most of the time to Germany.
He had problems with his Boeing, he invited people from Seattle!
Could tell you more but want not arrasted in my next travel.Never tell something Bad about the king!

I can give you a better price for Bungalows in Thailand. Ca.1990 at the Lamai Beach KO Samui 50 Baht.
Pearl Bungallos.
Thanks again for your story,you made my day.


Well-known member
Pandemy is over and I still live on pandemy mode
This growing adventure is over, this was last season at this place. I need to move on. I enjoyed it too much and stretched it all I could but it is over
I hope new adventures will come, I hope I will be able to grow again, I never expected I was going to like growing so much, it is a whole new world for me and you never stop learning in this world

Reading other threads it is so impressive to see how seedsellers talk with such authority about things they dont have a clue, the way it goes it seems this is part of the western cannaworld and will never change. Everything becomes a myth and a legend, and the weed high is gone down the drenage
It is also impressive to read wrong things about the weed they sell
Man, I grew all these hazes they talk about and hype.
Too many wrong things even about basic things like flowering times, it is useless to correct, they will keep selling their bullshit

For me it always was, is and will be about the high, not about the terpenes or the smells, if it is about chocolate, vanilla or strawberry, I go straight to the next icecream shop to satisfy my needs for those terpenes. People hyping the smells of a cut of a feminized plant is impressive. The high of such plant is washed down, a cut of feminized plant is garbage, not even the first run of a cut is good. A feminized plant is only for smoking it and nothing else, it is not for breeding and less of all for keeping cuts. Cuts of feminized plants have no high Keeping cuts of a feminized plant and hyping about their smells by the most prestigious breeders means cannabis sativa is doomed

Experiences are different for everybody, your nationality and culture also play a role when travelling
I was a big customer of this visa run morning visit. Last time was 2006. That year the government of my country and Thailand signed a reciprocity visa on arrival agreement so now nationals of my country get 90 days on arrival and I stopped using the Kawthaung visa run

I visited both Koh Changs, Koh Phayam as well
I smoked locally grown weed in all of these islands. All of it from seed coming from the brick. I found it on low season. High season only brick

I agree with you about brick weed being from Cambodia. The buds I smoked in Cambodia hit the same as the brick. The stock I smoked in Laos (my favourite country for visa runs, I was staying the whole visa there) was another level of weed and very different from the one in Cambodia. 2 levels up at least
I also think something happened around 2013 and the buck of the brick grow moved border to Laos.
You know, weed trade is very dynamic

Big Koh Chang in Trat province was a laid down place. There was a beach in the 20th century called lonely beach and I scored there buds easily. But it was a different time, a basic small bamboo bungalow hut next to the beach was 80 baht a night, the electricity was just a few hours at night with generators and it wasnt massive at all
In 2003 they started bringing down all those bamboo huts and replaced them with aircon hot shower and satellite TV bungalows
There was a big event in Europe that had a big consequence on south east asian tourism: the euro went from 0,80 euro per dollar to 1,20 dollar per euro, happened in 2004
The impact on tourism was massive. It was never the same again as it was before. From 1,5 million tourists by the millenia per year to 40 million tourists per year in Thailand just before the pandemy started the change is simply huge
Those bungalow aircon huts must be around 50u$s a day now in big Koh Chang.

I dont like going to small Koh Chang on high season, only rainy season is nice for me. Too many people and they treat tourist like cattle, they count heads. If you go alone you are not good customer on high season, massive tourism policies and development I am not a fan of them

This is the city
I loved my morning breakfast fresh coffee and potato samosa. The myanmarese samosa is less spicy than the indian one and has no beans. I loved it. Breakfast, one hour walk and boat back to Ranong
This is the potato samosa Myanmar style I liked so much
did you visit ko phayam after pandemic? it is totally changed now. i don't recommend to go there anymore. the island is full of german all-inclusive sheeps and it's all about money business. also locals barely smile or talk to you. drunken people are driving fast with scooters.

i visited there in 2017-2018 and got that seedy brick you mentioned about. this is embrassing to say but it was probably the best high i've ever experienced in my life. most euphoric and positive happy smiley high that lasted for 4 hours. a couple of puffs were enough. since then i've been trying to find something similar strain but it seems impossible mission. also the smoke of it was super clean to inhale and exhale and it burned so smoothly. so good memories of that stuff. i was thinking if it was laced with something. can't be sure. consume too much and you might get hysterical laugh - or paranoia.

ko chang next to phayam was chilled place but i'm not sure if i wanted to visit there again. maybe it was too small and quiet for my senses. less activity but perfect for escaping city chaos.

now i'm trying to find a place that is like mix of phayam and chang. do you know any? (can be outside of thailand but in se-asia)
Last edited:

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
Pandemy is over and I still live on pandemy mode
This growing adventure is over, this was last season at this place. I need to move on. I enjoyed it too much and stretched it all I could but it is over
I hope new adventures will come, I hope I will be able to grow again, I never expected I was going to like growing so much, it is a whole new world for me and you never stop learning in this world

Reading other threads it is so impressive to see how seedsellers talk with such authority about things they dont have a clue, the way it goes it seems this is part of the western cannaworld and will never change. Everything becomes a myth and a legend, and the weed high is gone down the drenage
It is also impressive to read wrong things about the weed they sell
Man, I grew all these hazes they talk about and hype.
Too many wrong things even about basic things like flowering times, it is useless to correct, they will keep selling their bullshit

For me it always was, is and will be about the high, not about the terpenes or the smells, if it is about chocolate, vanilla or strawberry, I go straight to the next icecream shop to satisfy my needs for those terpenes. People hyping the smells of a cut of a feminized plant is impressive. The high of such plant is washed down, a cut of feminized plant is garbage, not even the first run of a cut is good. A feminized plant is only for smoking it and nothing else, it is not for breeding and less of all for keeping cuts. Cuts of feminized plants have no high Keeping cuts of a feminized plant and hyping about their smells by the most prestigious breeders means cannabis sativa is doomed

Experiences are different for everybody, your nationality and culture also play a role when travelling
I was a big customer of this visa run morning visit. Last time was 2006. That year the government of my country and Thailand signed a reciprocity visa on arrival agreement so now nationals of my country get 90 days on arrival and I stopped using the Kawthaung visa run

I visited both Koh Changs, Koh Phayam as well
I smoked locally grown weed in all of these islands. All of it from seed coming from the brick. I found it on low season. High season only brick

I agree with you about brick weed being from Cambodia. The buds I smoked in Cambodia hit the same as the brick. The stock I smoked in Laos (my favourite country for visa runs, I was staying the whole visa there) was another level of weed and very different from the one in Cambodia. 2 levels up at least
I also think something happened around 2013 and the buck of the brick grow moved border to Laos.
You know, weed trade is very dynamic

Big Koh Chang in Trat province was a laid down place. There was a beach in the 20th century called lonely beach and I scored there buds easily. But it was a different time, a basic small bamboo bungalow hut next to the beach was 80 baht a night, the electricity was just a few hours at night with generators and it wasnt massive at all
In 2003 they started bringing down all those bamboo huts and replaced them with aircon hot shower and satellite TV bungalows
There was a big event in Europe that had a big consequence on south east asian tourism: the euro went from 0,80 euro per dollar to 1,20 dollar per euro, happened in 2004
The impact on tourism was massive. It was never the same again as it was before. From 1,5 million tourists by the millenia per year to 40 million tourists per year in Thailand just before the pandemy started the change is simply huge
Those bungalow aircon huts must be around 50u$s a day now in big Koh Chang.

I dont like going to small Koh Chang on high season, only rainy season is nice for me. Too many people and they treat tourist like cattle, they count heads. If you go alone you are not good customer on high season, massive tourism policies and development I am not a fan of them

This is the city
I loved my morning breakfast fresh coffee and potato samosa. The myanmarese samosa is less spicy than the indian one and has no beans. I loved it. Breakfast, one hour walk and boat back to Ranong
This is the potato samosa Myanmar style I liked so much
Just fascinating, thanks for sharing!

Donald Mallard

el duck
Thanks! Just a great story,I have tears in my eys no jocke.
Was till now 45 times in Thailand comming from Europa.
Just for fun.I was a Mercedes S-Class test mechanic.The King now was ca.2010 or so only the Prinz. He have in Bangkok a castle with ca.500 cars,mostly Mercedes and BMW.He had problems with a few cars,the Mercedes shop in Bangkok can not fix it.We was invited via Lufthansa business class and 5 star Hotel at the Sukhumwith Road.He paid for everything,he ist the most richest royal with 45 billion US Dollar.He is a Pilot of the Thai air force,fly him self in his Boeing most of the time to Germany.
He had problems with his Boeing, he invited people from Seattle!
Could tell you more but want not arrasted in my next travel.Never tell something Bad about the king!

I can give you a better price for Bungalows in Thailand. Ca.1990 at the Lamai Beach KO Samui 50 Baht.
Pearl Bungallos.
Thanks again for your story,you made my day.
wow 45 times , thats a few visits ,
at some point you must start feeling at home there ,
i know i do and havent visited as many times as you ...

did u fix the cars ?
those guys sure have some money ,
many call thailand a poor country ,
its not so poor when you take into account how rich some of the rich are ,
the wealth is just poorly distributed , there are many filthy rich people there ..


Active member
O my god! One more cannabis God is talking with me!

Back to the story
Bangkok is same like LA.The whole town have many Autobahns,fast streets. When the todays King want to go outside to the Airport where his own Boeing was,the whole speedway was closing,only to have him a free drive.
His compleing was over 200 km/h his S-Class was not secure!!!!! I was ordered with the biggest S-Class bos go there to fix the Problem! Which Problem?
The funniest thing is maybe allways when we make a test drive the freeway was closed,same AS for the King this time.
More fun?
Imagine.Test drive.At the driver Seat the Kings personal driver.Front right my bos.I"m left in the rear.The Kings driver was only talking Thai,my bos only talking englisch. Nobady was understend the other!
I could talk many storyes more but is better not to do.
Thanks Donald that you even talk to me,one of my cannabis god!


Well-known member
I can give you a better price for Bungalows in Thailand. Ca.1990 at the Lamai Beach KO Samui 50 Baht.
I always give respect to the King and authorities of every country regardless of your personal opinions, I always try to avoid political comments
It is a huge burden and not easy to be king and multimillionaire. We are mere mortals after all, nobody is perfect

There was price stability in tourist prices before the euro revalue.
In 1990 50 baht was 2u$s. In 2000 80 baht was 2u$s.
Prices remained the same for a long time in u$s but Thaksin started a campaign against backpacker tourists which was at the same time the euro got strong against the dollar and old price stability changed very fast when massive tourism started to arrive

did you visit ko phayam after pandemic? it is totally changed now. i don't recommend to go there anymore. the island is full of german all-inclusive sheeps and it's all about money business. also locals barely smile or talk to you. drunken people are driving fast with scooters.

i visited there in 2017-2018 and got that seedy brick you mentioned about. this is embrassing to say but it was probably the best high i've ever experienced in my life. most euphoric and positive happy smiley high that lasted for 4 hours. a couple of puffs were enough. since then i've been trying to find something similar strain but it seems impossible mission. also the smoke of it was super clean to inhale and exhale and it burned so smoothly. so good memories of that stuff. i was thinking if it was laced with something. can't be sure. consume too much and you might get hysterical laugh - or paranoia.

ko chang next to phayam was chilled place but i'm not sure if i wanted to visit there again. maybe it was too small and quiet for my senses. less activity but perfect for escaping city chaos.

now i'm trying to find a place that is like mix of phayam and chang. do you know any? (can be outside of thailand but in se-asia)
Last time I was same like you 2017-18. I was last time in Asia in 2018
We got similar batch of brick
Now, this kind of weed with those few tokes that get you high for hours is what I used to smoke for a very long time and what weed should be for me
That was my last year in Thailand and I came to South America. Here everything is lost now, even food is terrible quality, in the 20th century it was a lot better
Until 10 years ago local landrace weed was still decent, like the brick you smoked there in Koh Phayam

I think point of reference matters when talking about weed.
On my way back to South America I was in Amsterdam in 2018. I tried the coffeeshop weed, the most famous brands
The charas I bought there was the worst in my life. The weed in Amsterdam is very light, it is 30 min high weed
Most hybrids from the cannaworld I tried are like that 30 min high weed
If your point of reference is a few tokes and get high for many hours and then you have the disgrace to land in Amsterdam where the best of it is 30 min high and the rest is just soap and perfume, the dissapointment with the western canna world is huge and I simply cant understand how this washed down weed is the norm everywhere and getting high for hours is not
The pure sativas from the western canna is collector weed with low productivity. Thai sativas are a lot more productive than western ones. The problem I see is there is too much intersex going on and productivity with them is gone downhill

Today in Koh Phayam there are a few dispensaries selling hyped up western weed. I honestly doubt we will find the same weed again today. We will never have the same experience again, it is all there in that specific space time intersection. Enjoy the present, you will not live it again in the future
The weed we smoked then is gone too fast and I blame legality for it
It is also asian culture, everything new is better than the old. And western weed is a new thing.

All tourist spots over the planet have same fate, they overdevelop and they are all in for the money
Too much greediness. Tourist mincing machines. I used to sell souvenirs in tourist places all my life, it is the same everywhere in the planet

If you want lonely underdevelop beaches that feel like the 20th century, Myanmar islands on the Andaman is a very interesting spot to check. I dont know about weed availability there
Bringing back the old times to the new times is a very complicated task. Places change and we change too
maybe we crave things today we didnt before. It is about living the moment and living the experience

many call thailand a poor country
I am afraid people confuse affordable standard of living compared to first world countries with being poor
A plate of food costs 1u$s or less. It is affordable it doesnt mean they are poor
It is a developing country with very good health care, as Lindau commented very good autobahn/highways
I dont know if these charts are reliable in all the items

Man, we will make it from Bangkok to Nong Khai in a few years in just 3 hours

You can make it from Vientiane to Boten today in just 3 hours, south america can only dream of this
How come south american countries have a higher quality of life ranking than south east asian countries?
Any thai worker salary allows to pay for rent and food. Many south american people would dream this would be their situation

Donald Mallard

el duck
I am afraid people confuse affordable standard of living compared to first world countries with being poor
A plate of food costs 1u$s or less. It is affordable it doesnt mean they are poor
It is a developing country with very good health care, as Lindau commented very good autobahn/highways
I dont know if these charts are reliable in all the items
yes , also where some of these "poor people" live is very desirable for westerners ,
ive mentioned this to some Filipinos i speak with , they complain they dont have many luxuries etc ,
but they live on a lovely tropical island ,, for me to afford to do what will cost a lot ,
its all about perspective i guess funky ...
thai people are most certainly rich in heart and in culture ,
i admit i have been lucky enough for some of this to rub off on me ,
it has helped me reach higher than i ever thought i could ,
to do more , work harder and strive , thai wives can be great mentors ....